Category Archives: #Post-6

Technical Review

The school semester is almost over and slowly everything is coming to a completion. This will be my last post for the Testing Class, Over the course of it I have learned quite a lot of valuable skills in the Computer Science field.

The last covered topic of the class was the Technical Review, maybe not as advanced as previous exercises this one let us practice probably one of the most important and widely used techniques, the Technical Review, or simply code review. Some info about that can be found here. This is a form of static white-box testing technique which is conducted to spot the defects early in the life cycle that cannot be detected by black box testing techniques. It should not be lead by a person who wrote the code, or at least one member of the review has to be a somebody not associated with the code.

This is a very good and very easy form of troubleshooting and detecting bugs early in the production, and it should be used as soon as possible after the implementation of the code .

From the blog #CS@Worcester – Pawel’s CS Experience by Pawel Stypulkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.