Author Archives: CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning

The Clean Coder Chapters 5 & 6

  • Test Driven Development [TDD]
    • Hammock-Driven Development [HDD]
  • Practice
    • Martial Arts of Coding
    • Open source work
    • Programming ethics

Many topics including the above are explored in Chapter five and six. Test Driven Development we all know and maybe don’t love. Or in my situation, having little experience with it. I would like to be able to pair program in the way that is described as randori. Alternating test and solution with a partner would be a frustrating yet fun experience.

I like the mention of HDD – Hammock Driven Development, it is the idea to step back and think about your work. Since we can run our code in seconds or less now, we should consider more than just quickly rushing through the motions. Luckily using a well design test suite makes much of this thought process easier. This is important to note that you would still need to take the time and come up with  all the test cases that accurately represent your specifications.

Practicing is something we know and do every day even if we do not realize. Slowly becoming more adept at our everyday tasks as well as specialized ones we preform. Practicing is something at coding requires in our day in age of frameworks, thousands of similar tools and of course the very basic coding syntax and style.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017 Sprint 6

Our semester is finally coming to a close. We have picked up three more issues.

  • AA-680- Can’t add child to parent relationship
    • This issue required a database entry to be added.
    • The current entry is a Parent to Child relation ship. We need a record entered to represent a Child to Parent Relationship
  •  APTS-254 – Viral load reminder to pop up after 6 month after switching to new ART Line
    • This issue requires us to modify a ETL server configuration for reminder calulations
    • We did not have responses in time to be able to contribute to this issue
    • Large amount of questions were left for the implementation
    • Vague requirements but gave a decent start once directed to the ETL git page
  •  APTS-159- Lab Tests data should be sorted by most recent
    • We invesigated this issue and found that the sorting alorithm was in place.
      • Angular does not offer a sorting method so a simple algoritm was made by the Ampath team.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017 Sprint 5

It turns out we all were wrong in both what the issue was and the solution.Dan the man has completed this issue with a simple observable to wait for the requests responce to log the user out. The main issue that we noticed after this was fixed is that if you logout and get rerouted before the credentials clear you will look like you are still in the application. Refreshing reveals that you are actually logged out but it was a small gap in time that allowed it to seem like we did not log out. The issue was simply to log the user out once the prompt had been clicked to leave the drafted form. What was needed was the response from the pop up that asks if the user is sure. The logout button would just log you out and ask anyway so the prompt was useless but in the application prior to our work on this issue.

Great to have an issue done, I hope we get to work on more and have a better understanding right out the gate.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Chapters 7 & 8

Definition of “Done”, Acceptance Testing are both built off of communication. This is key when trying to convey your programming needs to a developer or vice versa. The definition of Done in my opinion and in what the author presented us is a moral of “Done” means many things to many people and it is important to establish your system/meaning of “Done”.

The next big topic was Agreement Testing. From personal experience I know how in a corporate environment the managers may not know exactly what they want until you build what they ask for. Then as the author tries to emphasis that they will always have changes. This is said to be because now they how more information on how it looks and what they can perceive to be most efficient. Also Agreement Tests are NOT Unit Tests…..its explained pretty clear that the access points for execution are expected to be different for a Agreement test. This also is where he went into a useful tangent to point out that the underlying framework for your GUI should be consistent but the GUI layout itself can change fluidly.

Chapter 8 discussed more about testing.Of course I think this author has unrealistic benchmarks yet they are great to strive for. He seems very stern in the words used to state Quality Assurance should find nothing. This is a topic we discussed in depth in our last semester course on integration testing, unit testing, what defines a unit etc.Yet the important point he stresses is that unit tests are for the programmers. The component tests are for the Agreement Test, and the integration testing is for large systems when piecing many components together, and the System test is where the entire program is tested from an outside perspective that is all works as one system.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Professionalism is not just for work but also life

I really liked the Reading in “The Clean Coder” by Robert C. Martin. In chapter one I enjoyed reading about how developing your career is not anyone elses job but your own. As a professional and of course computer science. We are expected to grow and learn daily, we may not know it all but many things we can have go wrong are within our control to prevent if we are properly thinking and are prepared. Much like as Seniors we have learned a important fact,…we are all clue less, even if we have ventured out and learned new tools and techniques we certainly have far to go to become true experts. Yet I think that was the most intriguing thing about Software development, is that you must constantly be evaluating your work and your knowledge. The second chapter brings up a very important topic that I got to see first hand and learn the needed skill of knowing when to say no. This is a respected and reserved response in my company but it should be used when you know it is appropriate. I have had the pleasure of working with understanding individuals who are willing to work with you, yet sometimes you need to push back to achieve the common goal.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Welcome back to more required blogs!!

Welcome back to my mediocre last minute blogs!

I will be doing a couple things with these blogs moving forward. 

  • Creating informational tutorials or explainations of tools I am currently learning/using.
  • Explaining my current work in my Software Dev. Capstone course work.

I hope to make these easy to follow, and add more flare than my last blogs had …..

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.