This week I decided to read about the apprenticeship pattern ‘Unleash Your Enthusiasm’. The meaning behind unleashing your enthusiasm is that there may be something that is holding you back. Just like the pattern says, you have so much enthusiasm that’s ready to be release. The example that the book uses, is that software developers, you will more than likely be working as part of a team. Usually when working in groups, there is something called a norm which is what everyone follows. No one tries to stand out or if they did, they would find themselves in an uncomfortable position.
My initial reaction to this pattern is that it can relate to more than just software development. It can be compared to the outside world. For example, who you choose to have as your friends. In my instance, I used to have a circle of friends I used to ‘confine my enthusiasm’. Eventually I learned that they were holding me back from furthering my life from being greater. Once I started being myself, things naturally got better for me. My life got overall got better ever since I hold myself back. Just like how some new software engineers that start their first professional jobs confine with the norms. They become held back because they don’t want to speak up and voice their own opinions which then results in them becoming an ordinary worker who doesn’t stand out.
After reading the pattern, it has definitely made an impact to how I view myself working in a professional environment. I tend to be a quiet person when working in teams but lately have been more active and more vocal in the teams I am in at school. By doing this, I believe it will help me get out of my comfort zone and allow myself to ‘unleash my enthusiasm’.
This pattern can be applied to not only for software developers, but to their personal lives as well. I would agree with what have been said in this pattern because the meaning behind it, is to just let loose your ambitions. In order to grow and further your career, you can’t become a person who holds themselves back. There are times when staying in the norm is okay, but overall, it’s better to stand out because that is how you will get recognized.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Michael's Developer Blog by michaelchaau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.