Author Archives: emtrieu

Week 13 (what did i learn from CS 401)

  • What did you learn about:
    • Teamwork? : our group was work very well. exchange the idea is the important thing to working with a group.
    • Communication?: the communication  between our group the the openMRS is not working well. Email is very good to communicate with each other in the group.
    • working on the large project ? : working on the large project on the openMRS  is not ready hard if we know what is a  direction to working on.
    • Working with a people you don’t know personally?: I did not know my group member until I join in CS 401 class, but we were working very good. Unfortunately ,  the communication between our group and  the OpenMRS developer was very hard, sometime, we couldn’t get what they want.
    • New (to you) technologies, and how did you learn about them? That is my first time to use Github and wiki page.  I also have a change to practice  working on J unit test
  • What was your biggest challenge? : ❖ Communication between our group and the OpenMRS
    ❖ Documentation was vague, but they didn’t seem to
    welcome any changes!
    ❖ Led to a lot of time spent troubleshooting how to
    install/build/run any of the software
  • What do you wish you had done or learned, but did not get to? I need to learn more how to work on OpenMRS , I wish I had  a well experience to working on the OpenMRS page, because our process to work on  the tickets of the openMRS was not success.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 12 ( book presentation : Java Effective )

  • Sum up the book in one sentence.

This book will help you to make the most effective use of the java programming language, this book has 78 items, and each item is the great benefit for the best and the most experienced programmer.

  • Who do I think would benefit most from this book?

This book is very helpful for the people, who serious to know how and why the java programing but that is not mean for the beginner of java, it expect to who should be comfortable with programing in java.

  • Who is the intended audience for the book?

Audience: everyone can be the audience for this book, special for who interesting on java programing.

  • What does the book cover?

This second edition of the java effective book, it has been updated to discuss Java 6 language features, and in the very first pages of the book describes some of the new topics covered as:

  • New coverage of generics, enums, annotations, autoboxing, the for-each loop, varargs, concurrency utilities, and much more
  • Updated techniques and best practices on classic topics, including objects, classes, libraries, methods, and serialization
  • How to avoid the traps and pitfalls of commonly misunderstood subtleties of the language
  • Focus on the language and its most fundamental libraries: java. Lang, java.util , and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and
  • Was the material in the book useful to me?

In my opinion, all the 78 items in this book are very helpful and important to me, even some of them are very basic knowledge of java coding, but every basic step is very important to be a good final. As when u builds the house if the foundation is not hard and strong the beautiful house may collapse.

  • Would any of the material from this book be useful in earlier CS courses? Which ones?

This book should use for the second year student of the computer science major.

  • What was the most important thing I learned from this book?

I used to take the java class before, but now when I read this book that I very helpful for me. It improved my skill in java programing languages.

  • Did I enjoy reading this book?  yes I do.
  • Would I recommend it to other? Even I known a lot of you already took the java class . I think  when you have time  you should read this  book , it may help you to improve you skill to build the program.
  • Would I buy the own copy? yes, but that book also available on the online.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 11( what we did in the class)

At beginning of the class on ( April/ 7/2014)  , the same thing with every other class, the group leader presented the group status . Our group still get stuck on the ticket  TRUNK- 243, that is why , we need more time to working on  it.  Fortunately, I  found the file ( ) of the project ( openMRS-core-master ) on the git-hub , that may have some information to solve the problem of the ticket TRUNK-243.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 10 ( what we are doing in the class)

March /31/2014

At beginning of the  class, every group’s leader presented the group status. After that, the professor ask us to create the Junit test for the student class and the Degree Audit class,   which is belong to  a J Unit lab master project we got from the git hub on the website: First, fork the J Unit-lab Repository :

1. Go to the J Unit-lab repository at
2. Fork the J Unit-Lab repository to your account.
3. Add your instructor and partner(s) as collaborators

Second, download the J Unit lab Repository:

1. In Eclipse, choose File:Import
2. Choose Git:Projects from Git
3. Choose Clone URI
4. Paste the SSH clone URL from GitHub
5. Set the protocol to SSH

6. Select the master branch
7. Choose the directory you want to clone into.
8. Select Use the New Project Wizard
9. Choose Java:Java Project
10. Enter a project name.

After reading the code of J unit-lab code, then create the Student test class and the Degree Audit test class, then I write the test method for every method in  each class. making sure the tests are run correctly, I run to test every single method after I wrote the code for that method. If the test pass it result will display the green bar or the test fail the result will display the red bar.


From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 9 ( Group Workign Status)

This week we are working on the new ticket TRUNK -243 ( Clean up Unit Test). In two week ago, one of the guy in the group, he wrote the comment to ask the software developer what is the directory to work on this ticket but we still waiting for the answer.  When we changed some of the code  on a second ticket TRUNK-3009 on wiki page, we got a problem because a developer did not clear on what we had changed,  even we asked them already. That is why , we don’t want to go ahead before getting the answer from a developer. Currently, I’m looking a J-junit test on the google. I’m still looking for any project that relate to the unit test.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

week 7( working group status)(03/10/14)

The OpenMRS  account have been looked from the wiki page, which page our group were supposed to edit the information on , then we decided to un sign the Ticket TRUNK-3009. Now, we chose the Ticket Clean up  unit test (Trunk- 243 ) instead of keep waiting for the account to be unlocked.  we go to the web site :  to looking for what we need to do to get it done. First,  one guy of our group commented on the OpenMRS page to ask for what is the direction . Furthermore,  we are looking any information relate to the unit test on some web site as,… while we still waiting for respond from a developer.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week (Project Status Report)

This is the second week we keep working on the ticket TRUNK-3009, then we are splitting the assignment  for each group member. Then we decided to change the ” Settings (formerly Global Properties 1.8 and below)” instead of “Global Property”, but we forgot to tell readers a number of ticket  on the wiki page , which belong to the OpenMRS website.. Unfortunately,  we could not log in on the wiki page, then we tried to reset the account but it isn’t work. we knew our account have been clocked out from  the wiki page, because a developer guy is confusing on what we are changing. Currently, we are still being locked out from the wiki page, but we still can log in on other page from the OpenMRS web site. We may un-sign the ticket 3009 and looking for another ticket to work on.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5

Our group decided  to work on the ticket TRUNK-324 (Go through the TODO items code and create tickets out of them) . Unfortunately, some one was already assign, then we had to choose another ticket 3009(Update references to Global Properties in the wiki), before we assign what is assignment the group member will work on, to solve out the problem on the project “ticket TRUNK-3009″  we go to the website: , and read the information on that page to find out what is problem.


From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

week 4 openmrs set up issue

to building the OpenMRS in your local computer, to make sure you have the version of vmware player then install abuntu iso. there are the list of all what software you need to install:

1. java jdk


3.mysql server

4. git

5. omrssdk


7.eclipse ide

then you have to follow guide to build openmrs. For me, i have to build and re-build it many time to make all the the test is passed. Believe me , the more you fail from the test the more you gain to improve your technician.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 2 readign assignment

OPenMRS is very helpfully. specially, it is very good for who start to do the software development, and it good for who want to share their experience or exchange their knowledge about software.

There are a lot of thing you can gain from OpenMRS:

1.Understand how the OpenMRS community interacts and communicates. 

2. Have a development environment setup

3. Understand the basic of the OpenMRS system

4..Be able to troubleshoot OpenMRS with the resource in the  community

5..Know where to go to get your started with  your fist contributions to the community





From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.