Author Archives: tbruce731


After flipping through many many issues of OpenMRS’s issue tracker our group has decided to choose TRUNK-243. This issues is about going through the units test of OpenMRS and ‘cleaning up’ the tests. This bug will be great for my group and I to learn all about unit tests. My book I also chose to read this semester focuses on unit testing specifically in Java.  Unfortunately last week I posted on this issue to try and save time by not needing to sift through the vast amount of classes OpenMRS CoreSW has… however I have yet to get a response. My group and I will need to manually go through the code to find all of the unit tests. This is not always a bad thing, by looking through more and more of the code we should all get a greater understanding as we mine for the unit tests. 

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Trunk-3009 Problems…

Our first bug got reassigned shortly after we decided to work on it so then our group went out on the hunt to find another issue. We found Trunk-3009 which is updating many of the wiki pages on the openmrs wiki page. We started work the week of the 10th of march making many changes in all of the sections which required changes. However many if not all of our changes were reverted. Our issues Trunk-3009 was marked as ready to work therefore should have been verified by developers with more knowledge of the openMRS project. Our group had worked hard on making the changes in the necessary changes and they all got rolled back, this is very frustrating. I have been looking on the bug tracker for some new issues to purpose to our group to work on next.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

New Issue!

When we arrived at class last Monday we realized our issue had now been assigned to another developer. So then the hunt began and we eventually found an issue TRUNK-3009. We all are now tackling the replacement of “Global Properties” throughout the vast Wiki OpenMRS has.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Setting up openMRS!

Setting up openMRS was not to difficult. I first attempted to use the Windows Installer to install openMRS … and failed. I then continued to read more of the documentation on OpenMRS and installed it by obtaining maven and mysql then using the pom.xml files to build and get a running instance of openMRS. I have experience using maven in the past so overall the setup and installation of openMRS was quite easy

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3

Wiki editing is always fun, I have done some wiki editing in the past however every wiki is a bit different. The issue tracker activity was fun, I have never used Jira before but I think it is a very advanced issue tracker. There are so many tools with this issue tracker. I can see a small learning curve with Jira but it will be very powerful. The github activity was very informative, I have used git in the past so going through the git tutorial again was a good refresher. 

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

IRC & Reading

I thought it was very interesting that we had a somewhat silent class during the IRC chat. I had never used an IRC in the past, now that I had some experience with it I think it may and will be a great tool. 

The readings were all very interesting I never thought of the many contributions ones could make to and Open Source Project.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

GitHub activity

Doing the github activity I learned that I can also use a gui for commits, and other git commands. I am used to the command line however one great benefit I got from the activity was through the gui it is very easy to see the diffs between the files commited to git.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I am looking forward to working on this open source project! I am very excited to see how we can develop the project as a team and maybe make a real world impact. I am a big fan of open source projects, I use them at work daily and at home as-well. I have never worked on an open source project and I cannot wait to get started on this one!

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.