Category Archives: CS401

Moving in a new direction

This week we have still not heard back from the OpenMRS admins about our issue. As we are running out of time in the class, the decision has been made to move in a different direction and come up with documentation to add the project into Eclipse, which I understand to be the way that most people use this product. In my opinion Xcode is much better to use, but not a lot of people have Macs, and it is probably more practical to make it into Eclipse. The plan is to come up with this method soon, and then the OpenMRS people can do with it what they will, except and use it, or ignore it like our other contributions. Additionally, I plan to finish up on reading the book on Git for the 5th. 

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Junit Testing

Our bug that we chose is related to JUnit testing, so the lab we did was especially useful in understanding the code. As far as our bug went, we looked through the code some more. It would be great if the OpenMRS community answered our questions asking for clarification: I do not really want to have all of our changes rolled back again like with out last bug that we needed to abandon. 

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


After flipping through many many issues of OpenMRS’s issue tracker our group has decided to choose TRUNK-243. This issues is about going through the units test of OpenMRS and ‘cleaning up’ the tests. This bug will be great for my group and I to learn all about unit tests. My book I also chose to read this semester focuses on unit testing specifically in Java.  Unfortunately last week I posted on this issue to try and save time by not needing to sift through the vast amount of classes OpenMRS CoreSW has… however I have yet to get a response. My group and I will need to manually go through the code to find all of the unit tests. This is not always a bad thing, by looking through more and more of the code we should all get a greater understanding as we mine for the unit tests. 

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Trunk-3009 Problems…

Our first bug got reassigned shortly after we decided to work on it so then our group went out on the hunt to find another issue. We found Trunk-3009 which is updating many of the wiki pages on the openmrs wiki page. We started work the week of the 10th of march making many changes in all of the sections which required changes. However many if not all of our changes were reverted. Our issues Trunk-3009 was marked as ready to work therefore should have been verified by developers with more knowledge of the openMRS project. Our group had worked hard on making the changes in the necessary changes and they all got rolled back, this is very frustrating. I have been looking on the bug tracker for some new issues to purpose to our group to work on next.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Trouble with issue

This week we started working on a new issue: refactoring the wiki pages to indicate a change in the name of a feature from general properties to settings. I was concerned about changing everything without asking, so I asked on the bug report to clarify, and after receiving validation that my intention for replacement was correct, began to carry out the plan. However, after making changes on some of the pages, I got a barrage of emails questioning me, to which I responded to, explaining why I did what I did, and asking for more validation. I received an email back vaguely replying that my path way correct, and that the community might not have been aware about the bug we were working on. I though everything was good. However, last night I got another garage of emails stating that all the changes that I made from my account were reverted back, and by the same person who told me I was on the right path. I think that I wasted my time, and will be more careful about working on things in the future. I would think that the questions I asked would have been sufficient, maybe in the future they should take a look at the bug reports instead of being surprised and upset when someone works on them. 

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

New Issue!

When we arrived at class last Monday we realized our issue had now been assigned to another developer. So then the hunt began and we eventually found an issue TRUNK-3009. We all are now tackling the replacement of “Global Properties” throughout the vast Wiki OpenMRS has.

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Bug Attempt

This week got off to a bumpy start when someone else claimed the bug that my group had decided to work on the week before. However, we got together in class and decided that it would be good to work on another documentation bug, specifically one about editing the wiki to reflect a naming change. However, we had a question about what the desired edit’s should look like, so I posted a question to the bug. After a couple of days I finally got an answer back, so now we are able to start working on and hopefully finish that bug in the next week. 

From the blog ckelley6 » CS401 by ckelley6 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5

This week i started looking at the ticket TRUNK -248 with my group. the ticket is dealing with going through the to-do’s and finding where the to-dos are asking for a Junit test. First i did a bit of research on junit tests so i could some background. After a quick google search i went to which was a great in depth article on Junit. i didn’t focus on the using aspects too much since that’s not what my ticket is asking for however it did explain how the tests work and what too search for in the source code to track some of these down. After that i went to which helped me setup the openmrs core in eclipse. I had to go to help marketplace and get a plugin for maven on eclipse. after installing the maven plugin i went to file import then chose import and then existing maven project and chose the core repo that i cloned from github. After the import finished which took a couple of minutes i finally had access to the OpenMRS source code. I started looking through some of the code and identifying some of the todo items that ask for junit tests. I wasnt sure if the ticket was still active or not but i did find a bunch of to-do items asking for junit tests so it seems like it still is. This following week me and my group hope to identify as many of these as possible to we can accomplish our ticket.

From the blog Dhimitris CS Blog » CS401 by dnatsis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Setting up openMRS!

Setting up openMRS was not to difficult. I first attempted to use the Windows Installer to install openMRS … and failed. I then continued to read more of the documentation on OpenMRS and installed it by obtaining maven and mysql then using the pom.xml files to build and get a running instance of openMRS. I have experience using maven in the past so overall the setup and installation of openMRS was quite easy

From the blog tbruceblog » cs401 by tbruce731 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 4: 17 February 2014

[OpenMRS Developers Setup]

From the get go I was having installation troubles for the SDK. I followed the instructions located here:

I first tried to get it successfully installed on my laptop to no avail. I installed Java JDK fine along with the JRE. I installed the OpenMRS installer for Windows version 1.0.6 fine. Below is the code snippet from my cmd window:


OMRS Version: “1.0.5”
OMRS Home: C:\Program Files (x86)\omrssdk-1.0.6
ORMS Scripts: C:\Program Files (x86)\omrssdk-1.0.6\bin
OMRS Maven Home: C:\Program Files (x86)\omrssdk-1.0.6\apache-maven
Executing: “C:\Program Files (x86)\omrssdk-1.0.6\apache-maven\bin\mvn.bat” –ver
Apache Maven 3.1.0 (893ca28a1da9d5f51ac03827af98bb730128f9f2; 2013-06-27 22:15:3
Maven home: C:\Program Files (x86)\omrssdk-1.0.6\apache-maven\bin\..
Java version: 1.7.0_51, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: “windows 8″, version: “6.2”, arch: “x86″, family: “windows”


After I knew I had the correct JDK and OMRS version installed correctly, I tried to create the module. It went through its downloads of files and came up with no errors after I left all default values. No matter what I tried at this point, I could not get the command “omrs-run” to see the configuration. I was sure I forked the correct project to GitHub correctly and I verified with other students but we could not figure out why it was not working.

Duplicating the whole process again on my desktop yielded the same results. I will have to investigate further as to why the module/configuration is not being seen and update upon further info.



From the blog slykrysis » cs-wsu by slykrysis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.