Category Archives: @Angular2

Sprint 3 (2/23/17 – 3/7/17) Learning Reflection Blog

To be honest, out of the 3 sprints that we have already gone through, this sprint was probably the most unproductive. It might have something to do with the fact that this last sprint only consisted of about one user story; which was fixing the NGPOC-184 issue but nonetheless, it just didn’t feel as though anyone in our group (sadly, me included) made any progress. I think this might be because the class in general is too loose. We have to do check-ups on Scrum every other day but besides that, there is nothing forcing us to do the work. We could be saying we are doing something but there is no way of enforcing or checking that. For me personally I need to spend more time and focus on learning Angular 2 because its discouraging when I look at the code because it doesn’t all make sense to me.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 (2/7 – 2/21) Learning Reflection Blog

That was such a long sprint! Our Scrum team had our Retrospective today because it was the end of our second sprint and for the most part, I think we are really starting to get the hang of the whole Scrum framework when it comes to keeping up with our daily scrum and task board. There are of course some minor improvements that could be made like the level of communication but I think that will get better in time as we start to get used to how Scrum works.

To be honest, learning a language on your own is hard! Even though we did the tutorial on Angular 2, I still have no idea what I am doing half of the time. It takes me about half an hour to dissect 1 line of code in the authentication module of the ng2-amrs. It’s actually kind of depressing if I think about it…However I think it will get better and I just need to commit more time to learning the basic framework of Angular 2 so that I can apply it to the module we will be creating later on. I tried finding other sample tutorial programs like the Tour of Heroes one so I can try to get a better understanding of the language but there hasn’t been any helpful ones. Maybe books might help…

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learning Angular 2 (Week 2: 1/24 -1/30)

Following up with one of my previous posts about how our Software Development Capstone class will be working alongside with OpenMRS and AMPATH on some type of possible software that can be used within their medical system, I have recently started learning the basics of Angular 2. Angular 2 is the primary programming language used by OpenMRS so that is the language that is being requested for us to code in.

From the tutorials I have been following so far, it seems fairly simple to catch onto so far so that is a relief. One fascinating thing I’ve noticed is the similarity of Angular 2 and HTML. I’ve coded in HTML before and I was surprised to see that Angular 2 has the same syntax when it comes to the opening and closing brackets. Now I might just be ignorant to web programming languages and maybe all web programming languages follows that same syntax but whether or not that is the case; Angular 2 will be easier for me to learn than I had initially thought.

Just as a side note, I have started using WebStorm for JavaScript coding and so far it’s pretty good. I like the design and layout of the program, it kind of reminds me of the design layout of Komodo Edit.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.