Category Archives: CS-348


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


 Hello I’m Alejandro Montes de oca and this is my ;professional blog. I started this blog for my CS 348 and 343 classes. I hope to gain an internship or any form of employment by the end of the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Process Models

The article I chose for this week’s blog post is “Understanding Software Process Models: What They Are and How They Work” from the Institute of Data. I chose this article because it fits well with the software process models section of the course topics in the syllabus and can help solidify an understanding of this topic. I was also surprised to learn that software process models are very dynamic. Before reading the article, I thought they were a rigid but vague system of how to develop any project. The article mentions that each system process model is tailored around the current project being developed. The parts of this article I will be discussing are defining process models, the role of software process models in software development, and the critical components of software models.

The first section of the article I will discuss is defining software process models. The article defines software process models as “…frameworks that define the sequence of activities, tasks, and deliverables required to develop high-quality software.” The article says that software process development models act as a roadmap, providing steps that help guide a software development team and are also a dynamic way of structuring a project development. The article also discusses the role that software process models have in development.

Software process models are essential for development teams to work alongside one another. The article discusses in depth how important software process models are for development. “Process models play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are executed smoothly in software development. They provide all team members with a common language and understanding, promoting effective collaboration and communication.” As stated in the article, software process models allow colleagues to have a common understanding of how and what needs to be implemented and when. This allows for significant clarity and helps discover potential issues early in development. The article also mentions how using system process models can help with costs. “By clearly understanding the activities and tasks involved in each phase of the development process, teams can estimate the time and resources required more accurately. This helps in setting realistic project timelines and budgets.” This is one of the most important benefits of using software process models during development, saving developers time and money and resulting in shorter development cycles. The article also discusses some key components of software process models.

The article mentions some key components of software process models. I will just be going over requirements gathering and analysis for the sake of brevity. “Requirements gathering and analysis is the first phase of the software development process. It involves understanding and translating the client’s needs into clear and concise requirements.” This part sets the groundwork for the project and helps ensure the end product matches the client’s vision. If this part of the software development process is not completed correctly, your end result will likely not be what the client wanted, which means that this first part of the process is one of the most important parts of the entire process.


From the blog CS@Worcester – P. McManus Worcester State CS Blog by patrickmcmanus1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Differentiating between trunk-based and feature-based development

Image depicting trunk-based vs feature-based development. Source:

Jacob Schmitt’s “Trunk-based vs feature-based development”

Link to article at the end

For this week, I am focusing on Jacob Schmitt’s blog post “Trunk-based vs feature-based development”. This is a short yet efficient article in explaining the differences between the two types of software development processes. Schmitt discusses the alternate use cases of such processes, where and when they might be utilized, who is most likely to use them, and the advantages and disadvantages of them. I chose this blog because as I learn more about forks, feature branches, commits and pull requests, it is important to also understand the overall development processes of companies and why they might use them. The development processes mentioned by the blog intertwine perfectly with git commands and usage.

Trunk-Based Development

According to Schmitt, Trunk-based development allows for developers to push changes straight to the main branch. However, if the new feature will take longer than usual changes, then they can “check out a branch from main, move the changes into it, then merge it back in when the development is complete” (Schmitt). Then, there would be a code review held by other developers to ensure that the new changes do not break the main production branch. Although this development approach is quite popular, it is used more often in the realm of experienced developers rather than newcomers.

Feature-Based Development

As for feature-based development, many developers can work on many different changes or branches at the same time. This is done by each developer creating their own feature branch, and then eventually requesting to merge with the main branch. One of the most important differences between feature and trunk based development is that in feature-based, developers never push straight to the main branch. This approach is much friendlier to beginner developers like myself, as there would be no worry of breaking production with new code since changes are on a different branch.

Advantages & Disadvantages

An advantage that trunk has over feature is that the code changes are more likely to be merged faster. Feature-based development pull requests can add up fast over time, which leads to a longer time between requesting and merging. Despite this, feature-based is much safer for larger development projects and groups, when there are too many feature branches to keep track of at once. As of right now, I prefer feature-based development because I would not be very comfortable working directly with the main branch as a new developer.


Although it might be simple, I found this article to be quite helpful in preparing me for what a future job or internship workflow might look like. When one has little to no experience with development in a professional environment, articles such as this one are very beneficial to learning more about team-based development. It gives a bit more background as to why we do this type of development, rather than just stating that we do it. I hope to use this knowledge in future projects with internships or jobs.

Link to article: Trunk-based vs feature-based development | Jacob Schmitt

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.