In my search for a topic this week, I searched for an article closely related to our homework and our last five Pogil activities. I kept it simple and looked for an article about clean code. I understand we have been loaded with tons of information about clean code but when was having more of something bad. I wanted to see different perspectives of clean code outside of class and what people inside the field or with experience opinions on. Allowing me to get insight from outside of class will be very helpful. Also, being able to have an open mind with coding can go a long way plus being able to see similarities with what I have learned and my own opinions.
This article starts by describing the term “Spaghetti code” which refers to complex tangled code that is hard to decipher and causes frustration for everyone involved. This ties into clean code by emphasizing how is an integral component of software development and can only be maintained with practice. This comes with less team frustration and allows for any teammate to manage the code. Clean code is just not a statement of keeping the code tidy tightly but more of a form of communication that can be understood by everyone thoroughly. Software companies make big investments into clean code by hiring someone and paying them around $60-$100 an hour because of how vital it is for long-term success. An effective strategy to implement clean code is by grouping similar functions, utilizing whitespace, and “one idea per line” and “one action per statement”. To tie it all together your code must be consistent to adhere to agreed-upon team coding standards. Decisions that will help in the long run would be to add meaningful names, maintain simplicity, and apply comments effectively.
With this article, I was able to learn a new term “Spaghetti code” that is self-explanatory and can remind me to keep my code simple and clean. I was able to connect many teachings from class including using meaningful names, abiding by team agreements, and utilizing whitespace. All these are valuable pieces in writing clean code that should always be in your mind when writing any piece of code. I was surprised at how much software companies invest in clean code and wasn’t expecting them to get paid that high. My main takeaway from the article was to keep my code consistent and simple. You may not think about these things but wanting to make things more complex can be a determent to all your previous work so being consistent will not only help you but your team as a whole.
From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.