Category Archives: CS-343

Let me tell you who I am

To begin, my name is Oanh Nguyen. At this point and time, a student at the university of Worcester State. I major in computer science and minor in business administration. Another thing to add is that I’m currently taking ‘Software Constr, Des & Archit’ and many further blog will be related to this class. Which will be tagged accordingly.

While I’m not particularly great at programming, I enjoy problem solving and those moments where I succeed in getting a project done. The reason I choose to major is because there was a ‘Discrete Structure’ class I took in the past and I enjoyed it great. I wished to take a further step in that direction, although I do not know where it will take me.

It’s nice to meet you, who is reading this. Thank you.

From the blog SoftwareDiary by Oanh Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-343 Introduction

This blog page will be used to discuss my findings and research throughout my courses. This will be a gateway to look back on and view how much improvement I have made or even the different technologies I used previously.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cinnamon Codes by CinnamonCodes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective Blog #3

Hi everyone, my name is Abdullah Farouk, for those who don’t know me by now, and this is going to be my first sprint retrospective of the semester. First, I will start out by saying, considering this whole thing is brand new to us, we did a great job working with this new style and adapted quickly to all the changes. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of room for improvement from everyone in the team, but we successfully passed through this semester. This sprint consisted of us getting more familiar with libre food pantry more and to see how this scrum framework actually go and went more in depth into the actual system. The first thing we did in the beginning of the semester was weighing the different issues and breaking some epics into smaller issues and assigning it to our team. We then organized the issues on which one we wanted to do first and so on. I worked on most of the issues during class time, which worked out nicely because I had my team member there to help me with things just in case, I got stuck, which I did sometimes. I liked meeting in person instead of virtual meetings, as I think we do more work when we see each other instead of behind a computer screen.

One thing that I would say the we massively on was how we weighed the issues in the beginning. Compared to the first sprint, Some of the issues took less than what we had anticipated, and some took way longer, but this sprint we got it spot on and managed to finish all the issues on the board just in time. Another thing that we improved on was communicating outside of class time. I started privately messaging class mates for updates if they haven’t said anything in days. One thing we still didn’t do well was Some of the issues we had made, we didn’t add a description to it, so it was a little harder for me to figure out what they want me to do just from the title, so I had to ask classmate to double check.

Other than that one issues, I think me, and the team did a great job going through these issues and completing them on a timely basis. I worked on multiple issues for this sprint that I will list at the ends, but mostly I was trying to clean up code and made sure anything that I had left unfinished, was either finished or deleted so the next class is not having a headache trying to figure out why it’s there. I also checked a couple of my classmate’s issues that needed to be reviewed in order to merge to main. I also worked on. I also learned a lot about nodemon function and have a basic understanding of how it works and how to properly integrate it.

  • Update CheckInventoryFrontend

  • Verifying that ReportingAPI has correct extensions and linters

  • Think and write down possible ways to further enhance the CheckInventoryFrontend

  • Examine GuestInfoFrontend with its wireframe to see if there is any helpful code that can be shared

From the blog CS@Worcester – Farouk's blog by afarouk1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Chapter 3 of “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman”.

In Chapter 3 of “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman,” entitled “Walking the Long Road,” the focus lies on recognizing that achieving mastery in fields like software development is a gradual process demanding persistence, endurance, and ongoing education.

The chapter opens by stressing the importance for aspiring craftsmen to accept that attaining mastery is not an immediate goal but rather a journey that unfolds over time. It underscores the comparison to a lengthy road trip, where the adventure itself holds equal importance to reaching the final destination. This change in mindset is essential for newcomers to the realm of software development, aiding them in valuing the journey of honing their skills and achieving expertise.

Following this, the chapter presents the “Long Road” pattern, advocating for prioritizing long-range growth over pursuing immediate rewards or quick fixes. It stresses the significance of establishing realistic objectives, fostering a mindset of continuous improvement, and dedicating oneself to regular practice and enhancement of skills throughout the journey.

An interesting element of this chapter lies in its focus on the importance of persistence and fortitude when confronted with difficulties and setbacks. It underscores the certainty of facing obstacles during the pursuit of mastery and urges readers to perceive these challenges as chances for personal development rather than excuses to surrender.

Additionally, the chapter offers actionable guidance on effectively traversing the lengthy journey. It recommends approaches like seeking mentorship, engaging with communities of practitioners, and embracing intentional practice to expedite the process of learning and skill refinement.

In summary, Chapter 3 of “Apprenticeship Patterns” underscores the essential components of achieving mastery in software development, emphasizing the need for commitment, endurance, and an appreciation for the process. By embracing the philosophy of “walking the long road” and heeding the chapter’s advice, aspiring software craftsmen can embark on a journey toward ongoing advancement and eventual expertise in their field of choice.

Ultimately, this pattern can inspire a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to your intended profession, one that emphasizes continuous learning, resilience, and a commitment to long-term improvement.

From the blog CS@Worcester – THE SOLID by isaacstephencs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

An Intro to TestProject as an Automated Testing Tool

Classes restarted last week, and during the first week I found myself reading and writing a lot of introductory blog posts about upcoming semester course topics. As part of my setup tasks for CS-443 Software QA and Testing, I read about one of the most popular manual API Testing tools Postman and saw reference to TestProject, an automated testing tool from the same company Tricentis. So, I decided to do some further reading into TestProject as I understood the basics of manual testing, but had not seen automated testing in action yet. To do so, I found a blog post on the Tricentis site containing an overview tutorial of API testing and how platforms like Postman and TestProject can be valuable.

The post begins by discussing the value in API Testing and mentions the utility of Postman, but also brings up some of the limitations that are commonly encountered such as test automation, scheduling, and end-to-end test reporting. Intro TestProject → This testing platform offers solutions for end-to-end API testing by providing an environment to not only test API’s, manually but also to automate API-based test flows, schedule and run them periodically, and generate execution reports without the need for third party tools or writing any code.

The blog also contains a six chapter tutorial on using TestProject, so I delved into Chapter 1 – Basic API Test Automation. This emphasizes the platform’s ability to handle a wide variety of input sources like HTML, Databases, and more, then showing the application GUI and taking the reader through how to add ‘test steps’ in TestProject to set up automated testing for a GET HTTP request using NASA’s public APIs including search parameters and discussion on Dynamic Endpoint URLs (and implementing them) amongst others. Chapter 2 offers another brief tutorial discussing the value of scheduling automated tests with image steps (guide) to doing so with interactions to Android and iOS systems.

From these introductory chapters, I was able to get a basic idea of how to use TestProject to design calls, execute tests and access result reports. The other chapters in this TestProject tutorial cover more advanced API testing and validation flows, shell commands, scheduling API automation and more. As an introduction to Quality Assurance Testing and the course in general, this chapter was intriguing and valuable to get an idea of what an automated software testing tool looks like and how to use it in a basic sense. Stay tuned to read more about these other chapters and other topics in software quality assurance and testing and other exciting computer science related topics!

General TP Post:

Chapter 1: 2:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech. Worth Talking About by jelbirt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Architecture Patterns (Token Blog)

While I do not have a great understanding of Software Architecture as much as I do with programming the Backend of that same software, I still take into appreciation the looks of its design.  When I took sight of “The top 5 software architecture patterns: How to make the right choice” written by Freelance writer Peter Wayner, one of the things that was eye-catching was how the Software Architecture Patterns were described throughout this blog.  While the Microservices Architecture was one of the only architectures that I had familiarized myself with while reading through the different architectures, I had been more interested in the endless vacuum of strengths that the Space-based architecture had when seeing the benefits that it poses.  The article had given a very understanding of all the Software Architectures by showing their strengths and their weaknesses, making it easier to see where their limits are foreseen.

I chose this article since I searched far and wide for a topic that I least understood, but still would be inspired to follow through reading about it for fulfillment.  The article does a really great job at grabbing the reader, as the most complex part about trying to understand a Software Architecture is when you are trying not to break your own code with a Software Architecture that poses a great risk in causing your program to crash unexpectedly.  For the simplicity of the reader, Wayner had given either a telling example or a visualization that would help the reader have a simple explanation of what the structure is designed to do for your program as its structure.

The biggest takeaway I had after reading this article was that I was still able to learn that each architecture shapes your program in a way to help better understand what to do with your program next.  However, Software Architecture is still only the beginning of what you need to do to fully design your software.  A software may still need changes that an architecture alone cannot fix, but what an architecture should do is help you see the full picture of your own work that you have done.  A Software Architecture is only a frame in the end, but the program you create would be best suited for an environment that is needed to put it on full display.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Elias' Blog by Elias Boone and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

REST API (Token blog)

When I was first introduced to the concept of an API, a shortened abbreviation of Application Programming Interface, I never thought of it being used far outside the scope of Computer Science.  However, as I revisited some software that I used in the past and observed the current software I worked with recently, I was more than surprised by the fact that an API is universally used across the Internet.  For this blog, I explored a blog called “10 Most Popular Frameworks For Building RESTful APIs” written by Developer Advocate at Moesif, Preet Kaur. In this blog, the author explained that when deciding on the API framework to use, you needed to choose one that uses a programming language that you are familiar with, but you can also use in spite of its shortcomings.  Further down the blog, she gave some examples of popular API frameworks that are used by many developers; one of those frameworks that was mentioned was Express JS, a framework I am familiar with.

One of the biggest contributing factors that brought me to use this article for this blog is not only the different frameworks that Kaur had given examples of, but also where you can find and learn about them.  Reading this blog got me hooked on the many different types of API frameworks that I could look at to familiarize myself with each that may give me a better understanding of the specifics of REST API for my drive toward a career in Software Engineering.  Even if the frameworks in question were written in programming languages that I am not as efficient in programming in, I still believe that this blog has helped me in understanding the overall meaning of building an API for use in creating applications and beyond.

My biggest takeaway from this blog is that the API framework you use to build an application, software or other kind of design is not only dependent on your skill at programming or engineering, but also what your goal is with using the framework you choose for your creation.  While this blog was more general than the previous ones I read through, I still stand with a vision that the API framework that I use will only be as helpful as the skills I use to develop and engineer my path to a greater goal in creating the perfect software.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Elias' Blog by Elias Boone and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Architecting for Agility

Hey everyone, it’s Andi and I presented an article on decoupled software architectures. Essentially, decoupled architecture aims to break down monolithic applications into modular, isolated components that can operate and evolve independently. I wanted to talk about this concept because decoupling enables more agile, resilient systems that can better adapt to changing customer needs and scale more consistently clean . Article written by Arunkumar Ganapathy, a solutions architect focusing on the design and development of software systems with over 17 years of hands-on experience and is highly skilled in Java, Node JS, and AWS technical stack. So to start off, what is decoupled architecture? It’s a system design approach that tries to cancel as many dependencies between application components by enabling them to operate autonomously. This provides advantages like independent scalability, avoiding regression issues typical of tight architectures. As organizations move toward rapid digital transformation, a separate architecture of focused, isolated services becomes critical for adaptability and resilience. With users all over with interfaces and microservice designs, building modular applications where components can be maintained and updated independently is essential to handle change. By allowing developers to construct and use discrete, self-contained services, architecture transforms how modern agile software is envisioned and created.

Decoupled software architecture presents an important pattern shift that computer science students should understand as they prepare to design and build the systems of the future. More modular system designs will be critical as applications scale up to handle massive data and traffic volumes driven by AI, IoT, and cloud adoption. Understanding loose coupling principles provides valuable insight into creating codebases that avoid failures and unintended side effects when changes are introduced. Exposure to concepts like event streaming and publish-subscribe architectures gives examples of techniques students may employ in decoupled designs. As tightly integrated monoliths become very hard to define, transitioning to more flexible and advanced microservices-based ways will be a reality for many computer science graduates. Getting early experience reasoning through decoupled architectures as students will pay profits in building adaptable and maintainable production systems down the road. The skills used to remove complex processes into cooperative but small components have broad applicability across software domains and will serve CS students well as the landscape continues to move in this direction.

As a student exploring different architectural patterns for connecting user-facing experiences to back-end logic, this article on decoupled architectures opened my eyes to the immense benefits of modular system design. I gained new knowledge into concepts like architectures that enable present / faster responsiveness by finding changes across isolated services. The examples of decoupled architectures powering complex platforms like Uber showed real use cases I could relate to from a front-end perspective.
Seeing how divided application components can evolve discreetly, avoiding regression issues affecting legacy systems, showed me a different perspective on the importance of loose coupling and principles in sustainable software development. My biggest takeaway was understanding how standardized APIs serve as a stronghold facilitating coordination between discrete front-end and back-end elements – while still allowing for independent scaling, troubleshooting and innovation.
As I progress to construct my own full-stack applications, I will apply learnings around planning sturdy interfaces between autonomous services and handling new versions when dependencies change. The reflection overall shows the specific learnings around technical concepts and design principles as well as expected impacts on the student’s future architectural thinking and implementation priorities. It includes both big takeaways as well as practical development relevant to front-end and back-end coherence in decoupled systems.

December 20, 2023
cs-343, CS@Worcester
cs-343, CS@Worcester

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Building Trust in Open Source Software

Hey Everybody! I chose the article “Boosting faith in the authenticity of open source software” to talk about how it affects present day software and how we can build off it. The article starts off presenting, Speranza is a new system that allows users to verify the authenticity of open source software packages while preserving the identity of developers. It builds on an existing signing system called Sigstore but uses a novel “identity co-commitments” cryptographic technique to prove a trusted developer signed the software without revealing their identity. This approach addresses vulnerabilities in the software supply chain by ensuring the origin of downloaded packages while improving usability and privacy compared to traditional signing keys. The article shows how Speranza enables trust in open source software through automatic verification of authenticity from maintainers.

Speranza presents an interesting case study for computer science students because it sits at the field of cryptography, real-world security issues, core computer science challenges, and the open source ecosystem so ubiquitous in the field. Specifically, the novel “identity co-commitments” technique aims to address the practical threat of vulnerabilities being introduced into software supply chains, whether through some type of malice. In order to take care of the identity, it aligns with both usability and privacy goals in computer science. The cryptographic research here goes as far as verifying authenticity, speaking also to the broader challenge of establishing trust between producers and consumers of open source software. Comments highlight the potential for Speranza’s automated integrity checks to transform that trust relationship. For CS students deeply embedded in open source as users and future contributors, understanding the latest developments working to up security and privacy could deeply inform both perspectives. More broadly, this research borders computer science trade-offs around security, privacy, and useability that come across domains.

As a student learning about building both front-end and back-end software systems, I found this article on the Speranza software authentication project a good addition to know about. I relied heavily on open source code in assignments, often importing libraries without much thought into their integrity. This resource impressed upon me that you can never fully trust third party code, even from regular or normal open source developers. Without an assurance like Speranza’s cryptographic identity commitments, any component in my software supply chain could be compromised.
I now understand the privacy-preservation behind Speranza’s design. By avoiding revealing developer identities in the authentication process, the system overcomes adoption barriers and aligns motives between creators and users of open source work. The commitment to privacy likely occurs from an open source mindset resisting that overcome.

Reading about Speranza’s novel technical approach using zero-knowledge proofs was clarifying as well from a software architecture perspective. Thinking through how I may include third party open source functionality in future applications, I need to consider adding checks on the integrity and origin of imported code. Though Speranza itself deals with authentication before download, it inspired me to reflect on similar proofs-of-authenticity within a completed software project. If I can confirm signed identities of any imported dependencies, it would make me more confident my project doesn’t have vulnerabilities introduced through my software supply chain. I still have much more to learn, but Speranza made me realize the trustworthy software development I had never considered.

December 20, 2023


cs-343, CS@Worcester

cs-343, CS@Worcester

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-343 Wrap Up

APIs, or Application Programming Intеrfacеs, sеrvе as softwarе intеrmеdiariеs facilitating communication bеtwееn divеrsе applications or dеvicеs. Thеy arе vital for intеraction with wеb browsеrs, mobilе dеvicеs, and third-party softwarе. APIs opеratе through protocols, primarily ovеr thе intеrnеt using HTTP, and arе likеnеd to a mеdiator facilitating communication bеtwееn a usеr and a backеnd systеm.

REST APIs, a usеr-friеndly stylе of API architеcturе, usе HTTP mеthods likе GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. REST API Managеmеnt involvеs four kеy componеnts: API Dеsign, API Gatеway, API Storе/Dеvеlopеr Portal, and API Analytics/Dashboard.

Thе principlеs of writing clеan codе еmphasizе using commеnts judiciously, brеaking down mеthods into focusеd units, incorporating unit tеsting, and еliminating codе duplication. Clеan codе еnhancеs rеadability, еfficiеncy, scalability, and rеducеs thе likеlihood of introducing bugs.

Documеntation is crucial for codе maintеnancе and collaboration, еncompassing low-lеvеl or inlinе documеntation, high-lеvеl documеntation, and walkthrough documеntation. Convеrsеly, anti-pattеrns likе Spaghеtti Codе, Goldеn Hammеr, and Boat Anchor hindеr codе maintainability and dеvеlopmеnt.

Dеv Containеrs, or dеvеlopmеnt containеrs, offеr a complеtе and isolatеd dеvеlopmеnt еnvironmеnt accеssеd through SSH in prеfеrrеd IDEs. Thеy addrеss sеtup configuration issuеs, standardizе projеct build instructions, еnsurе isolation of dеvеlopmеnt еnvironmеnts, еnablе consistеncy across tеams, and simplify onboarding and training procеssеs. Thеir adoption is bеnеficial for rapid dеvеlopmеnt, prototyping, and addrеssing challеngеs associatеd with divеrsе local еnvironmеnts.

This is just a quick summary of what I have been through in CS-343. It was a very impactful semester that taught me many new things. I believe what I enjoyed the most was working collaboratively in teams. I find myself always working better in a structured group and retaining information much better. Towards the end of the semester, when we started to work with APIs, specifically the backend/frontend, I noticed a big usage of JavaScript. The homeworks became a little more challenging because of this, and I am going to use my break to get a crash course in JS. I also am working on a personal project where I will soon be implementing a frontend GUI, so the timing works out great.

I also cannot wait for the capstone class next semester as the whole idea behind the class just sounds perfect. I am a very hands-on guy, so getting to finally work on an actual project for a semester with a team and implementing what we learned will be a learning experience. Also, a great way to practice for internships and job opportunities for the future.


From the blog CS@Worcester – CS: Start to Finish by mrjfatal and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.