Author Archives: shorton1

I have a little slideshow ready!

I got a little setup going with the slideshow! Don’t get your hopes up to much though, it’s pretty simple and there are many more things I would like to implement!

I’ve been taking a very long time getting this thing going. I am not very familiar with this coding and it’s been a little bit of a struggle for me. Learning basically three new syntax’s is tricky and I haven’t even really started the JavaScript part yet! I have an idea planned out, executing it is the problem. Right now I have a simple layout for the pictures and you can click on them to see the full image.

In future updates I would like to get a scroll panel at the top of the page where you can see all the images and click on them while at the bottom you can see the full sized image that you clicked on. I posted a little example below. I’ll have to talk to Tim or Katrina about this asap! I’m hoping to get some more insight soon… Example

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I have been working on the slideshow part of the app this week. Things have been going a little slower for me than I would have liked.

I currently have a small webpage with pictures on it, but am having some trouble implementing the slideshow portion since I am not to certain with the way it should look. Is categories a good idea? Should all the pictures be small and you click on one to maximize it (I’m thinking someone may have said to do this)? Should it just be a scroll through list?

So far I have been using a tutorial from here, Other groups have been researching JQuery as well. I’m thinking I might have to meet with some of them this week.

The code is not on Github yet. I will have to add that once it is a little further along. I should have a prototype for next weeks class.

Unfortunately I have not talked to Brandon yet. I should do that soon since a team member would be helpful.

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Getting started

This week was fairly productive. While I might not have to much to show for my work, I accomplished a good chunk!

I have created a very simple web page using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. I learned how to format the page and create a basic layout. I have also created my own github repo where my code is being stored and I can now access it using there software on my computers. I have tried and succeeded at creating the test phonegap app. However, I’m still having issues with phonegap.

Phonegap seems like it will be very helpful to get our job done. There are some weakness I can see from using it so far though, and coding hasn’t officially begun yet. Hopefully we’ll be able to avoid any headaches. The first issue that we should be able to fix soon is that we don’t have a key yet to compile down and test any app on an iPad. This is a major downside right now. The other issue is, I’m still having trouble getting phonegap to recognize files that need to be converted. All phonegap asks for is an HTML5 file to convert to an app, but I’m finding that it won’t compile mine. Maybe it is an issue with me syncing up my Github files. Also, once it is compiled I have no way of testing it now since we can’t use an iPad and I don’t own an Android tablet device.

More to come in the future! Hopefully the effects of the blizzard won’t get in the way of this week.

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The calm before the storm

This was the first week we meet with the clients at the Worcester Art Museum for the iPad app. Things went well and we have a basic understanding of what they want within the app.

This week was filled with prep work for the project. Trying to better familiarize ourselves with the three languages we will be using (JavaScript, HTML 5 and CSS). Our project is in the very early stages of adding what needs to get done. However, I feel we will need to meet with Katrina and Tim one more time before taking on this project. While the idea is there, we will need to meet as a group and plan out our attack strategy. I feel it is best to wait and be on the same page with everyone then go off on my own and create something that gets scrapped.

The previous meeting got me ready and familiarized me with the end product they want. It also pushed me to prepare my coding knowledge. Now we are at the tipping point for the project to get started. This Monday will be the last discussion before everything is underway!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A little about myself.

Hey there. I’m Sean!

This blog post is my first post for the Computer Science department at Worcester State, as well as my first… ever. Exciting times!

In all honesty I am pretty excited for this class to start. It seems like we are finally able to use all the knowledge from previous classes and create a fully functional program, or app in this case. I think it will be a fun, but challenging course as we have to follow an outside guideline by a client, the Worcester Art Museum! I’m assuming this class will emulate a real world environment where we have to work in ‘large’ teams. Incorporating each others code to reach an end product. I’m hoping this class will give me a big chunk of knowledge, although I’m not sure of what that will be. I’m expecting I won’t know what it is until the end of the semester.

To me, starting a blog is the easy part. It will be following through with blog posts that makes it difficult. I’m sure it will be a great outlet to let off steam as well as share success. Hopefully building a community along the way.

Just for a little background, I’m a CS major and a music minor. I’m not to sure of what I want to do once I’m done here, but I’ve already been enjoying it. I would like to get an internship soon, as I think that would be a good stepping stone and hopefully bring me closer to something I want to do.

I enjoy tinkering around on computers, that is what lead me to this major. I’ve also been playing guitar for a long time. And I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Right now I’m working for the Town of Sterling, both for the department of public works and the water department.

I’m excited for the first class period to start!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.