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AB Testing – Episode 5 by Brent Jenson and Allen Page.

In this week’s testing episode, Brent and Allen begin by addressing end-to-end automation testing. It seemed that the original purpose of automation testing was being bypassed. Automation testing is best suited for short tip test and regression checks. But by implementing dev. architecture in testing, we are able to create a more organized and more structural development environment. Brent continues by addressing an issue that happened at amazon while he was there. They didn’t seem to have enough testers because whenever an update was made, it was reverted back due to bugs and collisions with other programs that were later found. The reversion process caused developers to place program signals and interrupts that would be triggered when parts of the apps or project was breaking up. This ended up educating the team about the need and importance of more testers to be able to find bugs and faults in the programs and update. Project rollout and changes often have drastically changed on overall product quality in the eyes of the users. It is often overlooked that creating proper checkpoints in a program creates great barriers against loss of services since it would be triggered should there be an update that can affect the performances of the program. Teaching programmers the testing techniques forces them to refactor their codes and build it to withstand updates that can break it. Also they tend to write codes that can be easily tested for bugs and holes. This practice creates a unique optimization of cost, which creates very complex codes that are not easily tested using automation since outputs cannot be predicted. Another tool that was introduced in the podcast was automated gui testing. This is a testing feature that is often used by developers to build proper test cases and scenarios. Automated GUI testing increases testing efforts, speed up delivery time, and improve test coverage. This is the main reason why teams that adopt the agile testing methodologies and continuous integration practices continue to invest in automated testing tools that can be used to perform front-end testing. Implementing GUI testing becomes more complex as time progresses and is almost never a linear process. It is a demanding part of the development lifecycle that forces QA teams to dedicate a large amount of time to. To sum things up , The best automated testing tools will not only have strong record-and-replay capabilities and flexible testing frameworks but they help you cut down on testing times and increase the speed to delivery.






From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Algorithms, Puzzles and the Technical Interview- Episode 29.

Coding blocks podcast is presented by Joe Zack, Michael outlaw and Allen Underwood. In this episode, the squad discusses details and understanding of algorithms while addressing problem solving puzzles that are often required for one to make it through a technical interview. The first topic that Michael talked about was staying on top of your coding skills and understanding the latest implementations and trends in the industry. He then recommended It’s a resource that host coding competitions and there is often a prize incentive for the winner. I think this is a great idea because we can all testify that the less you code, the more your skills become obsolete and sloppy. No only would recommending a site like that help coders sharpen their syntax and best practices, it also creates great portfolio references and helps build connections that could play a huge role in allowing a fellow coder to further his or her skills. Later in the podcast they began talking about the latest update to their angular project, which includes angular 2.0. Angular 2.0 is built on typescript. Allen initially talked about his frustration with typescript since it seemed to just translate what needed to be done in another language but actually he addressed some important features of typescript. It is backwards compatible and enables you to do immerse closures and constructor type things in it. He also addressed the similarities between typescript and object oriented programing languages like java or C-sharp. Another resource that was mentioned was code Academy. They advised this site if you are a developer that wants to learn a new programing language or pick up a new programing skill for free. Now after many side talks, the question was asked, what an algorithm is. They defined an algorithm as a set of instructions and procedures that gets a task completed, while defining a program as a set of lines of instructions that are run to complete the task. The program is the implementation of the algorithm. They also defined a design pattern as a collection and organizational workflow that helps organizes code and makes it easy to maintain overtime. Finally they talked about how you can prepare for a technical interview with a potential employer as a developer. Knowing your basic algorithms and how they can be implemented serves as a great way to prepare for an interview. It is a known fact that software algorithms remain the same but they are just re implemented in different ways.





Link – Episode 29


From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.