For this week’s apprenticeship pattern, I did a reading on “Confront Your Ignorance”. Confront Your Ignorance is about how to start the process. What I mean by this is to pick a tool, skill, or technique and use it to fill in the gaps of your knowledge about it. Confront Your Ignorance is overcoming your lack of knowledge in an area and doing your best to learn more about it to become knowledgeable about it. This pattern ties close together with Expose Your Ignorance pattern. However, implementing this pattern is a bit more doable since it is less of a challenge on your pride since it can be done privately. Other solutions besides learning on your own would be to ask your mentors or anyone that you know that may already have the skill and is willing to share what they know.
My initial reaction after reading this pattern is that it is a reflection of what I am currently experiencing. I have mentioned before that I have limited experience in the professional field of software engineering, I am constantly trying to fill in any gaps of knowledge to make me more of an ideal candidate to companies compared to those who have multiple internships under their belt. The reading was quite interesting and very useful. Interesting because I can relate to what it is talking about and useful because it helps me with my current job hunt and figuring out ways to tackle this issue. Even before reading this pattern, I’ve been trying to find ways of attaining skills and knowledge that I haven’t gained before.
The pattern has not changed the way how I view my profession because I know going that transferring from school life to being a professional Software Engineer, there will be a gap of knowledge I won’t have. I know that I am going to be required to research and learn new things in my career. Therefore, I am constantly practicing my skills and working on side projects to help myself get a good grip on how each technology works and how to incorporate it in what I want to do with my professional career.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Michael's Developer Blog by michaelchaau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.