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Black-Box vs. White-Box Testing

In class, we have been learning about the different types of testing methods. Today I want to focus on Black-Box vs. White-Box testing. Let us start by looking at how each test method differs from the other. Black Box testing is a software method in which the internal structure design and implementation of the item being tested are not known to the tester. However, in white box testing, the internal structure, design, and implementation are known to the tester.

Let us start by looking at a diagram example that was provided in one of my resources for black-box testing. The picture above of Black Box testing can be any software system. For example, a website like a google or an amazon database. All under the Black Box testing, you can test the applications by just focusing on the inputs and outputs without knowing their internal code implementation. There are many types of black box testing methods, but the main types are functional, nonfunctional and regression testing.  Now let us look at some of the techniques used in black-box testing. The few main ones are Equivalence class testing, boundary value testing, and decision table testing. I know we went over these in-depth in class, but I had no idea that these were related to black-box testing.

Now unlike Black Box testing, white box testing requires the Knowledge of the implementation to carry out. One of the main goals of white-box testing is to very a working flow for an application. It mainly involves testing a series of inputs against expected or desired output so that when the results in the expected output do not match with the input you have encountered a bug. One of the main techniques that are used in White-Box testing is code coverage analysis, which eliminates any gaps in the test case suite. These tests can be easily automated. While researching some of the disadvantages I found out was that white boxing can be quite complex and expensive. It also can be very time-consuming due to bigger applications taking time to test fully. Overall, both testing methods are important and necessary for successful software delivery.

From the blog Derin's CS Journey by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.