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Sprint Retrospective III– Reporting System

I am part of Reporting System group in this project and my job is to support and secure other system through keycloak. It is a 5-person team, and my part in this group is to implement a third-party system (KeyCloak), deploying the system (using docker) and help other system by embedding in their teams. Also help with other team tasks other than IAM system.

What I think that worked well in this sprint was that we were clear on what to read and what to look for. We understood the instructions and started the work that we thought it would be useful for us to know and learn. I was able to make some progress and secure the backend and have a better understanding of the tokens. Created a realm for the reporting team and added their users. This link is a good source for anyone who is new to Keycloak and wants to know how it works. There is information for everything you might need with keycloak.

I feel like for each sprint our group is getting better in understanding the requirements and what needs to be done so everything went okay based on the plan. The only thing that I was not able to do in this sprint is to have the keycloack updated with the team frontend and backend. The reason for that is because team was working until the final day before our retrospective and we didn’t have time to try it out and the issue was pushed for next sprint.Again, overthinking some basic stuff that didn’t need a lot of time spending on it continued in this sprint too.

I think in this team I feel comfortable and able to communicate openly with my teammates. Most of the time we spent it working individually or in groups of 2-3. In this sprint we made a lot of progress and created some important part of our system. Not all issues were done by the end of the sprint but we did cover some important ones.

As an individual what I could have changed is helping my team more in other issues too and discuss the problems with my team.

In this third sprint we had enough issues for a team of 5 people. Most of the issues were about building frontend, backend, and figure it out how to make the reporting system work. Issues were mostly individual but also, we had ones that we developed in group. I was assigned to find and understand tokens better and securing the example backend through keycloack. I was able to finish both issues with success and the one that were in group too. Created a project file with all my documentation in GitLab with steps I followed, to complete the work I was assigned for.

We all wrote our descriptions on the issues, what we learned and how we are going to use it in the future. The link is provided in GitLab so anyone who comes after us or want to check on what we did, can use it, and help the others too.

Read the file in the project to follow the instructions. Overall, this sprint was better than the first and second one and we got result. If the first one was trying to understand what was happening, this second sprint was more hands on the deck sprint and the third one was makes things happen.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech, Guaranteed by mshkurti and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.