I now have the working screensaver (a slideshow with art images).
So I have this little script that we would have to put in all of our pages so that after some idle time (now set to 15 sec just for testing), it would go to the screensaver
var timeout;
$(document).on(“mousemove keydown click”, function() {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
window.location = “./screensaver/screensaver.html”;
}, 1 * 15 * 1000);
I’ve only put this script in the “homepage” for now just to test that it works. And in my screensaver.html, I have this script,
$(document).on(“mousemove keydown click”, function() {
window.location = “../index.html”;
which will take us back to the homepage if there’s movement.
When I showed it to Tim, he said he likes how it looks. There’s also the possibility of putting videos as the screensaver too. After some reading i found that to put video in the slideshow, all I have to do is download jquery video plug-in and just put it as element of the slideshow (just like images). But I also want to do something like this, if we have really nice videos to show http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/BigVideoSlideshow/
But this is how the slideshow look right now,
Tim also gave me another feature to work on. So instead of “movement” would send us back from screensaver to homescreen, it would go into some kind of “introduction presentation” slideshow(?). So basically,
[idle] -> ScreenSaver -> [movement] -> IntroPage (user can skip) -> HomeScreen
I actually had some free time this afternoon, so I was working on this IntroPage and I think I got a lot done. I found a plug-in that will make it look similar to the Nike website. So far I got the background and textbox of each slide working, but I have problem positioning the second image on top of the background.
Will update again when I get this IntroPage fully functioning…

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.