Category Archives: #FinalProject-post_2

Project, part 2…

Project for my databases and software architecture has been going well so far. But lately my luck has run out. In my last post about this project I have outlined the steps me and my group member took to design our website as well as make sure the back end of it is working correctly. That part won’t be a problem anymore in my opinion. All that is left in the backend is to make some extra triggers in the database and confirm that all the information is being passed correctly. Like I said I do not foresee any problem with that part.

The fun part or the rabbit hole as I like to call it is now implementing correctly the front end. I have a lot of knowledge base available, but the problem comes in the fact that I want to make certain things work the way I want them to and that might not be how they actually work. To begin with I have started with reading the Angular tutorials (everything can be found here) and trying to figure out how to do some simple programs and designs. Me and my group partner have been working somewhat separately at this point because of our conflicting schedules but we have a working version that, if we run out of time, will use. For me the biggest problem at this point is to have the layout working correctly, all the functions and their behavior are not a problem, but to have the components line up where I need them to be causes me no small amount of headache.

While trying to make this project look nicer on my own, I have met with my partner at a café so we could finally work together and try to figure out some of the problems we were having. One such problem turns out to be a database trigger, we need at least one to have somewhat good database design. The trigger, when we finally learned how to create one, is a simple one that assigns 0 to a column value for a new row in a table. It is nothing spectacular or advanced, but it works and to be honest this is for an introduction database class so in my opinion we do not need anything fancy. (again here is a tutorial for triggers).

As the school year approaches rather fast, I will be spending most of my days on the near future either on this project or on studying for final exams. I cannot wait to be finally done with this semester, as much as I have had fun and learned a lot, I’m starting to suffer from senioritis and my motivation wanes.

From the blog #CS@Worcester – Pawel’s CS Experience by Pawel Stypulkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.