Author Archives: Ryan Marcelonis

Post #5

Today I will be summarizing and providing commentary on a blog post from The Developer’s Piece called “8 design patterns that every developer should know”.  I was immediately attracted to the title but I was even more pleased when I actually read the article; it not only provides clear and concise descriptions of each pattern, it also provides examples of each pattern in practice in the form of code chunks.  Among these reasons, I primarily chose this article to be the subject of this week’s blog post because it lists patterns that we have and will cover in class.  Like I said in my last post, nothing is better than when you have thorough understanding of why you are covering a piece of material in school.

From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #4

As we are heading into our discussion of Decision-Table-Based Testing, I thought it would be a good idea to get some insight on what it’s all about and what its relevance is in the field of software testing.  Interestingly enough, I found an article about it on the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) website.  To become a certified member of the board, one must be knowledgeable in the use of Decision-table based testing techniques.  As I head toward graduation, I am always pleased to know when the material being covered in class is relevant and useful in the industry.

From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #3

Today, I am going to review and summarize Episode 283 of Software Engineering Radio.  This episode’s guest was Alexander Tarlinder, author of “Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software” The topics covered in this episode are quite relevant to the other posts I have done and one of those topics is specification based testing, which we have discussed in class.  I also selected this episode as the subject of this post because Alexander provides tips on how to test software effectively, both as a developer and as a tester.  The episode begins with Alexander providing an explanation as to why he wrote his book – he felt there were gaps within the software testing literature that needed to be bridged.  He claims that much of the existing literature on software testing will often focus too heavily on documentation, focus on a specific tool too much, or leave out crucial information on what to include in your test cases.  This can be hard to relate to for developers.  He defines general software testing as a process used to verify that software works, validate its functionality, detect problems within it, and prevent problems from afflicting it in the future.  He defines developer testing similarly but with the caveat that developer testing more systematically tackles the hard cases, rather than the rigorous; this is a result of developers being knowledgeable about the programming techniques implemented and the inherent bias that accompanies that.  Alexander argues that bias possessed by developers necessitates the need for additional testing to be performed by unbiased testers.  He insists that it is still necessary for developers to perform their own testing, though.  By performing testing during development, it ensures that at least a portion of testers’ workload will be a more of a “double-check”, allowing them to focus on the rigorous and unexpected cases that developers might overlook.

Alex then summarizes the main points of the discussion and provides tips on how to improve software testing.  The conversation strays a bit, so here is my summary and what I took from it:

  • Encourage developer testing – Developer testing is a necessary practice to both ensure that the finished product is of high quality and functional and to allow testers to work rigorously, which will detect and prevent any potential problems in the future.
  • Adopt an Agile development strategy – Agile development allows for rapid delivery of product and forces developers to adhere to effective working practices.
  • Write code that is testable – Consider a Develop by Contract(DbC) approach where the caller and the function being called programatically enter into a “contract” with one another.
  • Learn various techniques – Specification-based testing is a fundamental testing technique to learn, but it can sometimes lead to an approach that is too focused on where the data is partitioned, neglecting the in-between cases.

I think that this discussion contributed to my knowledge of effective development and testing practices which will help me a great deal when it comes time to implement them in the field (or an interview).

This blog post(2/9) is part of an assignment for the Fall 2017 session of CS443 @ Worcester State University.


From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #2

I’ve been a longtime listener of podcasts but I’ve never really put any effort into finding a podcast that was relevant to software development.  Until now, I never considered the convenience and benefits of being able to learn about my field of study through my headphones while I perform other tasks.  In particular, I have been binge-listening Software Engineering radio because it is technical, topical, and informative while remaining pleasant to listen to.  Today, I am going to review and give commentary on Episode 51 of the show.

The topic of this episode is the Design By Contract (DbC) software correctness methodology.  One of the hosts of the show, Arno, defines DbC as a way of thinking about and designing interfaces that contain “contracts”.  The contract is a metaphor; the idea is that you as the caller must meet the preconditions expected by the method, and the method must meet the postconditions expected by the caller.  Arno gives the example of a square-root function:

– As the caller, you must meet the precondition of passing in a value that is zero or greater because of the inability to take square-roots of negative numbers.
– As the method, you must produce the value that, if multiplied by itself, is equal to the value passed in; this is expected by the caller.

Arno goes on to explain that, programatically, these preconditions and postconditions are boolean expressions that are listed in each method and must evaluate to true in order to perform their function.  One benefit of designing software in this way is that you provide more provide a more precise specification of what a method does.  Another benefit is that this prevents incorrect information from being displayed to the user; DbC evangelists believe that it is worse for the user to receive incorrect output than to not receive any output at all.  There are downsides to DbC as well, Arno claims.  He states that DbC runs into problems when implemented in a polymorphic system – subtypes of a supertype will inherit all of the contracts agreed upon by that supertype.  Arno advises that if somebody wishes to begin designing their code in this way, the first step is to just begin thinking with a contract-oriented mindset.  DbC functionality tools are not native to many languages so, if you wish to begin designing in this way in a language like Java, you must acquire them via a third party or start of by using assertions.  Arno insists that assertions are not enough to truly implement DbC because you have to manually maintain the checks on postconditions as they will often change based on input.

I selected this episode to be the subject of a blog post because I think that it prescribes a pretty good method of designing quality software.  By preventing incorrect input and output at a developer level, you reduce the workload of testers, allowing them to perform more rigorous and extensive testing of input.  I have recently been doing a lot of research on various software development and design paradigms and one of the ones that I have dived into extensively is Agile.  I feel that DbC is similar to an Agile approach because it entails a process of developers testing as they work, which generally produces a more sustainable and higher quality product.  In my next blog post, I will elaborate further on developer testing and how it contributes to the production of high quality software.

This blog post(1/9) is part of an assignment for the Fall 2017 session of CS343 @ Worcester State University.

From the blog CS@Worcester – RM by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #1

This week, I am going review and summarize Episode 262 of Software Engineering Radio.  This episode’s guest is Bill Curtis, Chief Scientist of CAST Software and Director for the Consortium for IT Software Quality.  Bill is on the show to discuss what software quality is and how architecture, Lean management, and following in big tech companies’ footsteps can help organizations achieve higher quality software.

Bill begins the podcast by defining high quality software as software that not only meets the functional requirements specified but also meets the needs of the user.  He insists that, in order to develop high quality software, the architecture of the system must be built properly in order to continually support the system as it grows.  To support this claim, Bill gives an example of a system that failed, at launch, due to a poorly built architecture – Obamacare.  According to Bill, the system architects for Obamacare built it in such a way that its users received, via download, more documentation than they probably needed, causing a rapid consumption of the Obamacare website’s bandwidth.  He believes that the Obama Administration was partly to blame for the failure because they requested that changes and additions be implemented late in development which only allowed for 2 weeks of testing to be conducted prior to launch.  I was intrigued by this story and chose this podcast to be the subject of this week’s blog post because it goes to show how crucial rigorous testing is to the production of high quality software.

Bill goes on to list his tips for improving software quality:
– Look at the architecture up front; it is incredibly difficult to refactor it in large systems.
– The most effective software engineering methodology to implement is one that combines Waterfall and Agile; building and testing for rapid feedback leads to structural quality.
– Strengthen management; Implementing a system similar to CMM or CMMi which transforms the organization into one that can effectively build big systems, dividing labor reasonably, giving developers and testers appropriate deadlines, getting control of commitments and baselines, weeding out practices that aren’t effective — stabalize, standardize, optimize, innovate.
– Follow rigorous processes for testing and measuring; allows organization to know what they can and can’t do, why they make mistakes, raises quality and improvement levels

I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion in this episode and felt that it was really pertinent to the work I have been doing lately.  I got a professional understanding of what it means for software to be of high quality,  learned the importance of rigorous testing and measurement throughout the development process, heard some examples of how failing to follow process can lead to failure, and received tips on how to improve quality of software architecture, organization, and management.

This blog post(1/9) is part of an assignment for the Fall 2017 session of CS443 @ Worcester State University.

From the blog CS@Worcester – RM by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A blog was born…

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” 
― Mark Twain


From the blog CS@Worcester – RM by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.