Author Archives: rwilliams5262 rwilliams5

Almost reaching home stretch..

After our class this past week we discussed were we all lie with the project. We also went over the rest of the timeline for the semester. We only really have 3 classes left  until the semester is over. It is starting to approach real fast and I think it has all of the groups thinking what will the final product look like. I know for the puzzling team we have a working application with a home page that directs you to the puzzle and allows you to restart and go back to the main page. We spoke with Tim on Monday and he has a main screen layout that he is going to give us hopefully soon so we can implement it into our code and then start to get the final touches on it that he wants. The one difficult thing we have been having is getting multiple images to work with this open source code. Our last resort if we cannot get this working is we can have 3 index.html files which would call for that specific image. Good thing the index.html file is rather small so if we need to go to this it should not be a big issue. We hopefully should have some images that Tim wants for our next meeting in class. Once all of theses changes are set we will give Joe the ok to start invoking the color scheme to the puzzle part to the application. I think it is getting to the exciting point seeing it all come to an end and see our final product of all of our hard work put in this semester. 

This week has been slow for improvements besides getting the multple images to work. The layout and home page I have left the way they are now because if Tim is going to be giving a template for us to use that he designed then it sounds best to wait until we have that in our hands before we start making anymore layout UI changes. 

We do not have class this week due to the holiday so hopefully our next meeting we can get everything we need from Tim to get the final touches going on this.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Almost reaching home stretch..

After our class this past week we discussed were we all lie with the project. We also went over the rest of the timeline for the semester. We only really have 3 classes left  until the semester is over. It is starting to approach real fast and I think it has all of the groups thinking what will the final product look like. I know for the puzzling team we have a working application with a home page that directs you to the puzzle and allows you to restart and go back to the main page. We spoke with Tim on Monday and he has a main screen layout that he is going to give us hopefully soon so we can implement it into our code and then start to get the final touches on it that he wants. The one difficult thing we have been having is getting multiple images to work with this open source code. Our last resort if we cannot get this working is we can have 3 index.html files which would call for that specific image. Good thing the index.html file is rather small so if we need to go to this it should not be a big issue. We hopefully should have some images that Tim wants for our next meeting in class. Once all of theses changes are set we will give Joe the ok to start invoking the color scheme to the puzzle part to the application. I think it is getting to the exciting point seeing it all come to an end and see our final product of all of our hard work put in this semester. 

This week has been slow for improvements besides getting the multple images to work. The layout and home page I have left the way they are now because if Tim is going to be giving a template for us to use that he designed then it sounds best to wait until we have that in our hands before we start making anymore layout UI changes. 

We do not have class this week due to the holiday so hopefully our next meeting we can get everything we need from Tim to get the final touches going on this.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Layout Changes

Today during class each group got a chance to meet with Tim to discuss the progress of the current section everyone was working on. Tim liked the design so far of the puzzle section but had some ideas to improve on it. We decided it would be best to have a main screen which would have a simple message to the user and show a image of the sculpture broken into pieces. This then would have the user click the start button to begin the puzzle. From there they would complete the sculpture. Once it is finished they are prompted with a alert saying you won! From there they can return back to the main screen or restart the puzzle depending on the button they select. After re coding the design layout and getting everything working, I think this overall feel and look to the puzzle is better to the eye. We decided to take out the hard level difficulty because having so many small pieces would almost be impossible to the user to complete. Now the puzzle has one difficulty level and eventually will have multiple images to select from (Work in Progress…)

Here are 2 screen shots of the latest puzzle application.






Next step will be getting the images for the user to select depending on which one they want to build. If you would like to test this code, it is not up on the development branch yet but is on my user directory on the server.

More to come…


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Layout Changes

Today during class each group got a chance to meet with Tim to discuss the progress of the current section everyone was working on. Tim liked the design so far of the puzzle section but had some ideas to improve on it. We decided it would be best to have a main screen which would have a simple message to the user and show a image of the sculpture broken into pieces. This then would have the user click the start button to begin the puzzle. From there they would complete the sculpture. Once it is finished they are prompted with a alert saying you won! From there they can return back to the main screen or restart the puzzle depending on the button they select. After re coding the design layout and getting everything working, I think this overall feel and look to the puzzle is better to the eye. We decided to take out the hard level difficulty because having so many small pieces would almost be impossible to the user to complete. Now the puzzle has one difficulty level and eventually will have multiple images to select from (Work in Progress…)

Here are 2 screen shots of the latest puzzle application.






Next step will be getting the images for the user to select depending on which one they want to build. If you would like to test this code, it is not up on the development branch yet but is on my user directory on the server.

More to come…


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle now supports difficulty levels

Today during class we implemented the tool that allowed the puzzle pieces to be dragged across the screen. It was awesome to see all of the groups work up on the server running on the iPad. During class me and my group discussed some up coming features we wanted to add to the puzzle application. The main ones where the ability to change the difficulty level. Our first demo had this but it took a little bit research to learn how to do it in jQuery. I just finished implementing the puzzle to now have ability to select a level for difficulty. Below you will find 2 screen shots of the different levels the puzzle will have. Our next step is to implement a side bar with the different images supplied from Tim to use for the puzzle. This way the user can see what the image is and then select it from the drop down list to complete the puzzle.



This is currently not on the web server for testing. Should be up there by the end of the week.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle now supports difficulty levels

Today during class we implemented the tool that allowed the puzzle pieces to be dragged across the screen. It was awesome to see all of the groups work up on the server running on the iPad. During class me and my group discussed some up coming features we wanted to add to the puzzle application. The main ones where the ability to change the difficulty level. Our first demo had this but it took a little bit research to learn how to do it in jQuery. I just finished implementing the puzzle to now have ability to select a level for difficulty. Below you will find 2 screen shots of the different levels the puzzle will have. Our next step is to implement a side bar with the different images supplied from Tim to use for the puzzle. This way the user can see what the image is and then select it from the drop down list to complete the puzzle.



This is currently not on the web server for testing. Should be up there by the end of the week.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Weekly Report

During the spring break I saw the email about the testing so far with the code we have. I noticed that the puzzle game was not working for dragging wise the pieces across the screen. Else the buttons worked with no issue. Kerry found on the web that there is a tool called touchPunch. How it works is it uses simulated events to map the touch events to their mouse event analogs. All this needs it to add the touchPunch.js tool to the index.html file after the defining of the jQuery UI package tool. Then from here it should allow you to move the pieces. 

Here is the link to touchPunch tool:

We have implemented this into the code and and from testing wise through the web browser everything seems good. The next step is to test this on the iPad to see if this tool actually works or not. 

We have been working on implementing a main screen page which would allow the user to select the difficulty level of the puzzle, the image they would like to view (if have more than 1) and then a button that starts the puzzle. Once the user starts the puzzle they can complete the puzzle or click the button at the top left corner to go back to the main page. We figured it would be a good idea to have a main page which allows the user to select all the different options they wish to use inside the puzzle and then move onto a different page for the actual game. The issue we have come across is getting the button id values passed to the 2nd html file. The first puzzle application we had did this all within one main html page which we were able to pass the id value to the javascript from there inside. We are stuck on passing the value from one index page to another. If anyone has any idea how this is possible that would be greatly appreciated! 

Overall it has been a lot of learning and trying to find different ways to get this value passing for me over the past week. We are hoping to have theses new features added in soon once we get past this small bug we are stuck on. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Weekly Report

During the spring break I saw the email about the testing so far with the code we have. I noticed that the puzzle game was not working for dragging wise the pieces across the screen. Else the buttons worked with no issue. Kerry found on the web that there is a tool called touchPunch. How it works is it uses simulated events to map the touch events to their mouse event analogs. All this needs it to add the touchPunch.js tool to the index.html file after the defining of the jQuery UI package tool. Then from here it should allow you to move the pieces. 

Here is the link to touchPunch tool:

We have implemented this into the code and and from testing wise through the web browser everything seems good. The next step is to test this on the iPad to see if this tool actually works or not. 

We have been working on implementing a main screen page which would allow the user to select the difficulty level of the puzzle, the image they would like to view (if have more than 1) and then a button that starts the puzzle. Once the user starts the puzzle they can complete the puzzle or click the button at the top left corner to go back to the main page. We figured it would be a good idea to have a main page which allows the user to select all the different options they wish to use inside the puzzle and then move onto a different page for the actual game. The issue we have come across is getting the button id values passed to the 2nd html file. The first puzzle application we had did this all within one main html page which we were able to pass the id value to the javascript from there inside. We are stuck on passing the value from one index page to another. If anyone has any idea how this is possible that would be greatly appreciated! 

Overall it has been a lot of learning and trying to find different ways to get this value passing for me over the past week. We are hoping to have theses new features added in soon once we get past this small bug we are stuck on. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ready for Take Off!

We had another class meeting today on IRC chat. Where we discussed our goals from the previous week and tasks that everyone should be working on this week. Our previous weeks goal was to get everything into the developmental branch on GitHub even if it was just a blank template. Our goal was to have a working application for this week. We were very close in hitting this.

For work on the puzzle, after class I started to re work the directory structure of the puzzle application. I figured this way it would be much easier for somebody to read the directories and to get a feel of how it all works. So I basically changed the structure to now have a folder called utilities. This utilities folder holds all of the images, jQuery tools, and the puzzle pieces depending on the size of the game. From there inside the puzzle folder holds just the 3 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. I figured this was a good start into cleaning up and getting the code much more organized. So this way my team or anyone else in the class can follow it better.

That is all for tonight, along with learning more about this entire puzzle application that was free for use off of the web. The licenses and copyrights are stored inside each file of the application.

Will be posting more as the week goes on.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ready for Take Off!

We had another class meeting today on IRC chat. Where we discussed our goals from the previous week and tasks that everyone should be working on this week. Our previous weeks goal was to get everything into the developmental branch on GitHub even if it was just a blank template. Our goal was to have a working application for this week. We were very close in hitting this.

For work on the puzzle, after class I started to re work the directory structure of the puzzle application. I figured this way it would be much easier for somebody to read the directories and to get a feel of how it all works. So I basically changed the structure to now have a folder called utilities. This utilities folder holds all of the images, jQuery tools, and the puzzle pieces depending on the size of the game. From there inside the puzzle folder holds just the 3 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. I figured this was a good start into cleaning up and getting the code much more organized. So this way my team or anyone else in the class can follow it better.

That is all for tonight, along with learning more about this entire puzzle application that was free for use off of the web. The licenses and copyrights are stored inside each file of the application.

Will be posting more as the week goes on.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.