Category Archives: CS-348

New Blog, who dis?

I’m huge into video games and anything that flexes my creative muscle, which is why I’m going into a focus of Software Design and Development for my Junior year. I’ll be taking CS 343 and 348 with Professor Wurst, and as a part of that course, I’ll be starting this blog!

I hope to utilize this blog throughout my career, but for now I’ll be using it to go over what I’ve been doing and learning in my courses!

I hope you enjoy taking this journey alongside me!

From the blog CS@Worcester – You're Telling Me A Shrimp Wrote This Code?! by tempurashrimple and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Process Mgmt. Semester Blog

Hello internet!

I’m Griffin Butler, a Computer Science student at Worcester State University. This blog will be a way for me to document and share my learning experience in my Software Process Management class, where I will discuss topics related to the curriculum, as well as explore additional material. I plan on learning more about the general procedure of how software is developed, the day-to-day processes and responsibilities of writing code in a team, and the best ways to effectively collaborate with others to create the best final product possible.

From the blog Griffin Butler Computer Science Blog by Griffin Butler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Process Mgmt. Semester Blog

Hello internet!

I’m Griffin Butler, a Computer Science student at Worcester State University. This blog will be a way for me to document and share my learning experience in my Software Process Management class, where I will discuss topics related to the curriculum, as well as explore additional material. I plan on learning more about the general procedure of how software is developed, the day-to-day processes and responsibilities of writing code in a team, and the best ways to effectively collaborate with others to create the best final product possible.

From the blog Griffin Butler Computer Science Blog by Griffin Butler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Welcome to Serah’s Blog

Hello there! Welcome to my blog where we shall be exploring the realm of software process management and everything I.T. Doesn’t matter whether you have an idea of what this entails or you’re experienced , all that counts is understanding how to effectively manage and process software and how to successfully deliver your project. Sit back and explore with me!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by Serah Matovu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


To all who read this, welcome, my name is Andrew and as of writing this I’m currently a junior in college studying Computer Science. The goal of this brief first post is to inform you all of where I am currently with my studies, and additionally to create a timeline as to how I’ve got to where I am today.

My experience and interest in Computer Science started in an unlikely place, that being within my CADD classes during 2016. Although CADD is more accurately described as an Engineering class, it does carry many aspects and design processes similar to those in Computer Science. From this class I shifted my attention from Engineering to Computer Science. The next year I took my first introductory courses into CS. During this time I learned surface-level information on Java, HTML, and Big Data. As I approached my graduation, which we were the class of 2020, I made it my goal to take most if not all CS courses my high-school had to offer. These courses enriched my knowledge in both programming with Java and HTML, as well as covering concepts such as Cybersecurity and Big Data Analysis. From these introductory classes I worked my way up to AP-level classes, one of which proved to be very beneficial as I apply my knowledge from it to this day. Unfortunately some of these skills such as programming with HTML haven’t seen use since their respective class, however these skills do help to make me a well-rounded learner able to apply new concepts quickly. Overall my high-school years served as the catalyst for my pursuit in CS and offered me a small insight as to what I find interesting within this field of study.

With high-school complete I once again pivoted my studies towards Game/Interactive Media Design at Becker College, as it was something I was incredibly passionate about. To say Game Design is part of CS would be a very generous assumption, the best comparison I can make it that Game Design is ‘CS-adjacent’ as having skills from it will only prove beneficial. The knowledge I obtained from my year at Becker was minimal, but served two important roles during my studies. 1: Was to introduce me to a new coding language (which will be spoken about soon), and 2: Was to give me the tiniest push back into pursuing CS as my major. Something that I learned while pursuing Game Design was an introduction to Scrum and other collaborative methods. These skills are applicable in any team setting whether physical or remote, so it will be a valuable skill to have going into the future.

With the closure of Becker I transferred to Quinsigamond Community College where I redeclared my major to CS. From here I didn’t necessarily learn anything new (in regards to CS), however my 1.5 years at QCC gave me time to settle back into CS and further reinforce my pre-existing knowledge of the subject. This included getting my C++ skills up to par with my Java skills. Within the past year (2023) I’ve transferred to Worcester State University where I will be finishing my CS program in 2025 and achieve a Bachelors in Computer Science. As I’m writing this I just started my Fall Semester and already I’ve been exposed to different aspects of CS I’ve never had experience in. Whether it be managing databases or designing Computational Architecture all of these skills will broaden my horizons. With these new found skills, in conjunction with pre-existing knowledge, I will delve further into my studies in future hopes of applying these in the workforce.

Once again, welcome to my blog, I appreciate you reading through this and hearing my story. Thank you.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Progression by ageorge4756 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hello World!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Anairdo Duri.
I am a Computer Science student at Worcester State University.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of a computer science student is akin to that of an explorer in uncharted territory. As we embark on this thrilling journey through the realm of algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and cutting-edge innovations, we find ourselves at the crossroads of tradition and transformation. This blog is dedicated to the passionate and curious souls who have chosen to embrace the world of ones and zeros, where code is the universal language, and innovation knows no bounds.

Welcome to a space where the binary meets creativity, where logic converges with imagination, and where the pursuit of knowledge is as endless as the digital universe itself. Whether you’re a seasoned computer science enthusiast or just taking your first steps into this fascinating discipline, our goal is to be your trusted companion, providing insights, inspiration, and practical guidance as you navigate the exciting terrain of computer science.

Together, we’ll delve into the mysteries of machine learning, dissect the intricacies of software development, unravel the secrets of cybersecurity, and explore the diverse facets of computer science that shape our rapidly advancing world. Along the way, we’ll share stories, offer tips and tricks, and connect you with a community of like-minded learners who share your passion for all things tech.

So, fasten your seatbelts, dear reader, as we embark on a journey where algorithms are our maps, and innovation is our destination. Together, we’ll explore the digital frontier, unlocking the potential of the digital age, one line of code at a time.

Photo by Josh Sorenson on

From the blog CS@Worcester – Anairdo's WSU Computer Science Blog by anairdoduri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introduction to my blog

From the blog CS@Worcester – Dose Of Dev by msavice and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Intro Post

From the blog CS@Worcester – One pixel at a time by gizmo10203 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello, friends, future programmers, tech enthusiasts, and fellow seekers of digital wisdom.

Welcome to my Bits And Bytes universe. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sepehr Karkonan, and I’m an aspiring software developer currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science at Worcester State University in the heart of Worcester, Massachusetts. I chose to pursue software development because, why not?! As a software developer, you get to design and create digital solutions from scratch, put your creativity, critical thinking, and logical skills to the test, and, most importantly, you have the opportunity to change the world for the better. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination; therefore, the sky is the limit. This blog is for anyone who shares a passion for technology and curiosity about software development. In the upcoming blog posts, I’ll be sharing a variety of topics, including my experiences and challenges as a computer science student, insights into emerging technologies and industry trends, and stories from my coding journey, including the wins and lessons learned. I’m looking forward to share my journey with you all, and I hope you enjoy the content and gain valuable lessons from my experiences.

Cheers, Sepehr Karkonan

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Bits & Bytes Universe by skarkonan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Welcome into David Castillo first blog post. Currently I’ll be using this blog post mainly for CS-343 course. This will be the start to something new that I will keep updating in the future.

From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.