Author Archives: Zachary Stomski

Is Open Source Best?

This post by Glauber Costa, an entrepreneur and former open source developer, discusses why open source is a horrible way to develop products but the best way to develop technology required for products. Technology and product are differentiated as product being something that uses technology to achieve some end market goal. I’ve always thought that open source was the best option for the vast majority of developers, with little exception outside of larger businesses where proprietary licenses would be best. This post challenged that notion.

When I look around the modern tech industry, I constantly see open source. I’ve known more people than I can remember who’ve used Godot, Shotcut, Krita, and Audacity; I’m writing this post on WordPress. However, the blog makes a great point: none of these products are better than their proprietary counterparts for general users. I always saw the community of open source developers and the possible self-customization of the works as the greatest strength of the licensing; I never for a moment considered how this lack of centralization in development is also Open Source’s biggest weakness. 

In ligth of this post, when I look around the Open Source world, I see very few products that my non-developer friends would ever use. For example, while I think Linux is great, I think all of them would prefer to stick with their Windows machines even if they had experience with Linux. I never thought to disconnect the impressive feats of community development as they pertain to the amazing innovations they’ve made to technology from the products that are released with said innovations, but in reflection, it makes perfect sense.

Open source development allows people to work on what they want when they want, and it gives individuals the chance to use their passion as an opportunity to solve problems they deeply care about. Proprietary development, on the other hand, gives people explicit goals aimed at creating the best end-user experience for everyone, with typically a strong centralization that ensures the product is polished, easy to use, and accessible to a wider audience. When you put it like this, it’s only logical that open source would result in the most innovative pieces of technology created by people with the drive to do so, while proprietary would result in the best products as they have an explicit focus to create something that would be best for the general user even if it comes at the loss of niche features for small groups of users.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS ZStomski by Zachary Stomski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

How Much Formatting is Too Much?

This post from Steve Barnegren discusses his issues with the current state of team code review. Specifically, the blog takes time to point out the issues with being overly obsessive about nice formatting. It is one thing to point out flaws in logic and potential failures the system may have, giving feedback on how it might be improved or fixed, and another to, for example, say a ternary operator should be used instead of an if-else. The argument is made that a majority of ‘formatting issues’ of the variety I’ve given do not give enough value for the time they take between maintainers and developers.

Personally speaking, I like to have my code in a very consistent format. If just one thing is in a different format, it seriously bothers me. It wasn’t until recently when I started working on a project as a member of WSU’s Computer Science Club that I personally had to work in a team larger than two people, and in doing so I found out pretty quickly that many people do not hold the same standards to their code.

One team member very specifically does not care at all about how the code is formatted, focusing solely on efficiency and output. At the beginning of the project, I gave pushback on this, believing that the code he was writing was very poor if we wanted to maintain standards, but I was assured it wasn’t a big deal. All of us were working on different parts of the project and generally were disconnected from one another until it came time to connect things. I specifically was on my own creating the GUI of the project. However, the issue finally came when it was time for me to start working on the backend. What I found was a disaster, not in terms of functionality necessarily; there were definitely errors in output, but that wasn’t my concern. The real disaster was the cleanliness of the code. Trying to figure out what was going on, how things were calculated, what and where things were stored, it was a lot of tracing. 

By the time I finally understood what was going on, it took me very little time to do what was asked of me, but the process to get there should not have taken that long. The person who originally wrote the backend is now working to create extensive documentation so that way people don’t have to go through that process again. If there had been consistency in the formatting of the code, clear demonstration of how things functioned, and precautions taken to make sure things did not get out of hand, I feel it wouldn’t have been nearly as bad. 

Although I hear this blog’s thoughts, I hear them echoed in the person who originally said it wasn’t a big deal. In my opinion, the condition for a team to have code reviews like the one Steve recommends must be that all team members already agreed and showed the capability to write code that is clean and makes sense, or else you get the horror I had to go through. Generally, I think code reviews should be unique to every team, because the same rules don’t work for everybody, and that the nitpicks have their place in teams.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS ZStomski by Zachary Stomski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Agile and its Shortcomings

This blog post by CodinGame provides a short history of development methodologies and goes on to make a critique of specifically Agile. It describes how, despite how widespread the methodology has now become, Agile has generally not succeeded as a methodology because of how it has been implemented by corporate management teams. While Agile as a methodology strives to be a set of principles that should guide a team to good practice and a healthy work environment, non-programmers use it as a tool to enforce hierarchical structures and rigid development. Most of what is said can likely also be applied to Scrum, but it is not explicitly mentioned.

This blog interested me because when I learned about Agile and Scrum, I always thought to myself, “Why would you ever not choose these methodologies? These seem far superior to outdated methods like Waterfall.” However, this post opened my eyes to how Agile really only works when implemented as was expected by those who wrote the manifesto. This post makes it very clear that what makes a methodology successful, or a team successful in general, is understanding its intent and being able to reflect on if its intent aligns with the work style of the team in question. Generally, I feel that if you’re a business leader who wants to have a rigid plan, then you should just follow a rigid plan like that of Waterfall, rather than creating a fake team experience with a smoke-and-mirrors version of Agile.

The post helped me reflect on what to look for in a well-functioning team. I think these insights can be very valuable for someone when they are looking for a place of work, as when you apply these critiques as a tool to analyze employers, it may be very apparent at some point in the process when a team is run by a group of developers and when a team is run by non-programmers enforcing a strict hierarchical system of development. I think this kind of resource would also be useful if ever in a position where one’s input is valued when evaluating how a team should handle itself, as it can be helpful in recognizing what are good tendencies in a team and what are bad tendencies, especially in a leadership position where hearing the whole team’s voice can be valuable. Being able to express why a decision may be bad is not only valuable for working in a team but also for working under management, as articulated thoughts may be enough to have an impact on their perspective as well.

This blog highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the intent behind methodologies like Agile; it serves as a notice of how we need to hold ourselves and team leaders accountable for how a team chooses to go about development.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS ZStomski by Zachary Stomski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Coding Standards with Generative AI

This blog posts discusses the issues that AI generated code causes for licensing caused by the use of proprietary code in model training, and issues for coding standards caused by the varying quality of AI code. I chose to look at this blog because I know many of my peers, including myself, occasional use AI to generate code for debugging and for small chunks of code that they don’t feel like making on their own for the sake of efficiency. Even in these small cases, we run the risks proposed by the blog.
Reading this blog made me reflect on how I use AI in my own coding, especially as it relates to coding standards. Typically I use it for debugging, which really means the only thing I need to concern myself with is making sure I understand the adjusted code and it follows the same formatting I used. However, this has affected my thoughts about using AI for small snippets that would be more efficiently written with AI. Upon reflection with the article, it made me realize the reason we allow AI to write code, is the same reasons we always write bad code; we just want to get it done. The most interesting part is, it also has the same consequences as just rushing to get it done. There have been a handful of times when I’ve been looking at a peer’s code, and it did something I thought was quite impressive, then I went to ask them about the functionality of it, but they were unable to do the fact that they were not the ones who actually wrote the code I was interested in, and it was so abstracted that they themselves did not really understand it.
I will admit I’ve had similar things happen before. For example, there was one time when I was working on a project, and there was a method I had to write that was very annoying. So I asked an AI to write it for me so I could move on with my project unannoyed. The code it wrote functioned in the tests I gave it, and it was even formatted correctly, it also had comments that describe what it was doing. Later on in the project I was getting very ludicrous results, and I had no idea why. After a while, I went back to the code and realized, the comments it wrote basically just recited the prompt I gave it, and did not actually describe what it was doing. After making attempts at fixing it, I ultimately had to completely rewrite the method on my own, wasting much of my time. My experiences as well as this article have allowed me to realize just how important writing clean, and understandable code is, and why we should avoid trying to cut corners on our projects even if it seemingly save us time. It is far more important to make good code at an efficient, than generate functioning code at a fast pace.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS ZStomski by Zachary Stomski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Post


My name is Zach and I am making this post as a part of my Software Process Management course here at Worcester State. I am a second year computer science major with a minor in physics.

Here, I will be documenting things I learn and possibly develop as well.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS ZStomski by Zachary Stomski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.