There is a video on YouTube from a channel called The Digital Project Manager about Project Management called, “Agile project management methodology explained (with burgers?!)”. This video talks about Project Management, a topic from our course, but more specifically, agile project management. I found this video particularly educational and informative because instead of explaining agile project management in typical terms, the methodology is described using burgers. The video explains that agile project management is all about flexibility and adaptability. The agile project management style runs through multiple cycles of project production and release, taking feedback and input from the customer and users after each release cycle. This is a very effective and efficient method of project management because it allows a smooth flow of progress while making a more accurate product based on the customers’ desires. The way that the video compared this method of project management to burgers is by suggesting that there could be a goal of making the world’s best burger and in order to do that the chef would have to make a burger, get feedback from those who try it, then make changes to the burger in order to improve it. Agile project management implies that after every round of changes, the product should (hypothetically) get better and better. This made me wonder, in a professional setting, how each of these phases of the project would be tested and improved. Further, at what point could the project/program be determined as complete and who has the authority to make that decision? Agile project management is also inherently iterative. This means that multiple iterations or cycles can be completed throughout the process of completing the project. This method is particularly successful with dynamic projects and environments such as game development and software development because the requirements for these types of projects tend to be constantly changing and developing. Agile project management is also a more flexible form of project management. Because multiple cycles of development will occur, not all of the planning for the project has to be done prior to the developing stage of the project. This allows for more flexibility and a more robust and high quality product to come out of the process. During agile project management, each sprint can be broken down into five parts: Define, Craft, Develop, Deploy, Evaluate. The evaluate phase is what allows for this method to be iterable and flexible to multiple rounds of work.
From the blog CS@Worcester – The Struggle of Being a Female Student in CS by Noam Horn and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.