Create MongoDb Docker Container
Setup Rest Api Endpoint to Add to MongoDb
Implement methods in weight-entry component to communicate with REST API
Add checks for remaining weight allowed based on previous transactions
During our third and final sprint our teamwork and role designation really benefited our workflow. We applied ourselves to areas of work that we each had the most knowledge with (Rest Api, Mongo, Web UI, and Docker) and focused our workflow individually in those subjects. While at this juncture in the project most of the work is overlapping in order to connect either through Docker or with specific method calls we were all exposed to each other’s work. This way we each had an opportunity to learn about the different parts of the project and all had a deep understanding of our own work. Having such deep understanding of our own work allowed us to explain it to each other and to overcome obstacles when finalizing the connection between everything either locally or via Docker. So whereas in previous sprints we worked solely on our own part of the project, this sprint really started to blur the lines of our issues.
For example, many of our Rest Api Endpoints needed to be set up to work properly with the Front End Angular Methods. Issues like Issue 50 Setup Rest Api Endpoint to Add to MongoDb became a three part issue. We need to make sure the Rest Method could add correctly to our MongoDb, but also this needed to be tested with the Front End code before it could be finalized. While working on this issue I found that roles were often switched and juggled between my teammate and I as I worked on Front End Angular code and they worked on some Rest Api Backend code.
There isn’t much that didn’t work well in this Sprint but I feel that keeping our Merges to Master on Git up to date and correct was sometimes a problem. We did not alway communicate code correctly and would send snip-its in discord that we would copy and paste instead of sharing it through git. Sometimes certain important code segments would get merged and then someone with old code from copy and pasted work may merge and we would lose that important segment of code in our most recent commit.
As a team we could improve our Git presence and organization. We should have been using it to solely share code instead of copy and pasting in discord. If we used Git only certain things would not have gotten lost in translation and confused. Overall, if we worked more cleanly on git we would have saved quite a bit of time on the project.
As an individual I could improve my knowledge and understanding of the parts of the project I wasn’t assigned to. Sometimes if an issue would arise with a field of familiarity like the Rest Api I would feel compelled to help my teammates with the problem. However, I could have designated some of that time to look over things like the Docker containers more and familiarize myself with their function better. Docker would not work on my computer so the only exposure I had with it was when working with my team members. I feel I could have learned more about the Rest Api and Angular Docker containers as opposed to just the Mongo Container.
From the blog cs@worcester – Zac's Blog by zloureiro and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.