Category Archives: Blog-5

Automation Testing

For the last and final blog for the CS 433 class, I want to focus on an interesting topic that is automation testing. Nowadays, most companies have implemented automated testing environments. It is the best way to increase effectiveness, test coverage, and the execution speed of software testing. Before I get started, what exactly is automation testing? Well, automation testing or Test automation is a software testing technique that performs using various software tools to execute a test case suite. The automation testing software can enter test data into the system and compare expected and actual results with the generated details test reports. There several benefits of using test automation, it is the best way to increase effectiveness and save money. Other factors include manual testing, which is time-consuming, Test automation does not require human intervention and can run automated tests unattended or even overnight, it is reliable in results, improve accuracy, better speed, and lastly, you can test frequently and thoroughly.

Now let us talk about the different types of test cases that use in automation. While researching a few of them once that I found are High-Risk Business test cases, Test cases that are repeatedly executed, Test Cases that are very difficult to perform manually, and finally, Test Cases that are time-consuming. The way automation testing works is using the pyramid strategy which consists of three levels. According to the blog, the base represents unit testing, then the integration/service layer, the next API testing, and finally the GUI test sits at the top of the pyramid. There are many types of automated testing some of which we learned in class, for example, unit testing, black box testing, regression testing, and even data-driven testing. Automated testing is becoming a popular strategy among many companies, I believe that majority of the companies will implement fully on this technology.

From the blog Derin's CS Journey by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.