Category Archives: Communism Will Win

CS343 Final Project – Blog 1

Since this semester began, I’ve known exactly what I wanted to do for my final project, and even before the semester I’ve had this project kicking around my head. Ever since I saw my good friends personal site years ago, I thought it may be exciting to create my own, even before I even considered doing computer science. So, it should be obvious then, when I found out we would be creating a web page for our final project I knew this was the perfect opportunity to finally begin this project.

I knew that this personal – or rather, professional – site would be an interactive resume of sorts, a really incredible showing of capability that I could link to on resumes and in online professional profiles (LinkedIn, Handshake, etc). Consider this exchange:

“Have you done any web development?” asks a potential employer.

“Well sir/madam/neither, if you simply navigate to [web address] you’ll see the extent of that experience”.

“My goodness, this website looks amazing! I have no choice but to make you the president”.

As such it has to look good, like really good, you don’t become the president for nothing (you get it for being related to someone important). So, if I wanted a website that would make someone important adopt me, I needed to perfect the aesthetics of the website. I would need interactive elements and animations, a pleasing color palette, a readable layout, and of course sections on who I am and what my accomplishments are. I will, of course, not be linking this blog to it considering the beginning of this paragraph.

The first element I knew I wanted was a sticky header, or a toolbar that would “stick” to the top of the page once you scrolled down far enough for the top of the toolbar to touch the top of the page. This would mean that users could change page even while far past the header of the site. Another element I wanted was large tiles representing each page that would expand to fit the whole screen when clicked. However, I realized that it was incredible difficult to implement and also redundant considering I already had a way to access any other page at any point a user may be on said page.

I would reach the previous conclusion long after I had already begun, starting with the sticky toolbar. Folks online have implemented similar designs, so I began with those that were most effective and simple as a template. The way it works is actually very clever: a typescript method is used to check the yOffset of the page and if it goes past the offset of top of toolbar the toolbar is changed from a regular element to one that is fixed at the top of the page. As such, the elements on the page below would normally be covered slightly by this bar, however I have it dynamically add to the top-margin of the page to shift the content down appropriately. When this happens, by painstakingly finding the exact right values, it all appears perfectly seamless.

This work took, no joke, 4 hours or more, as I added scaling for page width such that when the page is shrunk horizontally as it would be on mobile the header and toolbar grow in height to accommodate the text and buttons correctly. However, I’ve already gone long on this blog so I will continue in the next one!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Press Here for Worms by wurmpress and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.