Author Archives: fbaig34

The Long Road – Apprenticeship Pattern

What this apprenticeship patter talks about is that this journey of a software developer and that of a software craftsmen is all about the long- term. You have to have the long-term mindset and vision to always be learning and realize that you will never be done. People now a days are looking for ways to quickly do everything and have the ability to do something overnight. Well, when it comes to software development and the journey that needs to be followed, this won’t be realistic. In order to build the skill of the best software developer, you need to realize that this will take time and years of practice and learning. I think this is a good mindset to have in order to not give up and keep on pushing yourself when times get tough. One thing that I have seen over the years with coding is that when people start to have a tough time with it and can’t seem to figure something out, they give up and self-declare that programming isn’t for them. They didn’t even realize that with just a little bit more effort and time they would have figured and become better coders, while also increasing their confidence. This shows to me that no matter what adversity you face, that you need to keep on going and not give up at a time where you need to put in the most effort. Once you past that barrier, the road just starts to get a little bit easier and you will become more capable of dealing with problems, that just a while back you thought was impossible.

Taking the long road is a key in the software world and is also a key in our everyday life. I’m sure there were times when we did not want to do something and thought of something as hard, but looking back at it seems silly to us. This is why when you keep a long-term vision, the issues that come in the present time won’t seem so big because you know at the end it will all be worth it. The software craftsman is striving to keep on improving and learning because they know it will all be worth it and the journey will be a great one. Overall, the message is to keep on striving to learn and build up skills and work hard to break through barriers by not giving up.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Boundary Value Testing and Equivalence Class Testing

Due to their being a large capacity of data that is used for software, there needs to be test implementation that can test the range of values without testing each number. Therefore, we used testing methods such as boundary value testing and equivalence class testing. The purpose of boundary value testing is to test the extreme ends or also known boundaries hence the name. The most common way to implement this test case is to use input variable values such as a minimum value, a value just higher than minimum, a middle value none as the nominal, a value that is just lower than the maximum and the last is the maximum value. One common example that most have seen is when we have to set up a password. Let’s say that a valid number length for the password has to be between 10 and 15. Using this guide, our boundary value testing would consider values that are less than, ones that are 10, ones that are between 10 and 15, ones that are 12 and ones that are greater than 15. Now the valid inputs will be passwords that are between 10 and 15 and so boundary value testing implementations are a good way to test any input errors that are more near the boundaries of valid numbers.

Equivalence class testing is a method of testing that divides the input of the data into various different equivalence classes. This step is the partitioning of the values that need to be tested and is the step that comes before boundary testing. The accurate values that are considered acceptable inputs are divided into a certain range, and the values under as well as over are considered invalid or unacceptable to the software. The valid class partition keeps all the valid values or inputs in it and the invalid class partition contains the invalid values and partition. The example is same as the password one and how the password that in the acceptable range of 10 to 15 will be accepted and valid, whereas passwords that are less than 10 or more than 15 will be invalid and won’t be accepted. Overall, boundary and equivalence class testing are good testing implementations to test input values without having to try to test all the individual values.


Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Class Partitioning With Simple Example

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static vs Dynamic Testing

Two common methods used for software testing are static and dynamic testing. Now, although they are both testing methods, there are a lot of differences between them. First we need to define what each of them are. Static testing is when we test the software to look for errors or defects, but we are not going to actually execute the code. Now on the other hand, for dynamic testing we test the software by executing the code and see if there is any errors with inputs and overall function of the software. Static testing is conducted with specific documents related to the software and the goal is to find errors early on in the development cycle before the software gets too advanced. Dynamic testing executes the code and analyzes things such as the input and output of the software to determine the correct results. The goal for dynamic is to test the functional behavior of the code and also takes into account memory, CPU as well as the performance of the software put together. Static testing uses manual or automated testing of the documents by examining things such as the requirements for the software, the source, necessary test cases or any thing related to the overall design. Dynamic testing is more direct testing to whether the software works by using techniques such as black or white box testing and it confirms that the code works in the way it is desired to.

The main differences between static and dynamic is one thing we stated earlier about how static won’t be executed, whereas dynamic will. Another important factors is the stages with where these tests occur, as static happens early in the process of developing software, whereas dynamic is towards the end or completion stage. The goal of static testing is to prevent any bugs or errors from being produces, but dynamic tests finds bugs or errors that were created with the development of the software. Static testing is more simply known as the verification process, whereas dynamic testing is more about the validation process. Static testing is known to generally take shorter time, whereas dynamic will take a little bit longer due to the variance of test cases that need to be implemented. Overall, both of these testing methods are important in the development of software, but they occur at different stages and can be helpful to do both efficiently to lead to the least amount of error in the software.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Concrete Skills – Apprenticeship Patterns

The main focus of this apprenticeship pattern called concrete skills is to have a fundamental base. A person can’t just rely on having the ability to learn something, but they need to show that they already have some skills that they have learned and improved on over the years. Also, these skills directly relate to software constructing such as being familiar with a certain programming language and implementing different features that can be useful for a company. While it is important and recommended to have many soft skill qualities, you can’t solely rely on this to land a job relating to software. You need to be able to showcase technical skills and so this pattern talks about taking actions to improve skills that are needed for the certain job criteria. It recommends to look at cover letters of individuals who are currently doing the job you hope to seek and copy down discrete skills listed on it that you can use to improve yourself.

I think this pattern has a really great concept that software apprentices can use to improve their knowledge for programming and other aspects of engineering. We can’t just have the mindset that we can learn new things when the time is right and just try to learn it then. We need to do some more research on our own and try our best to not be relying on others to carry us to learn fundamentals. People in work and a team don’t want a team member who they constantly have to monitor and essentially babysit for them to complete their work. We need to learn the essentials for the required job and practice to implement those skills on our own to show a boss or team members that we are capable of doing the work. This will prove that you are in fact able to learn and down the line will be capable of learning a new software or process that is often the case with the technological advancement of the world at a rapid pace. Overall, I think once we follow this pattern in a practical sense and change our mindset, we will see vast changes in our skills as well as the way we look at learning.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Your First Language – Apprenticeship Pattern

Our first programming language can be similar to the first language we learn to speak or our native tongue. What this pattern talks about is to first pick a language and start to master that language by practicing and solve problems in the specific language. It also talks about having some mentor or asking questions to someone more experienced so they can help guide you along the way of learning the programming language, but also at the same time not becoming dependent on them to solve your problems.

I found this chapter to be very interesting because whenever I think about coding and solving problems, the first syntax or code to use that comes in my mind is Java. The reason for this is because it is my first programming language that I learned and I have the most experience with it. This pattern has led me to confirm my belief that we need to first become better programmers in a specific language. A lot of people try to jump from one language to another and think it will be more beneficial. However, what this results to is not thorough understanding of a programming language, and more simple knowledge of each one. It is much more efficient to pick up a specific language based on your preference, and broaden your knowledge with it. Try out different problems to solve and keep on practicing. Once you feel you are at a level that you are content with, then move on to another language and broaden your knowledge about different types of programming. If you started with an object-oriented language, then learn about a functional programming language. Also, what this does is help moving from one language to another a lot better as well as understand the differences of each. With more experience in languages, we can start to see what languages are better for certain tasks and can examine advantages and disadvantages. In essence, the goal of this pattern is to take things a lot more slowly and in a more efficient way. It will be much better taking time to learn critical details then having front level knowledge. Overall, be open minded when it comes to languages as well and don’t just stick to one and decide that is it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Why QA is essential

The software development life cycle consists of many parts and one of the essential factors included is software quality assurance. QA for software has the role of establishing and maintaining a standard set of requirements for developing code and making sure the product is properly tested before being available to users. Quality assurance is essential because mistakes are inevitable to happen because the people who develop code are humans not machines. There is always something that can happen that escapes the developer’s eye and so there is another stage of the life cycle to catch this mistake. Now there are many reasons why quality assurance plays a huge role and can really help prevent major problems down the road.

By far the most important reason for quality assurance is money which makes sense because the goal of a business is to make money by selling their products. If code is developed but not tested through QA, then it will be released to the users and they will face problems. This will bring many additional problems to the company since their product failed because the right precautions were not taken. It is essential to test for as many unexpected problems that come to mind, and this is why a quality assurance process is needed to clear up these issues. Another big reason for quality assurance is safety for both the user and the company. A person who buys the software is investing in the product knowing that it is safe and their personal data won’t be a threat. If companies don’t ensure their products through quality assurance testing, then they are liable for damages to the user’s life and further safety issues. Adding on to this, once a company is known to not properly test their products and code, then they will be tarnished with a reputation that they are unreliable. First impressions are always important and this also applies to software because the technological world is changing exponentially which leads to a smaller margin of error for software companies to protect their reputation. The essential goal of a business is to create a product they can sell to a client and receive compensation for it. The user wants to spend money so he can be able to use that product for his own good. Therefore, the company has an obligation to make sure they do their best to meet client’s needs and make the best product based on their capabilities. Overall, software quality assurance is an essential process in the development life cycle and can break or make the software.

Additional resources to read up on:

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From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and 2-6 Introductions

The introduction to the Apprenticeship Patterns book really opened my eyes to the reality of software development, and how it is a constant learning process. In the beginning of my journey of computer science and programming, I have always felt that I have no clue what I’m doing and there is so much that people already know. I just started and wondered how is everyone already so ahead. It feels like I will never be able to catch up and there is just so much to learn. However, over the years I have realized that more often than not, most of us are in the same boat. We look at people around us and think that everyone else except me has everything figured out, but this is not the case. Everyone has their own different skillset level and has different things to learn on and improve. The main message the chapter had me reflecting on was that we should compare ourselves with our version from yesterday and how we can improve from that. It is with this growth mindset and getting things done we can improve our skills, while also enjoying the journey.

I think the chapters that were highly relevant to me was chapter 3, walking the long road, and chapter 6 which was construct your curriculum. Chapter 3 talked about how Dave in his earlier career had piled up various certificates to show he was able to do the work, but while interacting with more advanced developers, realized there was a farther road to go. What stood with me the most is that although some may be farther down the road, we all walking the same road. Chapter 6 essentially stated that any one person can decide what they want to learn due to the vast amount of information available on the web. Keep in mind this book was written in 2009, and the world is astronomically even more ahead with technology as it plays a role on a global scale. The information available now is too large to even contemplate so there is no excuse not to be able to learn anything. I need to take a lot more advantage of this and find useful information that will increase my skills, as opposed to mindless activities.

Overall, the reading impacted me in a very positive way and gave me a more broader perspective on the world of software development. Keeping an open mind and always learning to adapt is essential in the technological field.. Just look at how far we have come in the last 2 decades as technological advancements have been moving at an exponential rate and things are always changing. I would say for anyone reading that no matter where you are in your journey, don’t be discouraged by the overwhelming amount of things that can be learned, but focus on what you can learn in the moment. Too much thinking will limit action and action is what drives a person to move forward.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


What I found interesting about the website was the mission statement and how it exemplifies that software is a tool that can be used for good to help people out. A food pantry is great humanitarian work to help those in need and software can help make it easier for the whole process. I believe it is important to show that you care and the mission really showed true motive behind the project. Also in the aspect of the website, I personally found the design to be user friendly. I know that when I stumble upon new websites, the design is important and navigating the website was easy to do. Also the dark mode is a feature, especially for websites that is very underrated and needs to be used a lot more so that was a nice touch.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Blog Post for CS

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. My name is Faraaz Baig and I’ll be writing blog posts for both CS-443 and CS-448. You can also check out my blogs from an earlier class for more additional CS information. I am wishing everyone a successful semester and hope everyone has a great 2021.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello everyone and welcome to week 14 of the coding journey blog. In this week’s post I will be talking about REST API and it is an important topic when it comes to the web. REST API stands for representational state transfer and the main purpose of is that is is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. REST has the option to be used on practically any protocol, the main advantage it takes is over HTTP which is used for Web APIs. The main benefit for REST API design is that software developers don’t need to use any additional software or make downloads to take advantage of the protocols. It has a lot of versatility as it allows you to build an API that accustoms your vision and as well as the needs of any clients. There are six key constraints to REST API design that people need to be aware of when deciding to use the API and if it fits your needs. These constraints include client-server, stateless, cache, uniform interface, layered system and code on demand.

The constraint on client server revolves around the idea that the client and the server need to be independent of each other and need to be separate. In essence, developers should be able to make changes to their applications without impacting the data structure or the database design of the server. This goes vice-versa as the developer should also be able to make changes to the data structure or database design server without effecting the application for the client. Next constraint is that REST APIs are stateless and so calls should be independent of one another and that it contains enough data required to complete itself with no errors. It should not rely on data that is stored in the server and should do with the data it is provided in the call. Next constraint is that a REST API should be designed to allow the storage of cacheable data. Essentially, the response needs to indicate that the data can be stored up to certain time limit or in real time it should not be cached by the client.

Uniform interface is the next constraint and it should allow independent upgrades of the application without having the application’s services attached to the API layer itself. This is essential to separate client from sever. A layered system, which is another constraint, is a system composed layers as each layers serves a different purpose or function. This design principle is important in most software as different layers of architecture allows an application that is more scalable. The last constraint is code on demand which allows for code to be transmitted through the API to use within the application. It creates an evolving application that doesn’t only depend on the structure of its own code. Overall, REST APIs are important for web projects and I will certainly use them going forward.

For more information on the topic:,when%20used%20for%20Web%20APIs.&text=REST%20API%20Design%20was%20defined,in%20his%202000%20doctorate%20dissertation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.