Category Archives: CS-348

11/18 – Keeping the ball rolling.

So, since the end of the semester is coming up, I should be posting weekly for the near future, so stay tuned for a lot from me! With this week of work, I have two topics I wanted to discuss, both related to each class I’m taking with Professor Wurst.

Firstly, on the Software Process Management side, I wanted to discuss how we’re using Scrum, and the way it’s set up. We’re using GitLab’s issue boards, dividing them amongst where they currently are in The Sprint, with stuff like the Issue Backlog, In Process, Needs Review, Finished, and so on so forth.

This setup reminded me a hell of a lot of Trello, a website/service I’ve been using for years now! And what’s funny is that I even mentioned this in class once, and the Professor said he used to as well for Scrum. My setup is quite different compared to the setup we have on GitLab, however, it still uses a similar Scrum/Kanban-esque setup.

Here’s the two boards I mainly use, one for School, and one for Commission work, as I freelance in art. With my Comm board, it is a bit more simpler, having using tags within lists as opposed to using a list per tag. As for my schoolwork board, it’s simply just listed with each course I’m taking and items of work I need to finish. It’s a very good tool, and I highly suggest it to anyone looking to utilize Scrum or even need a good tool to organize things.

Check it out here!

As for the Software Design, I was curious what kind of file the .json’s we were using were. We have been using them to store data about students and members of the modified version of LibreFoodPantry’s backend. I’ve seen them used before many times in my times modding games before, usually they store data for configuration files.

So, to learn more, I found this blog from HubSpot:, and honestly I think I get it a bit more now. They’re simply data storage files, able to store comma seperated values, objects, and arrays. They also support multiple data types, like integer, boolean, and strings.

So putting that into the context of configuration files, like for settings in games, it makes sense why they are used, due to integer and boolean values. If an option for a game has an on/off choice, a boolean data value to hold that information would make sense, as “true” would be on, and “false” would be off. As for how integers would be used, say you want to store the value of the volume the user wants while playing the game, that can be stored as an integer from 0-100.

All in all, it’s really interesting to learn more about filetypes I don’t know too much about, and I should look into more and how they are written, like .obj, .html, and .ini.

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Using Programming Languages in VSCode


This week in class, my group and I installed Java in VSCode and created a unique file to write code in. It was the first time that I created a file that wasn’t in BlueJ or ZyBooks in order to write runnable code inside of. Being it was my first time experimenting with it, it took a while for me to understand. But once it became clear to me I found it very interesting. A tutorial on getting started with Java in VSCode I read went further into detail on how to use Java in it, covering tools, testing, project management, what needs to be installed and many other helpful things.

Installing Java

To first get started a coding pack needs to be installed. There’s a link leading to the files that need to be downloaded. However, the Development Environment activity we did in class only required that the Java devcontainer extension packs in VSCode were installed. Installing that same extension pack is actually the second step for the article’s “Hello World” example. A JDK (Java Development Kit) is vital for running Java in VSCode. With the coding packs and the JDK, Java has been successfully installed onto VSCode.

Creating Source Code Files

The part that fascinated me was creating a source code file. Since the Java coding packs and development kits have now been installed, you can create a file specifically for Java code. This is achieved by choosing a name for your file and adding “.java” to the end of it. VSCode now knows that it is a java file and will recognize any terms and symbols specific to Java that it wouldn’t if it was just a regular text file. Write down code and it won’t take you long to notice that terms like “int”, “for”, “public”, “class”, etc. are colored differently. When you are done writing your code, there should be either a play symbol or a link that says “Run|Debug”. If your code is compilable, the output of your code will be returned in the terminal. 

Interesting Features

VSCode offers many interesting tools that make it easy to search for, test, and edit code among other things. If you have a project in Java or any programming language, it is easy to sort through. On top of that, there are so many extensions such as code spell checkers, debuggers, test runners, and many other tools that make creating code that much easier. Compared to BlueJ and other IDEs I’ve used, this has been the most useful. It took a while to get the hang of, but once I did, I realized how good of a tool VSCode is and can potentially be.

From the blog CS@Worcester – William's Blog by William Cordor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Copyright Licenses

From the previous week’s we have been covering the different types of software copyright licenses and their differing purposes in the field. The blog post I chose to cover is “Understanding Software Licensing” by Fernando Galano. The goal of the blog post was to help simplify the legalities of differing software copyright licenses as well as expressing the importance of understanding copyright licenses and why you should know when to use the different kinds. From what we learned in class, from the videos as well as our in class activities, the blog post worked hand in hand in reinforcing the pros and cons of the different copyright licenses to give a better grasp on the topic.

The blog post started with what a software copyright license exactly is. Galano described the concept of a software license is the establishment of a contract between the creators of the software and the individuals who would be using it. The contract would lay out the terms and conditions that the user must follow when it comes to use of the code as well as the rights and liabilities of the user and creator. As explained in the post, the license will protect both parties and make sure that the use of the software is as intended from both the creator and user. After Galano described the preemptive information about what a license is he explained the different types and their pros and cons. He described Public Domain Licenses, Copyleft Licenses, Lesser General Public Licenses, Permissive Licenses and Proprietary Software Licenses. Each license had a almost like tldr description that allowed the reader to easily understand what each license is meant for. He ended the blog post stating that every license has a purpose and it is up to you as the creator to decide what your purpose is for the software and what you want it to be used for.

The reason I chose this blog post was due to the fact that while we have been covering copyright licenses I feel like I still didn’t fully grasp the differences and when you should use each kind of license. This blog post was perfect in using simple terms to allow me to easily understand the different kinds of software licenses and their differing uses. From this I will now be able to one hundred percent understand why I am choosing a certain license when it comes to protecting my work. I feel like reinforcing my knowledge on items like this is very important as copyright licenses are a huge part of developing software.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Giovanni Casiano – Software Development by Giovanni Casiano and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Designing in Git?

When it comes to software, and working on it as a team, or sharing it with others, Git appears to be the bread and butter of it. That is what class is kind of centralized around, learning how to use Git, and how it benefits you and others. At first glance, it appears very hard. However, after understanding its role in the greater scheme of things and putting it into practice, it’s not all that hard. Originally, I thought Git was another coding language, like Java or C++. I was severely wrong, as it is more similarly to Bash in a way, but unique in its own way. It allows for people to create code, share it with others online, where it can be used, changed, and reshared with the original creator or other people, where the same thing can happen, making branches of versions of code different from the last.

To use Git, you need a code hosting platform, like GitHub or GitLab, and a code editor, like VS Code. You don’t need to use these specific sites or editors, as each is similar and unique in their own way. Once you have these, you can start writing your code, stage it, commit it and push it into your code hosting platform on the internet for others to see, use and change. Or you could fork some code you see and change it up however you want, stage, commit and push it back and see what others think. Git allows not only teams to work on code together, but strangers to work on it, from all over the world. 

But who says Git can only be used for coding purposes? In this blog post, by Bruno Brito, they describe how Git can be used for designers, as in those creating graphic design and photo editing. In the post, they describe what Git is, how it is used, how to use it, and other things needed to know as a beginner to Git. However, instead of editing code, they use photo editing software. In the specific post, they are using Tower, which is similar to our VS Code. They describe how to create repos, how to stage and commit, and then how to use code hosting platforms, or for designers, cloud-based hosting platforms, to maintain synchronization. Then they go on to describe forking, cloning, pushing, pulling and branches. 

At quick glance, this could be interpreted as a tutorial for Git, which it is. But it is in a setting different from coding, specifically for design. I like this post because it shows that Git can be used for other fields, similar to my last post. I find that these ways of organizing code, among teams and many people, efficiently, and it allows many people to chip in, and upload their work. Although the post to me is essentially useless, as I have already learned how to do Git, it can be helpful to others who are looking for ways to create an efficient work environment. I can relate to this in a way, as a communications student as well, I am somewhat fond of art, and graphic design. I may not use Git if I am creating work on my own. But in a team, keeping track of who is doing what, and what changes have been made to this piece and what not, it can be helpful.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cao's Thoughts by antcao and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 10: CS-348

Software Testing

Software testing is an important process that evaluates and verifies a software application works as intended.

Types of Software Testing

There are many different types of software testing, some are:

  • Acceptance – The entire system as a whole is tested and verified
  • Integration – Ensuring that individual parts of a software system properly work together
  • Unit – A unit is the smallest testable component of a software system. This type tests each unit and verifies correctness.
  • Functional – Tests functions by emulating business scenarios
  • Performance – Tests the performance of the software under different system workloads
  • Regression – Tests rigidity of the software by adding new features and seeing if those new features break or impede on fucntionality
  • Stress – Testing the software under maximum workload to see how much the system can handle until it fails
  • Usability – Testing how well a customer can complete tasks using the system

Software Testing Best Practices

The software testing process is typically done with a common methodology. Steps to this methodology can include configuring test environments, writing test cases, analyzing test results, and submitting bug reports. Testing tasks are typically automated using tools. Automating tests is beneficial because it allows teams to quickly implement different test cases, test frequently, and get feedback on what did/didn’t work.

Some best practices include:

  • Continuous testing – Testing builds as soon as they are ready. This relies heavily on automated testing, allowing software to be validated earlier in the development process. Testing often allows for bugs and errors to be found earlier; therefore, reducing the amount of time spent having to go back and redesigning.
  • Configuration Management – Organizations keep test assets (code, test scripts, requirements, etc) in a central location and track what builds need to be tested. These assets allows teams to follow the organization’s testing requirements.
  • Bug Tracking – Keeping track of defects is important

Why Test Software?

Testing software regularly can help teams reduce costs and time spent on developing the software. Before releasing a project, testing the software for any errors or bugs is important to give users the best possible experience. If users find that the software does not work as intended, they may stop using it and find an alternative that does work. Although testing has a cost, the cost of releasing defective software outweighs that of continuous testing.


The resource used was chosen because it clearly breaks down the different parts to software testing such as the different types of testing, best practices, and why testing is important. Prior to reading this article, I had heard of a few types of testing like Unit Testing, but only became aware of the other types of testing such as Regression Testing. I now understand when designing software, code should be tested regularly and often as overall it will save time and headache.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Zack's CS Blog by ztram1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Navigating the world of Software Licenses

As a student delving deeper into the world of computer science and software development, In class we recently came across the topic of software licensing. The article “Software Licenses” by Ben Lutkevich which can be found here offers a comprehensive overview of what software licenses are and why they are crucial in the software industry.

Summary of the article:

The article begins by defining a software license as a legal instrument governing the use or redistribution of software. It highlights different types of licenses, such as proprietary, free, and open-source licenses. Each with its unique set of rules and restrictions. The article shows the importance of understanding these licenses, especially for developers and business, to avoid legal pitfalls.

Why I choose this article:

I chose this resource well one because I have to make a blog post, but two because it was relevant to our coursework, and truthfully I was still slightly confused about it after our class discussions on it so I felt it would be appropriate to do further research. The article really highlighted the importance of licensing and the potential legal ramifications of non-compliance.

The content of the article was both informative and thought- provoking. It helped realize how software licensing is not just a legal formality but a critical component of software development and distribution. Understanding the different types of licenses, such as GPL, MIT, Apache and their implications can significantly impact how software is shared, modified, and commercialized.

In future practice, I anticipate to be more mindful of the licenses attached to the software I use and or develop. For instance, If I contribute to an open-source project, I now understand the importance of adhering to it terms. Similarly if I were to develop software I would be more aware of how to protect my intellectual property while respecting others.

The insights gained from this article extremely valuable for really anyone in the field of computer science. Especially those involved in software development. These lessons will for sure be a guide in my future decisions and actions

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josies Notes by josielrivas and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Development Through Video Conferencing Software

Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned about the importance of collaboration in a team. Whether that team is using Scrum or some other software development methodology, communicating with one another is one of the key pieces to achieving whatever goals they have. 

While going through the syllabus, I saw “Collaboration tools” as one of the course topics. I thought about what would exist under this category and the first one that came to mind were video calls. Zoom specifically was the one that came to mind and I wondered how it is or would be used in a software development environment.

In an article from Shari Cleare, they share that “video conferencing software provides powerful communication and collaboration tools that scrum masters can use to engage participants, especially those who cannot attend these meetings in person.” One of my first thoughts regarding this topic was that not every person on the team physically has to be at the meetings; or better yet, no one no one has to physically meet at all. This allows for greater flexibility in choosing members or in general as members can be anywhere or from anywhere, as long as they are able to be present for these online meetings.

The Scrum Master or whoever is hosting the meetings doesn’t even have to be present. Zoom allows for automatic meetings at a set time for the team so, If they are unable to make the meeting, in person or online, the other members can still perform their Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, or other meeting.

If a team choses to meet online only due to location constraints or other reasons, you may think that it would be nice being able to work from home. I’m sure many people would rather work from the comfort of their own home, but that comfort could turn into the thing that holds them and the team back. 

Zoom can be a great tool for members that are unable to make the physical meeting, but as the main form of communication, I feel that it can easily go downhill over time. Personally, I get distracted with other things when I’m at home so doing work takes much longer than it needs to. It is also why I try to do my work while on campus. I feel that many people can relate to this and if they want to get work done and contribute to meetings and such, they should separate where they work and where they can relax.

I hope that I can have the option to do both in the future and am able to find a good balance. Going into the workplace to get work done before going home and having the freedom to work online should I be unable to make it would be great. I believe that this has become more commonplace as well. During Covid, people had to work from home, and now that it has died down, many companies are allowing either option.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kyler's Blog by kylerlai and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Copyright Licensing

The blog I chose to write about today will be on copyright and licensing in software with that being one of the main topics in the course and to get a better understanding on licensing. In the blog “What is a software license?” by the website, provides an in depth blog on types of software licenses, how it works, uses, as well as management of them. The blog mentions how software that is not covered by a license is categorized as “public domain software” or “private unlicensed software”. In the example Professor Wurst mentioned in class previously about wanting to implement a software in the course which had no license falls into private unlicensed software. The software although unlicensed still falls under copyright protection thus unusable for others. The blog mentions examples of when common users would see software license agreements. These are often listed in the terms of conditions prior to installing any software under a end-user license agreement (EULA).

The graphic above displays the 5 different kinds of licenses and shows the level of restrictiveness depicted by the arrow going from less restrictive to most restrictive. The article further goes in depth for each of the 5 license types software.

The article describes how software that use Public Domain Licenses typically run into the issue where the code might not follow the best procedures and standards. Which is a consequence of the nature of the license. I can see a lot of educational software or software for non profit being released under a public domain license.

The next license that the article talks about is LGPL and how “developers have rights to link open source libraries within their software”. In other words, LGPL lets you add licenses to code without completely releasing the entire source code.

Permissive licenses are what we have researched the most in class which ranged from Apache to MIT licenses that often require copy right notes within the software.

Interestingly when the article talks about Copyleft licenses it mentions how it probably is not the best license for software developers due to the reciprocal licensing of resulting code in other words, all derived code has to follow the same copyleft licensing. With that being said, copyleft licenses are probably best used for research/educational purposes or for very transparent community collaborations.

Lastly, the most restrictive licensing type proprietary are often used by large corporations and protects the owners/developers from unauthorized use. When doing further research for applications that use Proprietary licensing I found that the application Skype a proprietary license thus the source code is not provided publicly and is owned by Microsoft.

Overall, when reflecting at the different types of licensing and my personal goals. I see myself in the future using a permissive license like the MIT license for straightforwardness and simplicity. To add to that, currently for our program on Markdown to HTML my group is using a MIT license for those reasons.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Anthony Duong CS Blog by anthony duong and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Licenses

Recently in class I have been learning about a bunch of different types of software licenses and just how important they are to include on my future projects. A software license is essentially a type of legal instrument that controls the use and redistribution of software in order to help protect the author. According to a website called TechTarget, the main use of a software license is “Software licenses typically provide end users with the right to one or more copies of the software without violating copyrights. The license also defines the responsibilities of the parties entering into the license agreement and may impose restrictions on how the software can be used.” Before taking CS-348 I didn’t know much about software licenses and how they worked. I knew there were a couple different types, but I didn’t realize how many types there are actually are and I also didn’t understand how important that they are. Personally, I think TechTarget did a great job explaining the differences between licenses and how they work. While most people think that these licenses are just to protect developers and their code, they are also used in order to protect users. They help the users avoid and protect themselves from infringement claims and also limit their legal liability if something were to happen. Sadly, these software licenses are not free. There isn’t a set price that every license costs, most of them have their own prices which depends on the type of license that it is. Some of these prices include a one time fee, some are a subscription fee, and others include a purchase fee plus a subscription fee. Although these licenses can be expensive, I think that it is worth it in order to help protect yourself and your users.

While there are a bunch of different software licenses, there are two main types that are viewed differently under copyright law. One of the main types of software licenses are free and open source software licenses, otherwise known as FOSS licenses. These types of licenses give the user a lot of freedom, and even allow them to use the source code. FOSS may allow these customers to change the software themselves if the user desires it. The other main type of software license is known as a proprietary license. These licenses are more commonly known as closed source licenses. Closed source licenses are much more strict than FOSS licenses, and don’t give the user much freedom. The users receive operational code, however they are not allowed to freely alter the software that they have been given. On top of that, these users are not allowed to obtain the source code through reverse engineering.


From the blog CS@Worcester – One pixel at a time by gizmo10203 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Managing Software Licenses


I found an article by Ibrahim Ogunbiyi called Seven Best Practices for Managing Software Licenses. Just based on the title, it seemed to be what I was looking for. It starts off with the basics; what is software license management? According to Ogunbiyi, it’s simply “a document that provides guidelines for the use and distribution of software” (Ogunbiyi). It assists with the controlling, auditing, tracking, and management of a software in an organization and ensures that users comply with the regulations set in place.


The article discusses the importance of licenses. The reasons include but aren’t limited to:

  • Legal compliance with regulations set by organizations/manufacturers
  • Keeps track of software due dates; leads to productivity
  • Helps manage/reduce costs through enhanced planning
  • Optimizes software usage through usage and license tracking data
  • Ensures only the use of authorized and secure software, avoiding malware or malicious attacks/breaches

At this point, I think many of those new to software licensing have already taken a huge step forward in their knowledge of the subject. It’s easy to dismiss licensing as something that only grand organizations deal with, but it can be necessary for any small business or individual who wants to protect their work. 

Best Practices

Finally, we reach the best practices as given by Ogunbiyi. In no particular order, these practices are: 

  1. Documenting the process of obtaining the software
    1. Who, where, when, how it was purchased
    2. When it is due for renewal
    3. Keep documentation up to date and to certain standards
  2. Centralize your list of software licenses
    1. This practice is good for organizations with multiple departments that each have separate licenses
  3. Understand the agreements for your software license(s)
    1. Read terms and conditions
  4. Use a software license management tool
    1. Assists in tracking, optimizing, and managing software licenses
  5. Track license usage regularly
    1. Ensures compliance with rules and regulations
  6. Make sure your software license(s) are up to date
    1. Keeps them tracked
    2. Prevents them from expiring
  7. Teach employees about managing software licenses
    1. Ensures correct usage of software
    2. Keeps them knowledgeable about the license process and its guidelines

Why This Topic?

I chose this topic because it’s very underappreciated and not mentioned enough in the software development community (from my experience). This could also be useful for an organization or small team that is new to software development.


For me, this article was quite beneficial to my learning. Personally, I previously didn’t know anything about software licensing and the entire process about it. I won’t claim to be an expert on it now, but this article has helped me become a novice in understanding the subject. Although this article didn’t recommend specific licenses, it did teach me the process I should go about when acquiring or dealing with a license. In the future, when I am working on a project either individually or with a team, I’ll be more familiar with the guidelines and process around licensing, and can help my colleagues if they are unfamiliar.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.