Author Archives: V

sustainable motivations

I hear this a lot: getting into tech, and specifically software engineering, because of money. It certainly seems to be the case that many people since maybe the 2010s have worked on Computer Science degrees solely because of the income and luxury of it, rather than an actual enjoyment of it.

I always found myself good with technology. When I took my first Computer Science course in high school, I always ended up completing assignments in 10-15 minutes when the allotted time was around two class periods. This is what I’m good at, as far as I can tell, but that’s not necessarily enough for me to make a career off of. If I don’t care about it, then I’m stagnating. If my motivation is simply that I’m good at it, it doesn’t necessarily inspire growth.

These are two examples of unsustainable motivations. The idea is that we can get trapped in the motivations we set up for what we do, and they lock us into a (most of the time, negative) mindset. Instead of enjoying my day to day work, I’ll see it as just work, and want the day to be over as soon as it starts, without actually growing as a person or in my skill level.

While the solution given tries to offer a practical approach (writing down your motivations and how much they factor in to your decision to stay a software developer), I don’t necessarily think this is a strong solution. I’m inclined to say that you have to have a more inquisitive investigation to why you care about this career, and what is really motivating you. Ultimately, you yourself create this motivation, it’s not out there waiting to be found. You can either construct for yourself an enjoyment of the journey, or you can only care about the outcomes.

From this, I would say solely caring about outcomes is unhealthy, and that mindset lends itself to motivations like reputation and money. As such, you have to ultimately figure out how to care about the journey if you actually want to have some level of enjoyment in your career. Otherwise every day genuinely will be a soulless repetition of the last.

There’s a reason why Camus wrote that one must imagine Sisyphus happy. If Sisyphus were to redefine the pushing of that boulder as a journey, and the rolling down of that boulder as a satisfying conclusion and new beginning, then this punishment is not as severe. Of course, this requires a lot of mental effort, but I think it’s necessary to live a life that you can actually be happy with.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

sprint 1 retrospective

This sprint, I handled the Gitpod Dev Environment implementation for the Reporting System, specifically for the Reporting Integration, Reporting Backend and Reporting API repositories. I also acted as the scrum master for the team, handling most of the logistics and communication with the product manager.

Gitpod Dev Environments: Import extensions via the .gitpod.yml file, set workspace settings via the .vscode settings.json file.

In terms of what went well, we did complete most of the issue weight (75% of the weight assigned for the sprint was dealt with). Speaking with my team members, we agreed that the meetings were productive and efficient, and we didn’t waste time on any of the meetings we had. I made it a point to not have meetings that could have been done over a short text conversation, and it seems to have paid off. We also agreed that the communication that did occur was quality communication.

While we completed most of the work for this sprint, there was still 25% of the weight left. This was entirely comprised of the Reporting System Deployment issues where we had to write docker-compose files to set up MongoDB local volumes. In talking with the team, we thought that the weight didn’t reflect the difficulty of the task. In retrospect, looking at the Deployment epic again I can see that there was a lot of confusion, not only because of having to read through documentation for Docker, but also because the initial task that was to be done before the implementation through docker-compose files (the actual mounting of local volumes from MongoDB) was not accomplished by another team, and was even removed from their sprint. This was excacerbated by the approach we took, where each one of us worked on issues individually without much assistance from other group members. This changed towards the end when two team members worked on the deployment together, but by then it was still ineffective, especially considering the uneven distribution of issues. It seemed like the weight of issues did make sense in a vacuum, but considering that I did all of the Gitpod Dev Environment issues for example, it was obviously very quick to complete 4 weight when the first 2 weight was done, because it’s an application of what I just did.

Another consideration: I think having one person (me as the scrum master) deal with a lot of the issue-creating and handling GitLab logistics was efficient, it didn’t lend itself to the most clear working environment for my team members that weren’t very well acquianted with the workflow. Details were located in epics rather than easily accessed directly in the issue that was assigned, and it made it more difficult to see what you were actually working on. In addition, it made it seem as though I did all of the work in the activity log when in reality it was a cooperative process, and the byproduct is that I end up with all of the credit as well.

For next sprint, we should better assist each other as necessary on issues when complications arise. We should assign weights more accurately based on our experience on the last sprint, and allow all team members to share responsibilities on GitLab, both for learning and to better tell what’s going on. As an individual, I should be more proactive as scrum master to really address problems as soon as they arise, rather than leaving everyone to their own devices as long as they check in. With these adjustments, I think our team will be able to perform much better in the next sprint.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

spec based testing

As we move onto more code-based testing in class, I wanted to review some of the black box testing techniques we’ve gone over in class, especially since the most recent homework was somewhat confusing for me.

I’ll start off with boundary value testing. According to a blog post on SDET Unicorns, boundary value testing tests valid inputs in the domain (minimum, maximum, and one below and above them respectively), invalid inputs that are close to the domain, and any special inputs, such as empty strings or null pointers. This technique’s main use is testing boundaries, that is, it’s mostly concerned with whether or not invalid inputs are properly dealt with, and valid inputs are processed as valid. The drawback, as we discussed in class, is that it doesn’t really describe the different cases of valid inputs if there is branching taking place.

Equivalence class testing addresses this issue. From the same post above, equivalence class tests (or partitions, in the author’s words) divide inputs into, well, equivalence classes, or groups of input where behavior is expected to be the same. This also means that there are multiple groups of valid inputs, meaning this approach can effectively test different cases of valid inputs based on the specifications, rather than just testing if valid and invalid inputs behave as expected.

The reason why I wanted to look at these two specifically is because they are vital to understanding the decision table-based approach. I’m fairly confident in this approach because I found it fun to work with in class. It’s essentially a visualization and simplification of both boundary value and equivalence class testing, mostly equivalence class testing though, at least in my interpretation. The reason why I find it easier to work with decision tables is because they are much more efficient with regards to the space you use, even if the amount of mental work you have to do is larger.

It’s interesting because I found, in the homework at least, writing out test cases and the like for the non-table based approaches was somewhat frustrating because you have to consider each case even if they do the same thing, and write them out. With decision tables, you can optimize values into ‘dont cares,’ meaning that if the output is solely dependent on one of multiple inputs in this specific equivalence class, so you don’t have to care about what class the other values are. I really enjoy how this cleans up the entire process of black box testing. That being said, I understand that this can become very difficult to test as the complexity of a project increases.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

retreat into competence

This is one of those patterns that I feels important to apply to everything in your life, honestly. It’s a well-known phenomena that the more you learn in a field, the more you know that you don’t know much. It’s a sort of complicated sentence, but it rings true: You realize the gaps in your knowledge the more you progress. I find it interesting to approach this problem by doing something you know well, but limiting yourself in doing that in order to not stay stuck and comfortable with what you know already. It makes sense as a solution in that you sort of look back and realize all the progress you’ve made, but don’t stay in that mindstate for too long because it will end in the stagnation of your learning.

I personally feel the imposter syndrome very strongly, not just in programming but also in music and other hobbies that I enjoy. I think this pattern would really help with those who, like me, have a tendency to notice the things we don’t know. The one thing is that I don’t necessarily think that this solution is a “one size fits all.”

I usually take breaks when I feel like this, or just brute force through it. The reason I do this is because, in all honesty, I don’t really like assigning myself work that doesn’t need to be done. It feels as though I’m repeating myself if I go back and do something that I already know how to do when it’s not even an important job. Granted, if I were allotted an opportunity where there is work that needs to be done with something I’m very comfortable with, I’m obviously ready and willing to do it, especially in that mindstate.

That being said, if I weren’t so stubborn about spending my time the way I do, I think this would be a great way to ease that sort of dread regarding the possibility that you don’t know very much despite all the time that you’ve spent. I think it’s definitely a good thing to look back at the work you’ve done and say “you know what, I have gotten better over time,” comparing past self to your current self feels a lot better and more productive than comparing yourself to others, because you can actually see where you’ve grown and what that you are, in some sense, competent.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

looking at junit

In class, we’ve been going over unit testing utilizing the JUnit Java testing framework. In the process of this, I’ve come across a couple of issues regarding classes that increment a “key” attribute, that is an class where an attribute’s value is based on the amount of previously built instances of that class. When testing to see if the attribute is assigned correctly, it isn’t consistent because of the compiler optimizations that JUnit uses. Tests run in an order which is most efficient, so the number of instances of the class may be different depending on the order the compiler goes through the tests (from what I’ve heard, at least).

I wanted to research a bit more into JUnit’s capabilities to see if I could figure out a solution to this problem, although I’ve already submitted the assignment that is relevant to this predicament. I found this blog post / guide to JUnit from Baeldung that goes through additional features from what I’ve learned in class. Perhaps here I can get some ideas as to address this issue.

What I first found interesting in this guide was the @DisplayName and @Disabled annotations. This is actually incredibly helpful, specifically @Disabled. In the assignment, I found that there were tests that weren’t possible because the functionality was not added to the classes we were working with. As a way to address it, I simply did this:

void test() {
 // Functionality has not been added!

This obviously isn’t the best approach to testing. With the @Disabled annotation, you can make a much better implementation of this test.

void test() {

This is a much better way of testing functionality that hasn’t been added yet.

With regards to the previous problem, I had considered having a @BeforeAll method to create a two instances of a class so that I know exactly what the keys for both instances should be (1 and 2). The problem is that if the constructor for the class isn’t set up correctly, this could result in an error. This isn’t that big of a deal for a small program, but I could imagine it’s not really best practice.

However, JUnit has an Assumptions feature. This means that the desired method will only continue if the assumption is true. With this, we could theoretically run an assumption in a @BeforeAll method, and if it passes the assumption, we create instances with keys that are more easily testable.

void setUp() {
  assumeNoException(() -> new Obj());
  Obj obj1 = new Obj();
  Obj obj2 = new Obj();

This way, we don’t have to worry about the test class not running all the way through due to an exception, and it’s also fairly elegant. Reminds me of why I like to code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

use the source

When working with a project that has already been built up to a certain point, one can find themselves lost in where to look first, how to accomplish their job within that project, how the program even works as a whole. I’ve had firsthand experience with this already working with the Thea’s Pantry system. Ultimately, the only way to really learn what is going on in the system is by looking at the code and trying to make sense of it.

This pattern is very important within the context of working in the Software Development field. The quote at the end is a synopsis of it: if a programmer can learn a codebase quickly after being hired, then they can more quickly be productive and add value to the project for the employer they are writing code for. Otherwise, you’re spending a lot of time just trying to get an understanding of things while you have deadlines coming soon.

The one thing is that obviously getting an understanding of a codebase is incredibly difficult depending on your level of knowledge in various languages and programming as a whole. Of course, this is one of the later patterns (chapter 5), but regardless if I don’t have much experience with JavaScript, trying to read a project that operates on JavaScript at a high level will be a bit more difficult than reading a project that uses C given that I have worked with C for a year, let’s say.

There’s also the consideration of documentation. Documentation can be very helpful, but there will always be cases where the code was changed and the documentation was forgotten about. This leads to additional confusion, and it only compounds when there are comments in the actual code that are misleading, or functions that weren’t written with clean code principles in mind. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes lead to tech debt that has been compounded upon to the point where that bit of code that’s hard to understand cannot be changed without a whole refactor.

Of course, this is dependent on the project. I’m sure that projects like version control systems that were mentioned in the reading are fairly consistent because they need to be, and having the experience of learning a codebase like that is definitely useful and builds on adaptation skills that are somewhat of a necessity in the tech field. It’s an interesting thought, and I can see how it can lead to better code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

expose your ignorance (apprenticeship patterns)

Essentially, be willing to admit that you have gaps in your knowledge when you do, and be able to ask those around you for help when you really need it. The authors make a point to mention that this is relatively difficult for many people because of the self-imposed expectation of being omni-competent (that is, always competent) and when you aren’t competent, considering it a failure. This is definitely a difficult mindset to get past, but it is necessary for growth. Otherwise you remain stagnant in the things that you know and never challenge yourself.

This pattern is good. It’s true that in order to learn things, we often have to turn to those who have more experience and learn from them. It also gives a good way of asking productive questions rather than the common (and not very useful at all) “how do I make this work?” I find that in order to really understand what’s going on, you have to go to the root of the thing you’re having an issue with and work up from there. Otherwise, for example, you’re just writing code and you don’t even know what it really does, just that it works. This is one of the main reasons I get bothered whenever anyone has asked me to just show them my code in the past, not only does it not really help them learn anything most of them time, there’s a good chance the code I wrote ends up being copied directly. I don’t really care about getting credit for the stuff I wrote all that much, but it’s moreso about the precedent it sets.

Another interesting thing about this pattern is the idea of being willing to step out of your comfort zone to other fields and technology to better your versatiliy. I think this is truly important, especially when working in the tech sphere. Things change very quickly, and to not adapt means to remain with legacy components which are less efficient and less secure as a whole. This stagnation spreads to everything in the ‘system’ so to speak, and the results affect everyone who holds a stake in what your group does.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

apprenticeship patterns intro

My initial gut feeling about this was honestly that I can’t really see myself being so entrenched with something that equates to labor that I need to perform in order to get money to survive. I certainly want to be good at what I do, but the reading came off as though you are supposed to absolutely hone in on software development in order to be a craftsman, in a sense. I’m sure that wasn’t necessarily the intention, but honestly there are things that I overall value more in terms of learning than the things that I have to learn for my work. That being said, I do understand that learning to learn is an important part of learning to be a software engineer, and that this book does seem to want to establish good practices so we can better our skills, even if we don’t commit ourselves completely to being defined as software developers through and through. This is touched upon in chapter 5.

With regards to chapter 4, I do find that many people in virtually any occupation find themselves, at some point, in a place of stagnation and unwilingness to adapt to advancements in the field or technology over time. As much as I don’t want to be defined by my labor, I don’t ever want to find myself in a position where I am actively choosing not to learn, as this is not only disrespectful to myself but also disrespectful to those I am working with.

I found chapter 3 the most relevant to me personally, as I tend to experience a sort of imposter syndrome a lot when looking at others’ capabilities compared to mine, mostly in terms of intuition. There are things that, at my current understanding of a given skill, I cannot inuit as quickly as those who are more practiced in that skill or have more of a natural inclination to that skill, maybe because they have had early experiences with the skill or because they’ve spent more time with it. Either way, I do think it’s something you have to kind of overcome. I’ve been informed of a statistic that over 70% of tech professionals have reported experiencing imposter syndrome in their careers, and it’s no joke. It truly is something you have to sort of overcome and learn to focus on yourself and your growth.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

LibreFoodPantry and Thea’s Pantry

For my capstone class, I needed to familiarize myself with these before working on the project.

With regard to the LibreFoodPantry docs, I think the organization structure is fairly interesting. It’s a great idea to give students a direct opportunity to engage in FOSS development in the real world and actually take part in something. It’s good for experience regardless of where students decide to go with their education. Not to mention that this is an actual piece of software being used across multiple campuses for a good cause.

We’ve spent a fair amount of time with an older version of Thea’s Pantry for one of my previous courses, but I didn’t get to really look at the actual up to date repository. It’s interesting to see all of the individual systems that combine into a full Microservice structure. With regard to the documentation, I found it fairly admirable to have a piece on inclusivity in the Computer Science space. It really is important to allow people who are interested in the space to feel welcome instead of outcasted and feeling like they don’t belong, whether by intention or not. As the documentation says, these perspectives are definitely an important addition so that software can be even better, I recall statistics that show a more diverse team tends to make a higher quality product.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

introduction: software qa and testing

I will now be writing to this blog for my CS-443 course, which will be categorized and tagged for each post for that course. Not too excited to write 8 posts for this, but it is what it is.

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.