Hello fellow readers, today I read a blog post by the infocampusblog which is a software training institute. This blog focuses on control statements in Java and how they work in some cases.
The blog first touches on if statements and where you can go from there, mostly things that I learned in my CS-140 class but it was good to brush up on them again. Further into the blog, the writer touches upon For loops and how they are utilized in Java. Now For loops were another concept that I touched on in CS-140 but he goes in a little more depth explaining them than I remember learning back in the day. Then he talks about other loops like the do-while loop which is a very helpful one to use in Java to have your code continuously looped. Lastly the article touches upon remarks in Java such as Single Line comments, Multi Line comments and Documentation comments. I’ve done Single and Multi comments but I don’t think I have ever done Documentation comments.
The reason I choose this blog is because it is always nice to refresh your Java skills. I know I should always be coding even through the Summer just so I don’t forget certain coding techniques but I’m pretty lazy over the summer and sometimes over the school year I just come back to coding and I remember the concept but I don’t remember exactly how to do it. This blog post was great for that exact problem, I got to refresh myself on three different types of code. Now if-else statements and such, I remember those very well, those statements were stapled into my brain Freshman year in my CS-140 class and how they work. For loops, do-while loops and while loops are concepts like I was talking about where I remember them and kind of how to set them up but I need a little refresher to actually get it down and right so my code is the best it can be. Going to documentation, in my two years of coding, I don’t really use comments/remarks, I know I should because they help you not get lost in your code but I’m just lazy sometimes and don’t want to do it as it does take time. I will try to utilize all these methods in later Java programs as they are very helpful and can make my code better and regarding comments it can make my code easier to follow for people trying to read it and understand it. Thank you for reading my blog today, come back next week for some mode programming talk.
Source: https://infocamblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/java-programming-control-statements/
From the blog CS@Worcester – Benderson's Blog by bendersonsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.