Author Archives: therbsty

The Finished Project

So, we finished The project and it remained mostly the same though the process. The biggest change was that at first one of the processors was going to be running shortest time remaining process scheduling rather than both of them being round robin. Very late in the process after everything but the process manager was written we decided to remove the second processor. So we only had one processor running with round robin. Neither one of us could figure out how to make the algorithm not let both processors work on the same instruction. Other than that, everything else was the same.

There were a few parts of the project that were difficult. First of all just figuring out the overall design was fairly difficult. Although doing a UML was a big help with that. What we ended up deciding that the tables would all be collections of another class. The next part that was difficult was figuring out the data structure for the job and block list. At first we thought we would use an arraylist as the structure but that there was then to find anything the managers would have to run through the entire list. Next we thought what about a map but regular maps are not ordered so the order the jobs went in would remain so we tried a linked list map but this didn’t work because there is no way to get the next or last element in the linked list map. The one we tried that worked was a tree map since tree map are sorted and have methods to get the next and last element in the map. The hardest part by far however was coding the method to run the processors it went through four or five rewrites in the end we managed to get it though.

There were a few important things we learned doing this project. First of all we learned how the different tables interact with the managers and how complicated that interaction is. We also learned how big of a help making a plan for a project is to figure out how to do it. In this case we did it using a UML. We also learned a lot about the different steps each manager has to do. Overall we both really enjoyed the project and learned a lot from it.

There we several things we would do differently or add if we had time. First of all we would figure out how to do the two processors. In addition to that we would have liked to add the job table to the display. The most complicated thing we would have liked to add is an option to select a different operating system configuration. Such as an option for dynamic memory allocation or a paging system. On the processor side we would have liked to add an option to select a number of processors and be able to pick what type of scheduling each processor did. Those are the only things we can think of though.

This is a picture of the full UML

This is a picture of the Application

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Simulated Operating System Project

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim’s Blog by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Simulated Operating System Project

hi guys, so for a our final project my group all decided to make an angular application, the application is called Simulated Operating System it runs on spring boot rest api server. Our application acts like a real example of what a real one would. It will be written to simulate the process and the memory managers.

An operating system is software that manages the hardware with managers, so that the computer. is able to run. They are very important because without them the computers can not operate. It is also important to understand how they work so that you can write more efficient code.

We picked this project topic because Visual aids are important for teaching and understand theories and attaining knowledge. When we thought about creating the application, we thought about how it would give a better understanding about how operating systems work. In other words, it is more of a practical method for students to learn and understand how a computer’s operating system and managers work.

Our application acts like a real example of what a real operating system and process in the memory managers would do. The programs will be organized into a rest back end and an angular front end.

The angular app is the user interface and has a table to enter the jobs which are strings and it also has a table for the main memory which is 100 addresses long and contains strings. It has 4 buttons, the first one to clear the input table the second one to update the screen. Third one for loading the job into memory the last one for running the instructions on the processor. The memory manager will have fixed partition layout with blocks of sizes  5,10,15,20,25,25 it will also uses best fit job placement. The process manager will have one processor running round robin scheduling with a time quantum of 4.

The back end will use five endpoints the memory manager controller has 3 and the process manager controller has 2. The memory manager controllers first endpoint is  a post called /memorymanager/newjob which creates a new job using a body for the instructions and then load it into memory. The memory manager controllers second endpoint is a get called /memorymanager/getmemorytable which returns the memory table. The memory manager controllers third endpoint is a get called /memorymanager/getoutput which returns the output. The process manager controllers first endpoint is a put called /processmanager/run which runs the processor once. The process manager controllers second endpoint is a put called /processmanager/getoutput which returns the output.

The simulated OS itself is setup with 3 tables block, memory and job. The block table is a tree map of block objects with start and end index as well as size and status. The memory table is just an array of strings. The job table is a tree map of jobs with a block id for the job a8nd a deque of instructions. The OS has all these tables exist in a database class. It also has the two managers job and process which operate on the database tables.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Linking an Angular App To A Rest Server

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim’s Blog by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Linking an Angular App To A Rest Server

hi again, so after leaning how to use angular the next i learned about was how make rest api call on it. which i would need for my project i am about to start.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Angular Apps

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim’s Blog by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Angular Apps

hi all, so for my software construction class i have a leaned about angular apps. first i had to install the angular/cli with nodejs. then create a new project and learn about HTML, CSS since i had no experience with it. Angular is a web development platform that using typescript and HTML and CSS for client side wen applications .it was released in 2010 when it was know as angularJS. it was initially made for single-page applications.

angular has many good things about it such as very detailed documentation. its also supported by google meaning that its trustworthy and will be better supported for longer. it is also an amazing ecosystem for third part components. it also using a component based architecture making different components mesh together very well. it also using an ahead of time compiler which makes web pages load and run much faster in addition to be more secure. it also uses CLI which makes creating new projects much simpler and faster. angular elements also lets you add custom elements to app build with other things. another great feature is the ivy renderer. other good things are angular material, dependency injection and angular universal.

angular does however have some disadvantages. First of all it can be some what hard to learn at first. this is because it is fairly complex and it also require you to learn typescript and manage dependencies between components. it also has issues with SEO because of how it is done. lastly it has a lot of difficulties with backwards compatibility i found this out on my project since everything a lot of the stuff i was searching for gave me results for a different version of angular than i was using and it didn’t work for me.

overall though i think angular is a very useful tool.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static Testing Tools

hello, for the last time I have recently been learning about how to create application and use static testing tools. First of all I learned how to create an application with gradle. This is done by adding a few lines to the build file, the plugin for application and the path to the class with the main method. The binary to run the application will show up in the distributions folder. The next thing I learned was how to use check-style which is a tool for checking code style against a specific style sheet I used two different style sheets sun_checks and google_checks. These tools generate reports about your coding style based on the style sheet. I think these are very good for making sure you are writing clean code. The last tool I tried was spot-bugs which works similarly too check-style except instead of checking for style it checks for potential bugs and generates a report based on this.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim’s Blog by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static Testing Tools

hello, for the last time I have recently been learning about how to create application and use static testing tools. First of all I learned how to create an application with gradle. This is done by adding a few lines to the build file, the plugin for application and the path to the class with the main method. The binary to run the application will show up in the distributions folder. The next thing I learned was how to use check-style which is a tool for checking code style against a specific style sheet I used two different style sheets sun_checks and google_checks. These tools generate reports about your coding style based on the style sheet. I think these are very good for making sure you are writing clean code. The last tool I tried was spot-bugs which works similarly too check-style except instead of checking for style it checks for potential bugs and generates a report based on this.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Edge Testing

hello again, The next testing I learned was edge testing which is a combinations of boundary and equivalence. It tests to make sure each class results in the correct output and tests for errors at the boundaries. It is better in every way except one it has many times more test cases then either of the others. There are two types normal edge testing and robust edge testing. Normal only tests the valid side of each edge and robust tests the valid and invalid side of each edge.

Example with two variables x1’s edges a,b,c,d and x2’s edges e,f,g

  • Normal
  • x1: {a, a+, b–, b, b+, c–, c, c+, d–, d}
  • x2: {e, e+, f–, f, f+, g–, g}
  • Robust
  • x1: {a–, a, a+, b–, b, b+, c–, c, c+, d–, d, d+}
  • x2: {e–, e, e+, f–, f, f+, g–, g, g+}

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim’s Blog by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.