Author Archives: Shane Rookey

Unit Testing: Fakes, Mocks, and Stubs, Oh My!

Have you ever watched a movie where the main character is involved in some crazy action scene, like getting thrown through a glass window or rolling over a car? The actor playing the main character is not actually doing that stuff. It is a stunt double made to look like the actor and is specialized in doing the crazy stunts.  What does this have to do with Unit Testing? Well, sometimes we work on a project with other people and the part we need to finish our portion of the program is not done yet, we need a stunt double. These stunt doubles we use in unit testing are fakes, mocks and stubs.

What’s the difference?

Fakes-  A fake is an object that is has working implementations that are usually different from the production code. A fake would cut corners to get to the data and return it back to the class calling it.  Using an in-memory database would be a good way to take advantage of fakes.

Mocks-  Mocks are objects that register calls they receive. They are pre-programmed with specifications on what is supposed to happen when the method is called. Mocks are useful for when you need to test the behavior of a code rather than a result. For example, if you are testing an instant messaging application on the iPad you don’t want to have to send out a message for every single test you run. Instead you would create a mock object that verifies that the program instructed the message to send. This is testing the behavior of the program.

Stubs-  A stub holds predefined data and returns it when called. We use stubs when we don’t want to touch the real data. or can’t. You create stubs and have them return a value that isn’t going to change, so you know exactly what the resultss should be when testing. For example, in class we talked a lot about classes named “Student”, “Grade”, and “Transcript”. We acted as though the transcript class was being written by a classmate and we were required to write tests for the Student and Grade classes without the real Transcript class. We were able to do this by creating a stub transcript class that return the information that we would expect in our tests. This is a way of checking that the method is still being called and that it works the way we want it to.


You can read more about this here:


From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Closer Look: Given-When-Then

Last week I wrote a blog highlighting some of the things you can do to produce cleaner test code. This week I want to dive into one of those tips and explain it a little further so that you can use it in your code as well. This tip refers to the structure of test code to make it easier to read and understand, leading to easier maintenance. The blog I used as a reference is found here:

I chose this blog because it highlights how to name test cases and how to prepare test objects for your test cases which is important in J-unit testing, especially when you are working on a team and need to leave clean test code so that others understand the purpose of them.

Getting started, JUnit testing can be confusing to look at if you don’t understand Java code in general. However, our goal should be that people who don’t code should still understand what our test is doing. In order to achieve this, we need to start with proper documentation of JUnit test code. Your code should have a header comment that explains exactly what your code is testing for. Like so:


Next you want to split up the test method into a more readable fashion. This is where the Given-When-Then tip shines:


This way you can easily read what is going on with the test. This can still be improved drastically. The test name is testIsPalindrome(), this is not acceptable as it doesn’t actually tell you what the test is doing. Try to summarize the purpose of the test in the test name.


This is a better name for our test method for obvious reasons. But our test case still uses String s for the string we are checking and our variable result is just as vague. The following example is a much more readable test case than our beginning product:


When we use names that actually refer to what is happening, it makes the entire test case easier to read. Again, this is important when writing JUnit test cases because you must be able to work together as a team and leave behind proper documentation which will prevent others from getting confused when reading your code. Notice how you can read the assert line almost as if it was saying “Assert that the string Worcester is not a palindrome.”  If you can write test code that is as black and white as this then you shouldn’t have a problem when working with a team or even referring back to old code.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

How to Write Clean JUnit Test Cases!

After learning more about JUnit testing I found this blog that really emphasized what we can do to keep our test code just as clean as our program code. You can find the blog here:

The beginning of the blog goes through the value of testing code and the importance of living documentation to help people that join your team half-way through a project. You should read that part if you want to, but my main focus of this blog is the basis of keeping the testing code clean and understandable so that people can understand what is actually going on.


One way to write better test cases in JUnit is to test behaviors and not implementation. Writing test cases based on implementations will lead to fragile tests that break easily.  The blog gives the definition of behavior as “the range of actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with themselves or their environment”.  I could not find a better way to word it then what the blog had here:  “”Range of actions and mannerisms” – this explicitly limits our view to what is observable from the outside. If we refrain from disclosing internals, and phrase our tests accordingly, they should become much more flexible, and enable us to refactor, replace and/or rewrite large parts of the production code without additional effort” Essentially, we shouldn’t be testing specific variables but rather the universal behavior of the methods on their environments.

Context Grouping

Another helpful technique to make your tests look as clean and understandable as possible is to group the tests by context. This means that you write your tests in a type of hierarchy.  In the blog they use the form “Given-When-Then”  meaning you should write your tests in a hierarchy like this:


This creates a tree of tests in the JUnit Runner window like this:hha.png

This is a huge tip to keeping  testing code clean and easy to read, which I had not known about previously.

Single Assertion Rule

This is another tip that will certainly help me keep my tests cleaner because I had not heard of this before. The single assertion rule is just a way of saying that you should only have a one Assert.assertEquals(). This is because it makes looking for why the test failed that much easier, only looking at one value instead of two or more assert values.

Meaningful Names

This one has always been important. Make sure to use descriptive names rather than generic variable names like “x”, “data”, “input”. For example you could use “inputFromEveryDataFile” to improve on the name “input” if you were actually reading all the data from every file.

There are many more…

There are many tips out there to writing more clean and readable test code for JUnit. I couldn’t possibly document every single one! There is no such thing as code that is “too easy” to read so keep cleaning!




From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Feast of Decisions

We recently went over how to test our programs and code using decision table testing. Decision table testing is extremely useful for laying out the requirements and conditions so that it is easier to comprehend and understand. This blog goes over, in detail, how to set up a decision table for a problem with an ATM and what conditions must be met to withdraw money. You can find it here: (I also used their pictures.)

I chose this blog to share with you because it relates directly to the assignment we were given for decision table testing. It has a section before the steps that give you the advantages and disadvantages to using the decision table which I thought would be useful to know and highlight. It also has every step for creating a decision table and is easy to understand.

“One advantage of using decision tables is that they make it possible to detect combinations of conditions that would otherwise not have been found and therefore not tested or developed. The requirements become much clearer and you often realize that some requirements are illogical, something that is hard to see when the requirements are only expressed in text.” – Ulf Eriksson, ReQtest

This advantage to decision table testing is a big one. Being able to easily cover every single case without being confused is extremely helpful. Essentially, decision tables give you a visual to go with the words.

The disadvantage to using decision table testing is that the decision table does not represent the complete test cases. Meaning you will have to think a little harder about how you write your cases.

With this being said, decision table testing can be used anywhere and this blog stresses that the tables should be constructed during system design so that the designers and testers are able to take advantage of the tables.

The steps are pretty easy to creating a decision table, the blog goes into more details with pictures (I recommend checking it out).

First, you want to figure out the conditions and actions in your problem. Conditions will be a requirement while actions will be the thing that happens if specific requirements are fulfilled.


Second, You want to figure out how many rules you are going to have. This is found by 2^n where n is the number of conditions in your table.  Your going to want to fill out your table with the different possibilities of conditions being true/false.



Third, you want to reduce your table by combining redundant cases. The “-” means that you don’t care if credit is granted sense you have enough money in your account regardless.


Notice how Column 1 and 3 were the same? Now they are combined.


This is the final table you would use to write test cases for this program! Overall, Decision Table Testing is a great way to lay out all requirements in front of you to ensure you do not miss any possible combinations of input!



From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Importance of Quality Software

Sure, software can be of the most useful tools to people trying to get their job done. But if you make mediocre software, it can just cause stress and annoyance to the person trying to use it.

So why test your software? Why should you make it as easy as possible to use?  A blog on SmartBear talks about 5 main reasons why software quality assurance is so important. It can be found here:

This blog really drives home the importance of software quality from a business view. Obviously, we all know the saying “quality over quantity”, so it should not be a big surprise that the quality of a company’s product should be excellent. The blog isn’t very long but I picked it because it makes very good points about how creating good software effects the people around.

The main five subsections of the blog are predictability, reputation, employee morale, customer satisfaction, and bottom line.

Predictable software is one of the most satisfying things to come across as a coder. It should do this, and it does just that. Nothing better than that! Software that is predictable is easier to use and people have a much better experience using the software. I like that the blog says “do it once and do it right” but don’t expect to get it right the first time. Re-work it even if it works, just to make it better! This leads to a good reputation.

Reputation is important to who you are and it sure is just as important in software quality. You want to have a good reputation so you have to put in the work to make sure the software works as it should. You could have hundreds of good quality programs and one really bad one and still have a bad reputation, just because of that one bad program.

Think about the people using your software! Do you really want them to have to keep restarting it because it won’t load? I know I have a few programs at work that I try to avoid at all costs! Using programs like these cause people to hate you, yes you, the creator. Which is why the blog talks about “Employee Morale” and how good quality makes everyone that much happier.

Happier people means less work in the long run. Do it right and be organized and your customers will be satisfied with your software. If they are unsatisfied, that means you have to fix things and make it better, OR run your reputation into the dirt! Test your code so much it hurts.

The bottom line is that your software quality NEEDS to be good. All of these things above come from well-tested code. So if you are reading this and you are studying testing like me, just remember that whatever you do, don’t slack on testing, it is one of the most important part of creating software!



From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Future of Testing: From the Experts

While looking for a quality blog to share with you, I came across one from QA Symphony about the future of software testing from the eyes of experts. It can be found here: .

I have never actually met an expert software tester or anyone that is solely that, a tester. So when I saw a blog that interviewed 12 of the supposed best software testing experts around, I thought I could learn a thing or two from them.

The blog is written in categories, so it is easy to read and understand exactly what they are talking about. I also really enjoyed the setup of the tabs on the left side.

Anyways, the blog is mainly about the upcoming changes and what we are going to have to do as software testers to keep up with the tempo.

The categories the blog includes talks about automation, up and coming tech., willingness to adapt and learn, blurry lines, and how skill sets will bear the test of time. Below, I have pulled out some of the information from the blog that I thought would be useful to know.


All of the experts that were interviewed agreed that automation is extremely important in the field of testing. However, most of them stated that it is a dangerous place to “over-automate”. The compromise that the experts talked about that I will be keeping in mind is that automation should be used to free up some time to explore into your testing further. Don’t get lazy.

Up and Coming Technology

The biggest focus in this section was machine learning and AI. One of the experts, Seghal, states “these technologies will give us an additional layer of automation. They will become prescriptive, they will augment testing and they will become self-adaptive.”

This is obviously huge in the area of testing. To have a computer learn the best way to test a certain program and then do it for you without even asking? Sounds like a dream, too good to be true. But it really isn’t!

While the experts talk about how hopeful these technologies can be, they also talk about the challenges they will cause, which the next section covers.

Willingness to adapt and learn

One of the experts, Suma Daniel says “To succeed in the future, testers need to be willing to adapt and learn new technologies and embrace more fluid development cycles, such as DevOps.”

Always question the way you are testing, if you think you can do better, than try and do better. This blog emphasizes that you should invest yourself in your company and try to improve and advance to be better than before. You would think this is obvious, but some testers just don’t think the same way as developers.

Lines will get blurred

All this means is that when you are testing, you should be working very closely with the people creating the software. Have communication and be ready to work in a development environment rather than just a production environment.

Skills bear the test of time

With all this said about new technology, don’t forget about the human touch.”Critical thinking, communication and interactional expertise are vital to being valuable to your business and managing risk.” I think this is my favorite part because those basic skills are extremely vital to your success as a software tester.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First CS Blog Post

This is my first blog post ever. Pretty cool.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.