Category Archives: CS-343

Remote Work

     Ever since the pandemic, the modern workplace has gone through many shifts. The realization that workers can still be effective members of the company from their home has changed a lot of people’s perspective on the corporate work environment. Many workers have pushed for remote work to become a staple of the modern job market. It is easy to see the appeal of remote work: No commute, stuffy office, or even stuffier dress code sounds very appealing to me. I personally enjoy the ease of access to one’s job right in their own home. All of that said, the infrastructure for remote work has been in the works for longer than we realized that there was a need for it. In the modern era, cloud computing has become a necessity for almost any job regardless of whether it is remote or not. Services such as AWS, Azure, and Git hub/lab has supplemented developers with the tools to contribute to their workplace from anywhere on the globe. Now teams can be comprised of any developer within the company and can pull from about any talent pool. This comes with its own set of unique challenges though, as remote work moves developers from a singular office space to their respective homes. Balancing time zones, long-distance communication between team members, increased risk to cybersecurity and more come with the territory of all your developers working from their house. Fortunately, Cloud computing answers some of these problems by providing more security and reliability to development teams. Azure and AWS provide secure repositories for teams and reliable access to their work wherever they are. Then there are Applications such as Zoom, which provides communication between team members and can even facilitate daily scrum meetings if needed. Developers have been using git for a long time, and it has served to supplement collaboration in software development. While the pandemic is over and most companies have tried to push their employees to go back to the office, remote work has become a fixture in the modern work landscape. For some companies, it is an economic option since it is cheaper to subscribe to several cloud services than to rent an entire office space. For other companies, it is simply the efficient option. I believe companies should incorporate these innovative technologies to expand their reach, and to shift society further down the path of better work life balance. The past few years have shown us that the old ninetofive has become outdated, and possibly unsustainable.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Remote Work

     Ever since the pandemic, the modern workplace has gone through many shifts. The realization that workers can still be effective members of the company from their home has changed a lot of people’s perspective on the corporate work environment. Many workers have pushed for remote work to become a staple of the modern job market. It is easy to see the appeal of remote work: No commute, stuffy office, or even stuffier dress code sounds very appealing to me. I personally enjoy the ease of access to one’s job right in their own home. All of that said, the infrastructure for remote work has been in the works for longer than we realized that there was a need for it. In the modern era, cloud computing has become a necessity for almost any job regardless of whether it is remote or not. Services such as AWS, Azure, and Git hub/lab has supplemented developers with the tools to contribute to their workplace from anywhere on the globe. Now teams can be comprised of any developer within the company and can pull from about any talent pool. This comes with its own set of unique challenges though, as remote work moves developers from a singular office space to their respective homes. Balancing time zones, long-distance communication between team members, increased risk to cybersecurity and more come with the territory of all your developers working from their house. Fortunately, Cloud computing answers some of these problems by providing more security and reliability to development teams. Azure and AWS provide secure repositories for teams and reliable access to their work wherever they are. Then there are Applications such as Zoom, which provides communication between team members and can even facilitate daily scrum meetings if needed. Developers have been using git for a long time, and it has served to supplement collaboration in software development. While the pandemic is over and most companies have tried to push their employees to go back to the office, remote work has become a fixture in the modern work landscape. For some companies, it is an economic option since it is cheaper to subscribe to several cloud services than to rent an entire office space. For other companies, it is simply the efficient option. I believe companies should incorporate these innovative technologies to expand their reach, and to shift society further down the path of better work life balance. The past few years have shown us that the old ninetofive has become outdated, and possibly unsustainable.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Remote Work

     Ever since the pandemic, the modern workplace has gone through many shifts. The realization that workers can still be effective members of the company from their home has changed a lot of people’s perspective on the corporate work environment. Many workers have pushed for remote work to become a staple of the modern job market. It is easy to see the appeal of remote work: No commute, stuffy office, or even stuffier dress code sounds very appealing to me. I personally enjoy the ease of access to one’s job right in their own home. All of that said, the infrastructure for remote work has been in the works for longer than we realized that there was a need for it. In the modern era, cloud computing has become a necessity for almost any job regardless of whether it is remote or not. Services such as AWS, Azure, and Git hub/lab has supplemented developers with the tools to contribute to their workplace from anywhere on the globe. Now teams can be comprised of any developer within the company and can pull from about any talent pool. This comes with its own set of unique challenges though, as remote work moves developers from a singular office space to their respective homes. Balancing time zones, long-distance communication between team members, increased risk to cybersecurity and more come with the territory of all your developers working from their house. Fortunately, Cloud computing answers some of these problems by providing more security and reliability to development teams. Azure and AWS provide secure repositories for teams and reliable access to their work wherever they are. Then there are Applications such as Zoom, which provides communication between team members and can even facilitate daily scrum meetings if needed. Developers have been using git for a long time, and it has served to supplement collaboration in software development. While the pandemic is over and most companies have tried to push their employees to go back to the office, remote work has become a fixture in the modern work landscape. For some companies, it is an economic option since it is cheaper to subscribe to several cloud services than to rent an entire office space. For other companies, it is simply the efficient option. I believe companies should incorporate these innovative technologies to expand their reach, and to shift society further down the path of better work life balance. The past few years have shown us that the old ninetofive has become outdated, and possibly unsustainable.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Remote Work

     Ever since the pandemic, the modern workplace has gone through many shifts. The realization that workers can still be effective members of the company from their home has changed a lot of people’s perspective on the corporate work environment. Many workers have pushed for remote work to become a staple of the modern job market. It is easy to see the appeal of remote work: No commute, stuffy office, or even stuffier dress code sounds very appealing to me. I personally enjoy the ease of access to one’s job right in their own home. All of that said, the infrastructure for remote work has been in the works for longer than we realized that there was a need for it. In the modern era, cloud computing has become a necessity for almost any job regardless of whether it is remote or not. Services such as AWS, Azure, and Git hub/lab has supplemented developers with the tools to contribute to their workplace from anywhere on the globe. Now teams can be comprised of any developer within the company and can pull from about any talent pool. This comes with its own set of unique challenges though, as remote work moves developers from a singular office space to their respective homes. Balancing time zones, long-distance communication between team members, increased risk to cybersecurity and more come with the territory of all your developers working from their house. Fortunately, Cloud computing answers some of these problems by providing more security and reliability to development teams. Azure and AWS provide secure repositories for teams and reliable access to their work wherever they are. Then there are Applications such as Zoom, which provides communication between team members and can even facilitate daily scrum meetings if needed. Developers have been using git for a long time, and it has served to supplement collaboration in software development. While the pandemic is over and most companies have tried to push their employees to go back to the office, remote work has become a fixture in the modern work landscape. For some companies, it is an economic option since it is cheaper to subscribe to several cloud services than to rent an entire office space. For other companies, it is simply the efficient option. I believe companies should incorporate these innovative technologies to expand their reach, and to shift society further down the path of better work life balance. The past few years have shown us that the old ninetofive has become outdated, and possibly unsustainable.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Remote Work

     Ever since the pandemic, the modern workplace has gone through many shifts. The realization that workers can still be effective members of the company from their home has changed a lot of people’s perspective on the corporate work environment. Many workers have pushed for remote work to become a staple of the modern job market. It is easy to see the appeal of remote work: No commute, stuffy office, or even stuffier dress code sounds very appealing to me. I personally enjoy the ease of access to one’s job right in their own home. All of that said, the infrastructure for remote work has been in the works for longer than we realized that there was a need for it. In the modern era, cloud computing has become a necessity for almost any job regardless of whether it is remote or not. Services such as AWS, Azure, and Git hub/lab has supplemented developers with the tools to contribute to their workplace from anywhere on the globe. Now teams can be comprised of any developer within the company and can pull from about any talent pool. This comes with its own set of unique challenges though, as remote work moves developers from a singular office space to their respective homes. Balancing time zones, long-distance communication between team members, increased risk to cybersecurity and more come with the territory of all your developers working from their house. Fortunately, Cloud computing answers some of these problems by providing more security and reliability to development teams. Azure and AWS provide secure repositories for teams and reliable access to their work wherever they are. Then there are Applications such as Zoom, which provides communication between team members and can even facilitate daily scrum meetings if needed. Developers have been using git for a long time, and it has served to supplement collaboration in software development. While the pandemic is over and most companies have tried to push their employees to go back to the office, remote work has become a fixture in the modern work landscape. For some companies, it is an economic option since it is cheaper to subscribe to several cloud services than to rent an entire office space. For other companies, it is simply the efficient option. I believe companies should incorporate these innovative technologies to expand their reach, and to shift society further down the path of better work life balance. The past few years have shown us that the old ninetofive has become outdated, and possibly unsustainable.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Effects of AI on the Human Workforce

Automation is an often-overlooked concept when it comes to the study of how human civilization has evolved, which, is a shame, since it has had such a crucial role in making the modern world. The invention of farm equipment meant agriculture required less labor, allowing people to focus their lives on education. These people would go on to create further innovations, creating a cycle in which people create new technologies that give subsequent generations more opportunities to design their own creations.

The automotive industry is a great modern example. Several decades ago, car production plants employed millions, while now, these same factories almost exclusively use robots for the manual labor tasks previously delegated to humans. On the one hand, this has many benefits. Cars are now easily affordable to the regular person and production is now streamlined and faster. On the other hand, however, those jobs working on the factory line are gone, and those previously working on them are left without work.

As artificial intelligence explodes into the modern world, this same process is already beginning to take place. According to Yahoo Finance, as of July 2023, almost a quarter million employees working in the tech sector have been laid off due to being replaced by AI. The idea of replacing expensive employees with comparatively free AI labor is an extremely enticing opportunity for business executives. Just as robots replaced human workers on assembly lines, AI programs have begun to replace human workers sitting in the office.

This is not a phenomenon exclusive to the tech sector either. If you’ve ever had to talk on the phone with customer service for any large company, the voice you first hear after dialing often is no longer a human, but rather a computer. By using voice-to-text software powered by machine learning, calls can be filtered by issue type, and automatically directed to the proper department, where a human can address the caller as required. Sometimes, you won’t even talk to a person at all.

For the sake of clarity; the advancement of machine learning will not lead to artificial intelligence replacing the entire human workforce. Remember back to the previous point about how automation led to the loss of jobs in the automotive industry? This also led to new jobs being created, from designing and programming robots to assemble cars, to technicians maintaining these robots when they inevitably break. The same can be said for artificial intelligence. While self-driving cars may some day replace taxi drivers, this would also lead to job openings in developing and maintaining the software behind them.

The idea that AI will replace humans completely is a scary pitfall to get into, however, this isn’t a situation that humans haven’t experienced before. As technology grows and develops, so does society. Usually for the better.

Works Cited

Bizouati-Kennedy, Yael. “How AI Is Already Causing Layoffs in the Tech Industry.” Yahoo Finance, Yahoo, 7 July 2023,

Kothari, Jash. “Artificial Intelligence: Cause of Unemployment.” GeeksforGeeks, 16 Aug. 2019,

“Will AI Replace Humans in Customer Service?”,

From the blog Butler Software Construction, Design, and Architecture by Griffin Butler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding the Nuances of Smells: Code, Design, and Beyond (Week-11)

In the realm of software development, the term ‘smells’ is often bandied about, yet its nuanced connotations can be elusive. This blog post delves into three distinct types of ‘smells’: everyday smells, code smells, and design smells, exploring their significance and how they metaphorically interrelate with the course material.

My exploration was sparked by an intriguing resource: Martin Fowler’s seminal work, “Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code”. This text, rich in insights, lays the foundation for understanding code and design smells in software engineering. The reason for selecting this resource stems from its practical relevance and the profound impact it has had on my perspective on software quality.

Fowler’s book is a treasure trove of knowledge on how to spot and rectify issues in code (code smells) and software design (design smells). It emphasizes that like an unpleasant odor, these ‘smells’ in software signal deeper problems. The book meticulously categorizes various smells and provides strategies for refactoring, essentially cleaning up the code.

Reflecting on this material, I was struck by the parallels between the tangible world of everyday smells and the abstract domain of software development. Just as an unpleasant smell in a room can indicate something amiss, a code smell suggests underlying problems in the software’s structure. This analogy profoundly altered my understanding of software quality and maintenance.

Code smells, such as duplicate code or excessively long methods, often point to a need for refactoring. Design smells, on the other hand, are more insidious. They indicate deeper issues in the software architecture, like rigidity or needless complexity. Understanding these concepts has armed me with the knowledge to write cleaner, more maintainable code.

Moreover, this resource has reshaped how I approach software development. Recognizing smells early on can prevent costly reworks in the future. It’s akin to addressing a small leak before it becomes a flood. This proactive approach is something I intend to apply rigorously in my future projects.

Application in Future Practice

Armed with this knowledge, I envision a more refined approach to coding and design in my future endeavors. The ability to identify and rectify these smells promptly will not only enhance the quality of my work but also reduce the time and effort required for maintenance.


In sum, the exploration of smells in software, inspired by Fowler’s enlightening work, has been a journey of discovery. It underscores the importance of vigilance and continuous improvement in software development. This learning experience has been transformative, reshaping my approach to coding and design, and it’s a perspective I’m eager to apply in my professional journey.


Martin Fowler. (2018). “Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code.” Addison-Wesley Professional.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kadriu's Blog by Arber Kadriu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


During our Software Construction, Design and Architecture class, we’ve gone over a multitude of different design techniques, patterns and tools to ensure that we write quality code. We’ve also touched on some design / code smells and the concept of technical debt. While design smells can give you an indication of something that might be wrong with your code, whether in a small section or in the overall design, anti-patterns represent a much more obvious, prevalent problem in your code.

Some of the most common examples of anti-patterns I’ve heard in conversations I’ve had with my friends, classmates and even teachers in a joking matter, like spaghetti code, and copying and pasting code snippets from random repos (which isn’t just bad practice for coding, it’d also be possible to infringe upon licenses or the lack thereof placed on that code). I think the reason why these are fairly common among the circles I’ve been in is just because everyone has done it before for a school assignment or something, and it’s just funny to joke about.

Some anti-patterns are a bit more involved with designing software in a meaningful sense, though. In a blog post from Lucidchart, some other anti-patterns found in software development and design are golden hammers, god objects, boat anchors and dead code. What’s interesting about these is that they actually are actual manifestations of design smells, in the most obvious ways.

For example, a boat anchor is a piece of code that isn’t being used yet but might be used in a future version, maybe. This results in needless complexity, an addition that isn’t necessary and makes it harder to read your code. Dead code is similar, code that gets executed but isn’t even used in the output of a program, causing immobility. Using a golden hammer means you are using the same tool for a bunch of different jobs, thinking that it is the best tool for all cases. This contributes to fragility, needless repetition and opacity depending on the implementation one goes about with a golden hammer. God objects are similar in a sense, as they’re objects that do too much and are responsible for too many functions. This violates encapsulation principles that are good practice in software design, while also resulting in immobility, viscosity and possibly even more. Dead code

This reinforces the idea of checking for code smells and refactoring code as needed, because otherwise you will build upon a foundation that was fundamentally problematic, and the rest of your code will reflect it no matter how much better it is. This all ties into technical debt, and brings all of the software design principles, concepts and ideas together into a picture that says: please maintain your code cleanly!

From the blog CS@Worcester – V's CompSCi Blog by V and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Art of Future-Ready REST API Design

Best practices for REST API design:

In today’s digital landscape, REST APIs play a pivotal role in facilitating seamless communication between various clients and services. However, designing these APIs requires careful consideration of factors such as security, performance, and ease of use for consumers. In this blog post, we will delve into the key best practices for designing REST APIs that are not only easy to understand but also future-proof and secure.

Summary: The selected resource outlines essential guidelines for designing REST APIs. It covers crucial aspects like choosing the right data format (JSON), using nouns instead of verbs in endpoint paths, logical nesting for hierarchical objects, handling errors gracefully with standard error codes, and implementing features such as filtering, sorting, and pagination. The article also emphasizes the importance of maintaining good security practices, caching data for improved performance, and versioning APIs to manage changes effectively.

Reason for Selection: This resource was chosen because it directly aligns with the course material, providing a comprehensive guide to REST API design principles. The clarity of the content and its relevance to common challenges in API development makes it a valuable reference for anyone involved in creating robust APIs.

Comments on Content: The guidelines presented in the resource offer practical insights into building effective REST APIs. The emphasis on using JSON for data exchange aligns with industry standards, ensuring compatibility across various technologies. The recommendation to avoid verbs in endpoint paths simplifies API readability and adheres to the RESTful principles of using HTTP methods for actions. The article’s discussion on error handling and status codes enhances the overall robustness of API implementations.

Personal Reflection: As a developer, this resource reinforced the importance of consistency and adherence to best practices in API design. The concept of logical nesting for related resources provides a structured approach that can enhance both API usability and maintainability. Learning about caching strategies and the significance of versioning in API development has broadened my understanding of how to address performance and compatibility concerns in real-world scenarios.

Application in Future Practice: The insights gained from this resource will significantly influence my future API development projects. I plan to implement the recommended practices, especially in areas like error handling, security, and versioning. Additionally, the emphasis on caching strategies will be integrated to optimize data retrieval and enhance the overall performance of the APIs I develop.

In conclusion, the resource serves as a valuable guide for both beginners and experienced developers, offering practical tips for designing REST APIs that stand the test of time. By incorporating these best practices, developers can create APIs that not only meet current requirements but also adapt seamlessly to future changes in technology and user needs.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by rkaranja1002 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

REST API | Week 10

Rest API Designs

In this article the general theme of it helps new or even current programmers understand the fundamentals of REST API’s and help make it more comprehensible as well as to remember important key points in this theme. From how to properly use HTTPS to getting to know how to construct it and remembering what errors you might have, what they mean, this article covers it all. 

I selected this article because sometimes I like to look at things from a different perspective and search around to help me understand something in a different way to clarify a problem or to just maybe help me to connect the dots. Personally this article is a very good introduction into grasping the fundamentals of REST API’s. The material that was observed and taught in class as well as this article really made this click and helped me to move forward with this knowledge in the lessons ahead.  

The article is set up perfectly to go in order of how to design a REST API and why per say the said details are important and it truly helped me to push forward in certain homeworks and as well as the assignments in class. The first operation is to make a simple URL that is simple and just easy. Following up is something that was surprisingly helpful and it was the importance of nouns that you needed to be aware of. This is sometimes being the most common mistake with developers. Tying into that is understanding when to use the right HTTPS methods and why said method should be used as well as why some are more useful than others. Diving to understand and help what parameters are and why we need them. HTTPS methods are just as important as the HTTP codes. Narrowing it down that the most important range of numbers that are used are from 200s all the way to the 500s. Moving to understanding versioning and why it’s very important because it helps keep a check on the amount of updates, small or big that lead to those said versions and helps tracking them when they come out. The last three titles are the use of pagination which helps understand the developer how downloading is going and if its causing any disruptions lowering the services that are in store. API responses must respond or  return in JSON though that may vary if you are using a legacy app. The cherry on top is the using proper error messages. Practice and observe what error messages pull through. 


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Jon Skende and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.