Author Archives: rwilliams5262

First Blog Post


My name is Ryan Williams and this my first blog post for Spring 2013 (CS401) Software Development Process Course.

For this semester long term project developing an iPad application for the Worcester Art Museum, I hope to learn and get a better understanding what it takes to create a application. I have had experience at work developing a section to the website we use for our performance testing, which allows people to compare test results for CPU & MEM results. That involved scripting in HTML, PHP, and (Bash & Perl) scripts to do the comparison called from the languages listed above. My expectations for this course are: I  hope writing theses applications in HTML and JavaScript helps increase my knowledge of what I know now for creating websites to developing my own app someday on the side. I am expecting the course to be very exciting building and seeing our class iOS application come to life! I think working as a team for the length of the semester will be a good way to prepare for future jobs. I am very curious on how Phone Gap works and looking forward to playing around with that. I have tried playing around with xCode on a Mac for iOS apps and I am curious how it compares to how we will develop this application.

Creating the blog was pretty straight forward. I have used blogs like this in the past for (CS472) Robotics. It will be good to blog about our progress and to see everything from the start to finish once the application is complete.

Looking forward to a fun semester.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.