Author Archives: technickal4


The article Test Case Design Techniques to Ensure High-quality Software on ReQtest brings up the three major categories test design techniques are generally classified into. These techniques are specification-based, structure-based, and experience-based. Each of these techniques covers different testing methods we covered in CS-443, especially structure- and specification-based techniques.

Specification-based techniques are also referred to as black-box techniques, which should give you some idea of what kind of testing this category covers. Testing techniques under this category are generally written to the technical specifications and client’s requirements. These testing techniques rely more on an understanding of what a program’s intended functions are, and what different states it can find itself in performing those functions. The actual structure of the code is not considered. Using specification-based testing, you can verify that your program works the way it was intended and is written to specification.

Structure-based techniques are conversely referred to as white-box techniques. As expected by the name, these testing techniques test the actual code that is written, and requires knowledge of the code and its internal structure. Many of the testing techniques of this type involving changing conditions and values and making sure code works in multiple cases, validating each branch of the code. Structure-based techniques help highlight any glaring structural or logical issues within your code you may have overlooked.

The final category is experience-based techniques. This category is pretty broad, mostly involving techniques that rely on prior knowledge or information that couldn’t be gained just from testing. This is the type of testing you just can’t plan for. However, the more you test, the more you can apply knowledge from previous tests to fix issues before they become back-breaking.

Dividing the testing into different categories makes their usefulness easier to understand. Structure-based techniques are more difficult and require more knowledge, but are exhaustive and effective at finding issues in the code. Specification-based techniques verify that the parts of your code that matter are functioning correctly. Experience-based testing simply leverages your knowledge of an area to improve testing. All these techniques have valid uses in the world of testing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Testing Gone Wrong

In his post Six Things That Go Wrong With Discussions About Testing, James Bach lists six different things that can often go wrong when testers are discussing testings. His six reasons can be summarized as testers misunderstanding the purposes of testing and not following the proper procedure when it comes to testing.

Your goal when testing is to discover any vulnerabilities in your program, but also to find strengths and things your program is doing well. This covers James’ first two points. When it comes to testing, quality is much more important than quantity. It is better to have a more complete coverage of your program and all its branches than to have a bunch of tests doing the same thing and missing different parts of your program. This is why it is important to think of tests as events instead. What is important is what your test is testing and how it goes about that, and it shouldn’t be thought of as some ‘Generic X Test.’

Often times people get carried away with automated testing and rely too much on it. While it is good to use automated testing, developers have strength far beyond that, and should use automated tests as tools to better accomplish effective testing, not as automated workers that do your work for you. Thinking of automated tests in this way also distracts from the purpose of testing, and makes it easier to forget why you should run certain tests in the first place.

James’ last point is probably his most important one. Testing isn’t just some set task that can be navigated a certain way every time. What I’ve learned this year is that testing is about thinking critically about a program and the way it COULD act, and design your tests according to those parameters. Consider where things can go wrong, and try to test the strength of weak parts of your code. But most importantly, be ready to learn, as every program has a different set of tests with a different strategy that is most effective for testing. Testing is a dynamic thing, and testers must be dynamic people.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Back to Front

In his post Back-end Development vs Front-end Development, Mikke Goes explains the differences between back-end and front-end development. He also goes into detail about the places where they intersect. Mikke also speaks briefly on combining both areas of development into what is known as full-stack development.

Back-end development concerns itself with the storage and manipulation of data. For example, when you log into your email, your browsers sends a request to the server to return all the information concerning your account, such as your settings and inbox. The mechanisms behind the storage and transferring of this information is the back-end. Back-end development concerns itself with the parts of a program you don’t usually see, but does a lot of work behind the scenes.

Front-end development finds its responsibilities mostly in the visual aspects of your program or application. All the buttons, text, and input fields on a web page are designed by front-end developers. This gives the users ways to interact with all the information stored in the back-end, creating an interface that bridges the gap between the client and the server. Both the functionality and appearance of web pages can fall under the duties of a front-end developer.

Full-stack development puts it all together. This is an understandably powerful position to operate in, as working on both the front- and back-end together ensures that they will be designed with each-other in mind and written properly and effectively. In CS-343 this semester, we have to work on a project where we are effectively full-stack developers. It is challenging to have to work on both at the same time, but I think working on one helps your understanding of what needs to go on the other end to tie everything together.

Front-end and back-end development are both important concepts. A web application isn’t going to exist without one or the other, and both are ultimately just as important to the end result as each-other. The differences are apparent, which is why it makes sense some people make a living doing one or the other. Ultimately, Mikee makes a good point that understanding both types is a boon to learning how to develop web applications.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Value of Testing

The blog post How Do I Know My Tests Add Value? by AutomationPanda discusses the value of proper testing. The author brings up the common issues that sprout from use a bug-fixed count as a metric for successful testing, and highlights why testing is important and can help improve development.

Testing is important because it validates that your program is working as it is expected to. Well-written tests with the proper amount of coverage give you information about your program and whether any changes need to be made. A passing test indicates correctness and that your program is working as expected. A failing test points out a bug that needs to be fixed and helps highlight weak parts of your code.

The absence of testing might not necessarily lead to bugs, but we all know as programmers that even when it seems your code is running exactly as you intended it to, logic errors can happen and sometimes things weren’t written with every situation in mind. When testing is in being implemented, developers are accountable for the code they write, and must think carefully about the issues that may arise.

Tracking bugs isn’t necessarily effective because it encourages testers to find issues even when there may not be any. All tests passing is still good news and a sign of progress, even if it just means you are doing everything right. Enforcing bug quotas and forcing testers to find issues means they will expend effort looking for things that aren’t there and nitpicking small issues rather than writing more tests or making sure they have good coverage, which are far more effective and finding issues in your code.

At the end of his post, the author suggests some different metrics to use: time-to-bug discovery, coverage, and test failure proportions. All of these serve as much more accurate and effective measures of determining whether your testing has value. Whatever metric you use, it is important to think about why you are testing and whether you are doing it in a way that tells you something about your program.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


On his blog, Mikke Goes takes the time to explain the Model-View-Controller design pattern in his post What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern?. He uses the analogy of an ice cream shop to describe the different functions of the components. The waiter is the view, the manager is the controller, and the person preparing the ice cream takes the role of the model. Together, when a customer makes an order, they each can perform their responsibilities and successfully handle the customer’s request.

The Model-View-Controller design pattern separates the components of your code into sections that divide logic from interface. Keeping the functionalities separate from each other will make your application easier to modify in the future without running into issues. Each of these different groups has a different responsibility when it comes to the application and how requests are handled.

The view consists of the parts of your application that your user will see and interact with. It is not very smart, only outputting the information given to it by the controller. The view helps users make sense of the logic behind your application and interface with it.

The model is the opposite, dealing with all the logic and data manipulation behind wheels of your application. The model responds to requests by processing any data in the necessary ways and giving it back to the controller in a form the view can understand.

The controller handles the communication and interaction of these two. When a request is put in through the view, the controller brings this to the model, and takes the model’s output back to the view to be displayed. It is a middleman that helps connect the two other layers of responsibility.

The Model-View-Controller design pattern seems like a pretty simple design pattern to comprehend. All of the components are divided by responsibility and the program is written with this in mind, making sure that only certain components handle tasks that are within their category. In terms of our projects, the front-end would amount to the view and the back end to the model, with the typescript file functioning as the model. It seems like the development of web applications would sort of naturally fall into this design pattern.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Nailing Code Reviews

The article How to Conduct Effective Code Reviews by Billie Cleek covers code reviews, when to use them, and what your objectives and goals should be when working on or submitting a code review. He discuses the different roles you can take in a code review (which are almost analogous to our roles in two of my classes this semester) and what you should expect to do while in those roles in the process of a code review.

A code review is basically a conversation between developers on a proposed set of changes to a project. It can be a discussion about why a certain part of the code is the way it is, whether or not something is effective, or if certain changes need to be made and how to go about that. Code review boils down to having a constructive conversation regarding the development of your project, and what changes might need to be made.

I personally have had a lot of trouble communicating difficulties and voicing my opinion in past classes. It is hard to find your voice and be confident, stating the issues you see and opening yourself to feedback, however through code reviews everyone who participates stands to gain knowledge from their peers as well as experience in effectively communicating to your colleagues. As long as you are able to give and receive feedback in a helpful but constructive manner, you can help clean up a project, fixing errors and making it clear and understandable for viewers to read.

In a way, I feel like my software classes this year have done a lot of work in preparing me for being effective in code reviews, as well as in the workplace in general. A lot of the important skills in code reviews are just as important in group work: effective communication, making sure questions are answered, and mutually agreeing on the decisions being made are all essential to having an effective and useful code review. Building these skills in general will make you a better team member, and help you work better in a group on big projects.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Version Control: A Primer

In her post A Gentle Introduction to Version Control, Julie Meloni gives a very easy to ready walk through of version control. Version control is all about maintaining the versions and revisions of your work as you are developing it. With good documentation, you can bring back old code you previously removed, or look at issues you had in your program in the past to see if that might be relevant to current issues. There are a lot of benefits to maintaining good version control.

Version control can also be useful in a classroom setting. I can recall multiple assignments this year where we used multiple commits with different labels for different assignment levels. In this way, the instructor could look at code from an earlier part of the assignment even when it had to be modified for a later part of the assignment.

Good version control also leaves you with backups if you want to revert to an earlier version of your program. Say you accidentally release an update with a major bug that slips through, you can quickly revert to an earlier version so you can fix whatever issues there are. You can use branches when you want to split off development into different directions and move the changes to main part of your program once you are satisfied, and you can use version control to help avoid any situations where there are conflicting commits.

I agree with Julie when she points out that version control has use in most business and private settings. Really, keeping good documentation of revisions of all documents can help organize your projects and keep them easily modified and reverted. For instance, if you are keeping a financial spreadsheet, but want to save it every month so you can track the differences over time, it is essential to use good version control to keep track of the revisions to the document. Or if you make modifications to a contract, but want to maintain copies of the older versions for legal reasons. Really, good version control is just part of good organization and allowing yourself to work with all the tools at your disposal. You work hard, there is no reason to throw it away.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


In the post Mock? What, When, How? by Lovis Möller, he discusses mocking and when to use it. Mocking is a strategy used in test-driven development where a mock object is created to test the interactions and dependencies this class has with other classes. Lovis talks about looking at his own and other people’s code and determines some situations in which he would use or would not use mocking, and why he would or would not use it.

Lovis first point is that you should only mock types that are internal to your program, and avoid mocking external types. External types may have dependencies of their own that you don’t know about, and could change in a later version of the code. Avoiding mocking makes your code more adaptable for future versions. The next thing Lovis recommends is that you do not mock values. If you mock values, you aren’t actually testing any useful part of the code. Lovin states:

“Mocking is a technique that is used to make the relationships and interactions between objects visible.”

The last big example Lovis gives is to not to mock concrete classes. The example and associated code he gives makes it pretty clear, as the result depends on a method that has not been covered by the mocked methods within the code. It is easy to see how this could get out of hand if you had to covered each method of a mocked class for your mock testing.

I had a lot of trouble understanding mocking and when you would want to use and and why before reading this post. Although it is still a difficult concept to understand why we are making these mock objects, seeing circumstances in which you would or wouldn’t want to use mocking, and alternatives to mocking make it a little easier to see how it is testing a program and why it is a useful concept. The quote I selected above made this even more apparent to me. Mocking isn’t testing the implementation or your program so much as the relationships between objects and their methods and how they interact.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Design Pattern Limit

The post Are Patterns like Mummies? by Michael Stal discusses the patterns from the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, otherwise known as the Gang of Four. This is the book containing the design patterns that we have been studying in class. He discusses how when the book first came out how groundbreaking it was for the software engineering community. Michael also discusses how after the Gang of Four book came out, there wasn’t anything that came after it that had quite as much impact. Michael questions whether more patterns exist, and whether they’ve been documented, or if the book contains most if not all of the worthwhile software design patterns.

The Gang of Four design patterns are basically ways to organize and structure your code in a certain way that solves certain issues you would run into and has certain advantages that can lend themselves to whatever you are doing. The author’s break down the design patterns into three different categories, which are:

  • Creational
  • Structural
  • Behavioral

Creational patterns deal with the creation of objects, structural patterns are executed through inheritance and interfaces, and behavioral patterns concern themselves with the communication between objects. There are several design patterns within each of these categories.

It is interesting to think about if the patterns covered within this book are the only design patterns (or at least the strongest) within software design. This means every large-scale program is ultimately composed of many components using only the design patterns contained within this book. Is there even a need to define more software design patterns, or can any given program or implementation issue be solved with the patterns found within the Gang of Four book?

I agree with Michael’s closing thoughts about design patterns, I think using them correctly and consistently leads to much more functional code and encourages best practices among software engineers. Whether or not there are more design patterns to uncover, or if we have reached our limit, the patterns we are aware of are still important to use to make communication between software engineers easier.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Time for Testing

Michael Bolton’s post How Long Will the Testing Take? on his blog DevelopSense goes into depth on how long testing takes. Bolton claims good software testing as a process takes just as long as development, because the two are actually interwoven as processes and should happen simultaneously.

I think a lot of people brush off testing systems and software because of the idea that it takes additional time and can make the release of a project come later. However, as Bolton states, testing actually occurs simultaneously to development, as things are tested as they are implemented into the system to make sure they interact correctly. With this in mind, the program should be fully tested not long after it is completely developed. It doesn’t really cost much extra time, just the extra costs of developing tests. However, doing it this way also allows you to fix issues that come up along the way, before they become larger issues.

In some of my earlier programming classes, students were often encouraged to write one test and make sure it works before moving onto the next test. We were also encouraged to write tests after every method we made in our programs. In a way, we were clearly being prepared for this approach to development and testing, and it was clear even then why it is a good way to work on a program. It is logical, as incremental development seems a lot safer. You avoid getting overwhelmed with errors and issues that all compound on each other at once when you write your tests this way.

The blog post also covers the silliness of the question of how long testing will take. If your developers and testers are working together and doing what they’re supposed to, testing will finish as soon as development does. Although you can test the system in post-production, it is entirely optional, and is only done with good reason. So in the future, if I am ever managing the development of a system, I will be able to recognize what the testers are doing and ask more productive questions.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.