Author Archives: Tianyuan Wang

Summary of Testing

Hello everyone,

This is the last blog of this semester, so I want to share the knowledge and experience I have learned this semester, as well as my expectations and opinions on testing work.

I have learned a lot from having little knowledge of this test at the beginning to now having a basic introduction. Start by understanding the meaning of testing. Testing is not a job that only requires reverse disassembly of the code to ensure that it runs. It is very complex and requires you to use tight logical thinking to challenge the code from all aspects. For example, it is not only based on the input designed by the code, but also based on all forms of input to test whether the code will run or crash. And I also learned about equivalence class testing, such as what Normal/Robust and Weak/Strong testing are. These are very interesting and they have opened a door for me into the field of testing.

They also got me interested in testing jobs, and I’m now starting to pay attention to jobs related to game testing and code testing. I still have a positive view on the future of this type of work. Testing teams are very important to both businesses and customers. He ensured unnecessary losses and savings.

Moreover, in the assignments and activities this semester, I also learned how to use effective testing tools to help us conduct testing work more efficiently. With the help of tools, we can save a lot of working time and let AI and tools do low-efficiency work, while we can concentrate on high-efficiency work.

Anyway, the knowledge I learned this semester will be of great help to my future and work. I hope everyone who reads this blog can try to understand and learn software testing. I hope it will be helpful to you.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

5 Tools Software Testers Have To Know

Hello everyone,

Today I want to share and discuss software testing tools. For a tester, not only must he have in-depth testing knowledge and logic, but tools to help you are also essential. It can improve work efficiency, save time and test various data more comprehensively. Below is a YouTube video that I recommend. The author introduces 5 tools commonly used by testers:

5 Tools Software Testers Have To Know

by Daniel Knott


Among them, the one I highly recommend is Bug Magnet. You only need a Firefox or Chrome browser to download it and use it as a extension. It provides a collection of test data and scenarios to help uncover potential bugs and edge cases in web applications. It also can help test and provide a variety of different inputs, such as names, numbers, currencies, valid or invalid emails or URLs, and various languages. It can save you a lot of time during the testing process to test data that takes time to find. Bug Magnet is also an open-source project, meaning that its source code is publicly available for inspection and modification. This openness fosters collaboration and allows the community to contribute improvements and new features. It’s definitely a tool worth discovering and using for testers.

However, whether for developers, testers or project managers, tools to aid testing are necessary. It helps teams save time, budget, and speed up efficiency. Everyone has their own habits, I hope my sharing can help you.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

How to Become a Game Tester? 

Hello everyone,

Today I want to discuss the field of game testing. First of all, I am a gamer. I spend a lot of time playing video games every week. I am very passionate about video games. Every time I play a game, I often encounter some bugs or very unreasonable things. Therefore, when I took the software testing course, I was very interested in the job of game testing AKA game QA. Below is a Podcast I want to share:

How to Become a Game Tester? [Game QA tester]


by How Real Life Works

First of all, he emphasized an issue that I had never thought about, that is writing ability. I have considered many of the abilities required to enter this field, such as logic, game ability, and game experience, but I have never thought about the ability to write. But Alex explained very well why writing skills are so important.

First of all, he emphasized an issue that I had never thought about, that is, writing ability. I have considered many of the abilities required to enter this field, such as logic, game ability, and game experience, but I have never thought about the ability to write. But Alex explained very well why writing skills are so important. If you cannot explain these issues clearly, there is a high probability that you will not succeed. Alex also gave an example. For example, if you find a bug, after you write a written document, let someone who has never played the game understand the bug. If he can understand the bug from your written document, What causes it and how to fix it. Then your writing ability is passed.

Next, he talked about whether entering the field of game testing requires a corresponding diploma. His summary is not necessary. Because when you enter this field after completing your studies, the technology has been updated. The best way is to work with someone in this field and learn from his experience. My personal understanding is that it is necessary to learn basics and logic through a degree. This will lay a good foundation for us and make learning very efficient.

However, I think game QA is a very interesting job and the threshold is not very high. Of course, you need to have enough enthusiasm for games and high enough logical sensitivity. I think if I want to find this job, I need to improve my writing skills. I can try to write about the relevant content first to exercise this ability.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Is Software Testing Gradually Dying?

Hello everyone,

Today I want to discuss here about a career in software testing. If we want to find a job in software testing in the future, then the following questions are what we need to consider: Is software testing dying? Will it eventually be replaced by AI? Is a testing team necessary in the company?

Here is a video I want to share with you. The author of the video, as a professional who has been engaged in the software testing industry for more than 10 years, answers the question about the future of this job.


Is Software Testing Gradually Dying? Future Scope of Software Testing

by Software Testing Mentor

First, he told us the answer is no, software testing will not disappear. He also detailed the reasons and concerns of some people who are about to enter this industry in the video. For example: Can testing work be left to the development team? Can software testing be performed by AI instead of humans?

He mentioned that nowadays, some companies have indeed removed their testing teams and handed over the testing work to the development team. This seems feasible, but it raises an important question, which is the mentality and logic of the development team. The job of the development team is to write the program and run it successfully, but the logic and mentality of testing work are different from development. This kind of logical switching will be a huge challenge for the development team and will greatly increase their workload, and the effect will not be very good. So it is not feasible for the development team to take care of the testing work.

Then there is the issue about AI that everyone is concerned about. We all know that AI technology is developing rapidly these days. I have always believed that the development of AI is positive and beneficial to us humans. It can help us humans complete some daily tasks, but if we want to completely replace humans, it may be possible in the future, but it is still not possible now. The author mentioned that today’s AI technology can only complete the analysis of a fragment, and it cannot associate the inspection and trial and error of all codes. Moreover, AI cannot yet achieve human logic. All current AI technologies cannot replace the work of software testing.

Finally, he also mentioned that although software testing technology has been innovating, the methods and logic have never changed. A good testing team can be necessary for the company, product, or customers.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Knowing Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Hello everyone,

Today I want to talk about test-driven development (TDD), which plays an important role in software development and testing, and improves the reliability and quality of software products. Through my recent exploration of software testing knowledge, I learned the importance of TDD. So I recommend this blog. This blog provides an in-depth discussion of understanding TDD, its impact on software development, and how I foresee integrating this approach into my future practice.


By Ferdinando Santacroce

This blog explains the three-step cycle of TDD (write tests that fail, write minimal code to pass the test, and refactor) and the benefits associated with this approach. It illustrates how TDD promotes improved code quality, faster development cycles, and better software design, all of which resonate with what I learned in the course.

My personal code writing habit is to write the functional part first, and then write the corresponding test function to test its completeness. But TDD gave me a new choice, which is to write the test part first and then write the functional part. This gave me new inspiration. Maybe the TDD model will be more conducive to our work.

The author also wrote several interesting examples to help us understand how TDD works. He also reiterated that “TDD is a code technique, not a testing technique.” My personal understanding is that TDD can not only be used in the field of testing, but also can be used to think about any code-related issues, not just Just used for testing functionality.

Overall, TDD is not just about testing. it is also a mindset that prioritizes testing and quality from the outset of the development process. By adopting TDD, developers can build software with greater confidence, knowing that it has been thoroughly tested and meets the specified requirements.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Logic of Software Testing

Hello everyone,

Although we have been studying software testing for a few weeks, I still want to talk about the “logic” of software testing. Because I think it’s important, to test software comprehensively, we must understand the “logic” of testing. So I want to share a blog with you today:

“What is the Underlying Logic of the Software Testing? ”

by ZenTao 3


As a student new to software testing, I find the topic of test logic particularly interesting. Recognizing its critical role in ensuring software reliability and functionality, I sought out some resources that could help me develop an understanding of the underlying logic behind the testing process. This blog post does a great job of explaining this to me, providing insight into the complex mechanisms that support effective software testing.

In the first chapter of the article, we learned about the basic requirements for software testing:

  • Software testing is to verify whether the functional characteristics of software meet the requirements;
  • Software testing is to find the defects in the software;
  • Software testing includes static testing – requirement, design, and code review
  • Software testing is to systematically and completely evaluate the quality of software products and provide quality information;
  • Software testing is to expose and reveal product quality risks;
  • Software testing is not only a technical activity but also a comprehensive social and psychological activity;
  • Software testing is to greatly reduce the cost of poor quality by investing in quality assurance costs.

These guidelines will play an important role in our future software testing path. All our testing will be conducted based on these guidelines. Also, article mentioned “based on the understanding of the real needs of users, to obtain the true and comprehensive quality information of software products through various means.” If we become professional software testers in the future, during the testing process, we must Always ask yourself if you are being comprehensive.

What impressed me most was the second chapter in the blog: The Underlying Logic of the Software Testing. And its three questions:

  • Why?
  • What?
  • How?

Why: Because humans are not machines, even machines can make mistakes, so human work will inevitably lead to errors and imperfections due to some reasons (personal habits, time, abilities, etc.).

What: Be clear about the goals, scope, and specific data of the test. Prioritize your testing and do not do tests that are not relevant to your goals.

How: Sometimes obtaining existing test data will help us speed up and improve the efficiency of testing.

Overall, this blog is a great foundation for software testing. During our testing process, we need to ask ourselves whether the above problems have been solved.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learn how to write unit tests

Hello everyone,

Today I want share a tutorial which explains unit testing with the JUnit 5 framework (JUnit Jupiter). It explains the creation of JUnit 5 tests with the Maven and Gradle build system. After reading it, you will definitely gain something new.

Here is the link:

“JUnit 5 tutorial – Learn how to write unit tests”

By Vogella GmbH

As a new software testing student, I recently stumbled upon the JUnit tutorial on the Vogella website while browsing for some knowledge about software testing. In this blog post, I will share my insights and discuss how this can help This knowledge is applied to our development practices.

This tutorial can be said to be a comprehensive guide that covers various details of JUnit. Including “What is software testing”, “Using Maven in the Eclipse IDE”, “Using the Eclipse IDE for creating and running JUnit test”, “JUnit 5 extensions” and so on. In chapters 1.2 and 1.3 of the article, it demonstrates how to use “assert” to check expected and actual results. Because “assert” is a powerful function, it contains almost all the judgments required by the scenario, so being proficient in the “assert” function is necessary as a software tester. Also, in Chapter 1.5 and 1.6, the article talks about unit tests are created in a separate source folder to keep the test code separate from the real code. This is the problem I started to encounter in HW1, my Gitpod cannot idenify all my Junit5 command. Because my test code and the real code are in the same path. So we should have a main path and a test path, as follows:

src/main/java – for Java classes

src/test/java – for test classes

In Chapter 2 of the article it explains how to use Assertions and assumptions. There are also examples of Testing for exceptions and Testing multiple assertions (grouped assertions) with assertAll, which we need to be proficient in and will use in the following assignments.

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

@Test void exceptionTesting() {

// set up user

Throwable exception = assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> user.setAge(“23”));

assertEquals(“Age must be an Integer.”, exception.getMessage());


Anyway, that’s why I recommend this tutorial. As a student who has just started learning software testing, I not only need theoretical knowledge about JUnit, I also need examples and explanations of practical application of this knowledge. This tutorial is exactly what we need, high quality and easy to understand. It left a lasting impression on me and I hope everyone will learn something from this tutorial.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Video suitable for JUnit beginners

Hello everyone,

Today I want share a video for JUnit beginners like us.

“Java Unit Testing with JUnit – Tutorial – How to Create And Use Unit Tests”

By Coding with John

Here is the link:

I highly recommend everyone to watch this video before doing Homework 1. Because the function we want to implement on Homework1 is almost logically very similar to what he described. The blogger introduces the working principle of JUnit almost from scratch, and shows step by step how to create a Test Method and its working logic.

For example, From 3 to 10 minutes into the video, he introduces the structure of the Test method, including the use of calculation methods and assert statements.


void twoPlusTwoShouldEqualFour(){

var calculator = new SimpleCalculator();

assertEquals(expected:4, calculator. add(numberA: 2, unmberB: 2)


The above code shows us that if unmberA plus numberB equals 4, then we can pass the test. If it is not 4, it will fail to pass. It also shows us the various functions of assert statement. Such as assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertTrue, assertFalse, assertNull and so on. We gonna use all of them in every scenario.

Next, the video talks about a more complicated testing method. When there are multiple results, we need to test every scenario that may occur. And he talks about some loopholes in the testing logic. For example, in 15 minutes, he gives an example The condition of return C was changed from 80 to 81, and it still passed the test, even though 80 should return B. This does not mean that our test scenario is bad, but we may need more code to describe the test conditions.

However, I recommend this video because it is really suitable for beginners. When I watched this video, many questions were solved. Although these are very basic things, everything you need to learn later is based on these foundations. I believe that learning the knowledge taught in the video will be very beneficial to our future study. I will follow this blogger. The knowledge he talks about is very easy to absorb and understand.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

About my blog for CS-443

Hi everyone,

This is Tianyuan Wang, you can call me Ty.
Here is the blog I just created, which will be used for me to learn and record knowledge about CS-443 Software Quality Assur & Test.

I will post and share my questions, experiences and learnings here.

First of all, before learning how to test software specifically, I would like to talk about my understanding and expectations for this course. My understanding of software testing is the process of verifying that the software logic is correct, the functions are complete, the system is safe and the quality is reliable. These are necessary for any software, whether old or new. For example, before a brand new software is released or after an old software is upgraded, professionals must operate the software under specified conditions to discover program errors. The process of measuring software quality and evaluating whether it meets design requirements.

That was my first impression of the CS-443, and I was ready to learn more about it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

About my blog for CS-443

Hi everyone,

This is Tianyuan Wang, you can call me Ty.
Here is the blog I just created, which will be used for me to learn and record knowledge about CS-443 Software Quality Assur & Test.

I will post and share my questions, experiences and learnings here.

First of all, before learning how to test software specifically, I would like to talk about my understanding and expectations for this course. My understanding of software testing is the process of verifying that the software logic is correct, the functions are complete, the system is safe and the quality is reliable. These are necessary for any software, whether old or new. For example, before a brand new software is released or after an old software is upgraded, professionals must operate the software under specified conditions to discover program errors. The process of measuring software quality and evaluating whether it meets design requirements.

That was my first impression of the CS-443, and I was ready to learn more about it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.