Category Archives: CS-348

Blog Week 11

This week, I found an article that actually only recently came out about 8 days ago. The article, titled “Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software”, dives into two authors who had their paper retracted from an academic journal because of their use of a software in which they did not obtain a license from.

The authors used a software called “FLOW-3D” to help them calculate results exploring dam failures. When the parent company, appropriately named “Flow Science” found out about this, they made a complaint and were quickly able to have the papers taken down by  Elsevier’s Ain Shams Engineering Journal. The journal’s editor-in-chief even stated: “One of the conditions of submission of a paper for publication is that the article does not violate any intellectual property rights of any person or entity and that the use of any software is made under a license or permission from the software owner.”.

I find this to be an important issue that should be certainly talked about. This semester, we already learned of the importance of obtaining these licenses for a multitude of reasons, but I don’t believe we saw any real life examples of consequences if you didn’t. This article shows that, especially if required by a certain company, journal, or any sort of entity, using software or creating software and not properly getting a license for it can have repercussions. While I’m unsure if I’ll be writing an academic paper in the near future, I imagine at some point, if I further my education, I will. And if I do, and I need to use software in a similar manner to the people in the article used it, I will certainly make sure I am not breaching any sort of guidelines or laws set in place when it comes to the software licensing.

The article also mentions that, in 2023, over 10,000 research papers were retracted, which is a new record. I’m unsure if these were all due to licensing issues or if other issues were involved as well, but it still proves the point that it is taken very seriously and you can face the repercussions if you are not careful.

There are also many other types of consequences you may face by not getting licenses when it is necessary, but I think this article may be a good one to read especially if you plan on writing a paper or study at some point with which you used software to help solidify your paper. It is always good to be aware of what you need to do to be able to appropriately write a paper first, so you don’t have to deal with potential consequences if you don’t.

From the blog CS@Worcester – RBradleyBlog by Ryan Bradley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Importance of Software Licenses

We spent a lot of time in class going over the different types of software licenses and the reasoning for why they are necessary, so I figured that it would make sense to dig deeper into the topic.

The blog that I selected introduces software license management as a way to strategically optimize and manage the usage of software within a company or organization. The blog post defines software license management (SLM) as the process of ensuring compliance within software licensing agreements but also minimizing any overspending and inefficiency throughout the entire process. The blog post also mentions the reasons for why SLM matters, as it points to the overall operational benefits that comes with proper SLM as well as the general legal and financial risks that are associated with non-compliance. Throughout the blog, the various types of licenses are all mentioned and explained, such as open-source, copyleft, and permissive licenses.

I selected this blog post because of its relevance to what we learned in class, as it gave a refresher on software licenses and also gave further elaboration on the overall subject. This blog also shows why software license management is important to a company, as it often leads to an increase in overall operational efficiency as well as compliance efficiency. This could be useful for me in the future as this article explained the importance of SLM in a workplace environment, which is very useful context to have.

This article gave me a larger understanding of software license management and the benefits of it. It also helped clarify my understanding of how companies tailor their strategies based on their operational needs, as the differentiation of software license types made this clear to me. I was very intruiged by the risks of not having SLM, as this can lead to a lot of inefficiencies as well as costly penalties for an organization, which is something that I never really considered thinking about. At the end of the article, it shows and lists a bunch of automation tools for SLM, which I found very interesting. This made me think about how technology can really simplify complex tasks, which can be both beneficial and detrimental at the same time for my future. For my future, I intend on applying this knowledge of software licenses and SLM potentially in future workplaces. To me, the benefits outweigh the negatives as implementing SLM will only increase efficiency within the company, which I think is generally a goal for most companies. Overall, this blog post did a great job at explaining the different types of software licenses, and showing me why software license management is so important, as well as why it is necessary when it comes to overall efficiency within an organization.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding Canvas by Sean Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

GitHub’s Multi-Model AI Approach

This week, I explored the article “GitHub Copilot Moves Beyond OpenAI Models to Support Claude 3.5, Gemini” on Ars Technica. It discusses GitHub Copilot’s recent expansion to integrate advanced AI models like Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 and Google’s Gemini, diverging from its earlier dependence solely on OpenAI. This development is a pivotal moment for AI-driven coding tools, as it allows GitHub to offer developers more diverse and powerful AI models tailored to different tasks.

The article highlights how GitHub Copilot, widely known for assisting developers by generating code snippets and reducing repetitive tasks, is evolving to deliver greater flexibility and efficiency. The inclusion of Claude 3.5 and Gemini enhances Copilot’s ability to handle more complex coding tasks, such as debugging and system design, while maintaining security standards. This shift also underscores GitHub’s focus on model diversity to better cater to developer preferences and workloads. Beyond coding, Copilot’s broader goal is to support the entire software development lifecycle, including planning and documentation.

I chose this article because our course emphasizes practical applications of programming tools and their role in optimizing workflows. GitHub Copilot, as an AI coding assistant, directly relates to concepts we’ve discussed about improving productivity and leveraging technology in software development. Additionally, we’ve been learning about programming tools and techniques that prioritize efficiency—qualities Copilot exemplifies. Understanding these cutting-edge advancements gives me insight into tools I may encounter in future projects or internships.

What resonated most with me was the article’s emphasis on customization and adaptability in AI-powered development tools. The idea that developers can now choose AI models best suited for specific coding challenges is intriguing. I also appreciated the focus on how Copilot is being adapted to aid more than just coding, reflecting the growing need for holistic development tools. The integration of AI into documentation and planning ties back to what I learned from Bob Ducharme’s blog post on documentation standards, reinforcing the interconnectedness of these areas.

This article expanded my understanding of how AI tools like Copilot are becoming indispensable in software development. I had previously viewed Copilot primarily as a code completion tool, but I now see its potential as a comprehensive assistant for developers, offering support from ideation to deployment. Learning about the integration of Claude 3.5 and Gemini also taught me the value of model diversity in addressing different problem domains. This understanding will guide me in choosing and utilizing similar tools effectively in the future.

In practice, I plan to adopt AI-powered tools like Copilot to streamline my coding process, especially when tackling repetitive tasks or unfamiliar languages. By using AI to augment my development workflow, I can focus more on problem-solving and innovative aspects of programming. Furthermore, as I become more familiar with these tools, I’ll aim to explore their broader capabilities, such as system design support and technical documentation.

Overall, this article is a must-read for anyone interested in how AI is transforming software development. It provides valuable insight into the next generation of development tools, showcasing how GitHub is positioning Copilot as an essential resource for developers. I highly recommend checking it out: GitHub Copilot Moves Beyond OpenAI Models to Support Claude 3.5, Gemini.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Journal by Alivia Glynn and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Licensing

For my second blog post, I will explore Software Licensing. I chose this topic because we have learned in class about the different types of licensing and what you can or can’t do with specific ones. There are multiple options to choose from when selecting a license for a program or software, and these differences can sometimes be confusing. I decided to dive deeper into this topic and found a blog titled “Understanding Software Licensing” by Fernando Galano.

The blog is divided into five sections: What is a software license? How does it work? Why does it matter? What are the types of software licenses? How do you find the perfect license for your software? The blog does a good job highlighting the importance of a license and the complexities of the legalities that come with terms and conditions. As we learned in class, a license is a type of legal contract between the creator(s) and the users interacting with the software. This interaction for the users can include the installation, modification, copying, or distribution of the software. It’s ultimately up to the creator(s) to select the license they want, which then defines what rights the users possess with the software.

In our class discussions about software licenses in model two, we discuss the different types of licenses and which is the best. The blog also does a good job explaining the differences between them while giving examples of companies that use certain licenses. Some examples of licenses for software are copyleft, public domain, permissive, and open source. Each of these licenses has its benefits and limitations, and it is up to the creator to line up the values they want their software to use. For example, a public domain has no restrictions on how the software can be used, but in comparison, a copyleft license forces derived work to have the same conditions.

The blog ends by explaining why licenses even matter and how to choose which best describes your situation. It explains that licenses have benefits for the user and the creator and these benefits help both parties understand the terms and conditions for its use while avoiding confusion. The author highlights the benefits for the user as an aid to managing tools and resources, clarifying how you can use them, and preventing unnecessary costs for tools the user may not need. The benefits for the creator include preventing unauthorized copying and distribution, limiting liability, and giving the creator control over the usage of their product. What I wish the blog talked about is the similar topic of copyright. We learned about this important topic in part one of software licenses by answering questions like, “You have a new idea for a program, can you copyright that idea?” or “You created a new program based on that idea, is that software copyright-able?”.

This blog did a great job explaining how licenses protect the user and creator while going in-depth on the different types to choose from.


From the blog Mike's Byte-sized by mclark141cbd9e67b5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Clean Code

Hello everyone

For this week’s blog topic, I will talk about clean code. This was one of my favorite topics that we have discussed in class so far.  Even before, I knew that writing good code is important, but I was unsure on how clean code was written. So far I had an idea, from doing exercises, solving problems and writing my own projects either for school or for fun. I thought my code was good enough that it would pass Uncle Bob’s test of clean code, but after reviewing again through his perspective it definitely does not pass as it needs a lot of improvement. Clean code is extremely significant as also stated by the author of the blog, writing code may take up 10% of a programmer’s time while reading and understanding code occupies the remaining 90%. In the blog, the author mentioned how this is even more accurate as in an open-source project like his, where external contributions can be done. The code needs to be clean enough, so the contributors can easily understand and spent most of their time writing code to add to the project. If the code was written poorly, it would make the experience of the contributor a nightmare as he would spend double of his time just reading and understanding, which would leave barely any time to add any new features. If the project goes to be used by multiple users, bugs would eventually pop up and fixing them in a timely manner when the code is a mess it would be very annoying. Even adding new features, it would be extremely time-consuming as you have to do twice the work if the code was written good. This is one of the reasons why I chose this blog from the rest.  The author emphasizes the real problems that come with writing bad code and how much it will cost you time wise to maintain your project up and running. 

Later on the blog, the author points out the importance of functions and formatting. These are two simple things that anyone can learn and apply it to any of their work. 

Some key points that I wrote down for myself were that functions should be kept small and compact. The principle states that small functions increases clarity and reduces clutter. It makes it easy on the eye as it scrolls through the code, knowing what the function does and where it is used in an instance. The second point he mentioned was both vertical and horizontal formatting. He compared it to the Newspaper Metaphor, which it suggested that code should present key information at the top. It is also important to create vertical spaces between different functions which allows separations, and creating a format which is followed throughout the rest of the project. 

Horizontal formatting focuses more on maintaining manageable line lengths. We don’t want the lines of code to be too long, and they should be viewing compatible for every screen size. It is not recommended and always avoided scrolling horizontally in your code as it can become annoying over time and time-consuming. This code in a way was a reflection of my journey towards Clean Code. I had similar mistakes that I did in that past not knowing how to write clean code, but after reading more about it now I am capable of writing clean code. This is a valuable skill that my future self will thank me for mastering!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Elio Ngjelo and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

How Agile Management is Changing Industries

The article “What to Expect From Agile” by Julian Birkinshaw talks about how agile management, which started in software development, is now being used in other industries. It uses ING Bank in the Netherlands as an example to show how agile principles can change a whole organization. ING started its transformation in 2015 to deal with problems like too much bureaucracy and separate departments that didn’t work well together.


Agile is a method that focuses on being flexible, working together, and improving things little by little. ING decided to use it to make their operations more efficient, inspired by companies like Spotify and Google. They made big changes, like reorganizing their teams into smaller groups called “squads” that handle tasks from start to finish and larger groups called “tribes” that focus on similar goals.

Here are the key things ING learned during this change:

  1. Shifting Power: Managers gave up some control to allow teams closer to customers to make decisions. This led to a big culture shift, and some senior managers left because they didn’t fit this new way of working.
  2. Keeping Stakeholders Involved: ING worked with regulators and other important groups to show that agile could work while still keeping important rules in place.
  3. Focusing on Customers: Teams were organized based on what customers needed and could adapt their focus as those needs changed.
  4. Balancing Freedom and Structure: ING used quarterly business reviews to set goals and stay on track while letting teams decide how to get things done.
  5. Helping Employees Grow: Agile gave employees more opportunities to learn new skills and take on exciting challenges.

The results were positive: employees felt more engaged, customers were happier, and the bank saved money.


What stands out to me the most is how agile balances giving teams freedom while still making sure they’re working toward the company’s goals. It’s not easy to find that balance, especially for industries like banking, where following rules is really important. It also impressed me how ING’s leaders had to let go of control and trust their teams to make decisions. That takes a lot of courage!

As a computer science and business administration student, I see how this case connects both of my fields. Agile started as a software development idea, but it’s now shaping how businesses are managed. If I were in a workplace like this, I’d like having the freedom agile offers, but I’d also want clear support systems to stay on track and make sure we’re meeting goals.


Birkinshaw, Julian. “What to Expect From Agile.” MIT Sloan Management Review, December 11, 2017.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Maria Delia by Maria Delia and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing clean code

This week, I read the informative post “How to Write Clean Code” from the freeCodeCamp blog. A thorough review of best practices for creating clear, manageable, and effective code was provided in the article. As I work to improve my software development abilities, this website has been really helpful in helping me better grasp clean code concepts. I selected this article because it immediately aligns with the course objectives, which prioritize process-oriented thinking and strong programming methods. Professional software development requires clean code, and becoming proficient in it supports the larger goal of becoming a skilled developer who can contribute successfully to group projects !! The article introduces the concept of clean code, which is described as code that is simple, transparent, and free of excessive detail. It covers specific activities, such as assigning descriptive and informative names to variables, functions, and classes. Creating functions that serve a specific, distinct purpose. Combining repeated logic for easy maintenance. Writing self-explanatory code and reserving comments for complex logic or critical context will help you avoid using unneeded ones. Use rigorous unit tests to ensure that the code works as intended. As a brief aside, the author emphasizes the need of developing these techniques into routines and incorporating them into daily coding operations. I realized after reading this post how frequently I ignore little but important details of code quality. For example, I have been guilty of using vague variable names like temp or data when my code would be easier to comprehend with more descriptive names. I found that developing large, multi-task functions makes debugging a headache, thus the remark about writing tiny, single-purpose functions caught my attention. I was able to relate clean code techniques to more general course ideas thanks to this resource. The concept of removing duplication, for instance, is closely related to software design concepts like DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), which we have covered in class. Similar to this, the emphasis on meaningful names is in line with our goal of communicating clearly, both when writing code and when recording procedures. In the future, I plan to apply what I’ve learned by revising my code to ensure that functions are clear and effective. Using descriptive terminology to improve text readability. Unit testing should be prioritized in order to identify and resolve issues early in the development cycle. These changes should make it easier for me to stick to my own responsibilities and contribute more consistently to group projects. My experience with clean coding will also be useful in real-world scenarios where teamwork requires efficiency and clarity. This article served as a helpful reminder of how crucial clean coding techniques are to meeting industry standards for software development. As I progress through this course, I’ll make an effort to incorporate these ideas into my workflow so that the code I write is not just useful but also readable and manageable.

Cocca, G. (2024, September 11). How to write Clean Code – Tips and Best Practices (Full Handbook).

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just A Girl in STEM by Joy Kimani and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Clean Code!

Hello, this is my second topic-based blog and today I will be talking about something I learnt about in depth over several days in my Software Process Management class. This was a very interesting topic and I learned a lot of things about code that I had previously not known about. Some of the things that I was taught in my earlier days of coding were proven to not be the best way to go about making organized, clear code. One example of this is that I was originally taught to make comments after most lines of code, just to make sure everyone reading the code will understand it. However, it turns out this was just a beginner step to help myself learn. In reality, clean code should be easy to read and understand, making many comments obsolete.

Now I will talk about some examples of obsolete comments. One of these are redundant comments. These are comments that are unnecessary. An example of this would be: z = x + y (sets z to the sum of x and y). As you can see, the code speaks for itself, and this comment is completely obsolete. Another comment type that is unnecessary would be misleading comments. These comments are usually created when someone forgets about a comment after updating the code. This leads to the wrong comment being on a block of code that doesn’t even do what that comment states!

The blog I researched for this post is linked here: Writing Clean Code: Tips and Best Practices – DEV Community

Unsurprisingly, this blog shared many of the same values that I learnt about in class. It gave me an overview of the material I had gotten an in-depth understanding of, with many additional helpful tips and tricks. This blog mentioned using meaningful names for your classes, functions, methods, and variables. This ensures that someone else who is reading your code can easily understand EXACTLY what everything is used for. Ex) “bananas VS. bananasInBasket”

Another thing that this blog shared with what I learnt about is to make sure functions and methods are small and limited to a specific number of lines. You don’t want an entire code that may be repeated inside one method. Instead, create a function that you can call inside the method to keep the code clean.

The website also mentioned good practices for making comments, and to make sure you refactor your code a lot over time!

From the blog cs@worcester – Akshay's Blog by Akshay Ganesh and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Why Companies use Scrum

CS-348, CS@Worcester

The reason why companies use scrum as a method to make the business efficient. First we need to consider what companies use scrum. Then we need to consider why those companies use scrum. Lastly, how do they apply scrum onto their business workflow.

A few companies that use scrum are “Amazon, Google, Apple, Adobe and Facebook”. With these companies in mind, why do they use scrum? It is because these few companies constantly try to push out new features and patches onto their products. For example, Adobe releases many different versions of its software. They do this to compete with other companies by constantly adding new features. The issue is that adding new features takes a lot of time. As a result, Adobe uses teams to try to be as efficient as possible. 

Another reason why these companies use scrum is that it lets the company be flexible. The company would need employees to finish one product and move on to another. That is why scrum helps companies that want to constantly try to make products. 

Even though scrum methodology is used in tech companies. It can be applied in any company. The only need is to create a team of 7-10 people. Scrum is a methodology so that companies can use it at any level. So that any can be focused on their task and be able to complete the product in the given time. This helps the company be efficient. They can manage the limited time and funds they are willing to invest in the project. The reason is that many investors need proof to be willing to invest more. This ensures both the company and the investor achieve what they want.


Professional Development, Why is Scrum so Popular?,,Scrum%20and%20Agile%20practices%3A%20Google%20Apple%20Facebook%20Yahoo, accessed on November 17th, 2024

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Ben Santos and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Assessing Clean Code Etiquette from the Master

Hello Debug Ducker here, and today this piece will be a bit different. I want to share my opinions and others about on a somewhat controversial figure in the coding community. Robert Cecil Martin also known as Uncle Bob is a well-known software engineer. He is known for many things such as the subject to today’s topic, “Clean Code” a book written by him that discusses and shares what clean code is. it offers advice on how to structure and write code for it to be “clean”.

From my experience from reading excerpts from the book and trying some of his advice on an old project of mine, I have found that it has made the code a lot more readable. However there is some advice that I don’t agree with. To paraphrase, Uncle Bob mentions that a function should avoid having more than one argument or have none at all. He saw that the more arguments, the less clear it is. I understand what he means but personality I feel this may not apply to all cases when writing code, especially if you need multiple arguments to achieve something, so the advice is situational. It made me curious to do a bit of research myself on what others may think of his advice, and I found an article that shares similar sentiments about the advice given by Uncle Bob.

The blog is from a username qntm, who is a novelist but also a programmer. The blog entry is called “It’s probably time to stop recommending Clean Code”, and as the name may suggest, is an opinionated piece on the book of the same name by Uncle Bob. The blog entry had critiques about the book, such as the advice from Uncle Bob that said functions should only be about 3–4 lines. The user qntm found this bizarre, and frankly, I did too as I find this very restrictive for making functions.

That is just one of the many examples from the blog entry, and I would advise you to check the blog yourself to read the full thing. I’ll provide a link below and perhaps search for his other entries as well. I wanted to show you this because the definition of clean code perhaps can’t be defined by one person. Though I have found some of Uncle Bob advice to be helpful, I don’t think all of it should be taken as gospel. Apply his teachings where it may help and perhaps consider finding other ideas of clean code elsewhere because Robert is just one man who wanted to share some advice, I am sure others have different ideas that may help you as well.

Here is the blog entry by qntm about the subject for those curious

It’s probably time to stop recommending Clean Code. Things Of Interest @ Things Of Interest. (2020, November 28).

Martin, R. C. (2016). Clean code Robert C. Martin. Addison-Wesley Professional.

From the blog Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.