Overall I think sprint 1 went well. I think we all did a good job of keeping each other updated and asking each other questions if we became stuck. We had times when life got in the way and work didn’t get done and we made sure to let each other know. We were also open enough to communicate with each other when we realized that issues may not have been merged for a long period after being reviewed. All of us displayed aspects of the original description of the culture we wanted in the working agreement: open-mindedness, honesty, respect, and accountability. We decided how much weight everyone should try to complete to divide the work evenly and fairly before the sprint started and we kept to it for the most part.
I worked on 4 issues in total. I worked on one with the group and 3 on my own. The issue I worked on with the group was “Gitpod Dev Environments -InventorySystem/Documentation”. In this issue, we set up the files needed to configure the Gitpod Dev Environment for Inventory System Documentation and asked any questions we had to make sure the rest of the similar issues would go smoothly. The issues that I completed on my own throughout the sprint were “Move from `commands` to `bin` – InventoryAPI”,” Add AlexJS linter to pipelines – InventoryAPI”, and “Add AlexJS linter to pipelines – InventoryBackend”. The “Move from `commands` to `bin` – InventoryAPI” issue was a bit difficult because there was no build or test file. I figured out that I had to disable those two jobs for the pipeline to run. For both of the issues the lint.sh files weren’t created during the “move from commands to build” issues for the respective projects so I copied the file from a project that already had one. Because I knew that all of the linters that were included in the file also applied to each of the projects I worked on, I left those linter commands along with the command for AlexJS. However, I only enabled AlexJS in the pipelines for since the issue was only created to add AlexJS and we planned on adding the rest of the linters to the pipelines of the projects during sprint 2.
As a team, I think we did fairly well but we needed to adjust how we work to ensure there is evidence of everyone’s contribution on GitLab. Most of the communication was through discord which resulted in a good amount of the team receiving a poor individual grade for sprint planning. We realized this and decided to split up adding issues and weight for the sprint planning and backlog refinement for future sprints. We also did not rotate reviewing issues as we originally planned when creating our working agreement. In future sprints, we plan to set up a system that will ensure that there aren’t certain people who are reviewing the majority of issues. We aren’t sure if we would like to set time aside during our weekly meeting on Discord or set a system where one would just review the last issue in the “needs review” column. As an individual, I need to make sure I’m on top of my work throughout the sprint. Although life can get a bit hectic, I need to make sure I am pulling my weight for the team. I want to plan specific days where I work on issues to stay on track.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.