Author Archives: ssuksawat

Weekending 3/2/13, part 1 (Git)

First of all, I apologize for not blogging last week. I completely forgot about it.


So for last week, I was asked by the professor to make some notes on Git and think about how to organize our code repository. I am not exactly very knowledgeable about Git, but I know how to use it because of my internship at the UMass Lowell Robotics Lab. But at the lab work work in small teams and we contribute our code to the main repository, so I have the basic idea of how this works.

Also, I did not cover how to work with remote (not local) repository in my notes [Chapter 2 ProGit]

To add a remote repository to Git (to set up our CS401 Repo as a remote so you can push and pull updates to and from it), in the command-line, run

git remote add NameForYourRemote URL

So for example, git remote add cs401

To push to the remote repo, git push NameForYourRemote branchName

ex. git push cs401 master

To fetch, git fetch NameForYourRemote

To pull, git pull NameForYourRemote

The difference between fetch and pull is that the “fetch” only get the new updates, but “pull” gets the update and then “merge” it to your branch.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: Week ending 2/9/13

For this week, we were divided into groups to focus on certain features of the app. The group I chose to join is to build the frameworks to display the content (i.e. information about the art). I’ve thought of an idea of what these frameworks should look like and how it should work, while keeping in mind what our client wants. But, because of my lack of experience in web development, I was not sure whether my idea would actually be doable with html/css & javascript. Then, after talking with Joe of the same group, who has a lot of experience in web development, he said that these things are possible with jQuery.

As far as my learning goes, I’ve gotten through a lot of tutorials this week. I have finished the HTML one and the CSS one, and now I’m starting the javascript and finally I will get to jQuery. Right now I can basically just make a webpage looks nice, without any interactive features. But I’m starting to see how some of the things that I’ve learned so far could be used in building our project. I know I have a lot of catching up to do to be able to actually work on this project with my teammate. So in the mean time, I hope to be able to contribute in a different ways other than coding.

On a side note, there will be a (free) “mini-course” held at UMass Lowell on HTML5 Graphics with Canvas, tomorrow 2/11 at 3pm (sorry for the late notice, I just got the email too). Since we don’t have class tomorrow, if anyone is interested here is the link,

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: Week ending 2/2/13

Last class, we had our first meeting with the clients at Worcester Art Museum. There, we learned more information about the project we will be working on. We also got a little tour of the WAM conservatory lab, to look at the main “stars” for our project, the “Orare Lady” (please forgive me if I remember the name wrong) ancient Greek statues.

Then during the week, I just went through some of the tutorials for the HTML, CSS, and javascript. I still have not gone through all of them but I do now have a basic understanding of how to create a webpage, or how webpages work, and etc. I will definitely go through all the tutorials during the week next week, and hopefully be able to create at least a simple interactive webpage, just for practice.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: First Blog Post

Hello. My name is Sompop Suksawat. I am a 4th year Computer Science student at Worcester State University. I am creating this blog as part of the course CS401, Software Development Process. For this course, we will be making an iPad application for the Worcester Art Museum, and I will write on this blog once a week to keep all my peers updated on my progress.

The challenges for this course would be my lack of experience with app development, and also that I have never worked with HTML/CSS and javascript before. So I think that this will be a great learning process, and I hope that by the end of this course, I will have gained enough experience of working in teams on a real-world project and be ready for a real CS job after I graduate.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.