Security testing is an important part of software testing, it makes sure to find any weaknesses in the software and if our data is protected from intruders. Security testing is important because it helps us ensure that our software has no weak spots and that our data and information are safe. There are so many versions of security testing like password cracking, penetration testing, and vulnerability. Those three topics are some of the main ideas of security testing and understanding the importance of keeping personal information safe. Password cracking testing is when the system identifies weak passwords and helps make sure that people use stronger passwords. Penetration testing is done by assessing the system by using different techniques, the purpose of it is to protect the important data of the users who don’t have access to the system. Vulnerability testing is used to identify the weakest attributes in the system that can be used by destructive software. A lot can cause the software to be vulnerable like a bug in the software, wrong software testing, and the presence of a bad code.
I chose this topic because security testing is important in our software testing class and this blog has a lot of information on how it works. It’s important to know more about how our private data is saved from hackers and how safe our software is. I believe that this helped me learn more about security testing like how penetration testing uses different techniques like the black box and white box testing method to detect any vulnerabilities in our software. Security testing is to make sure that applications are not able to leak private information and can handle a threat like hackers. I already knew before reading how important it is for our information and making sure that our passwords are not easy for hackers to figure out but I thought penetration testing was interesting to learn about because I didn’t know it used so many different techniques to find any vulnerabilities. Security testing is about keeping our information safe as well as our software safe from any intruders and I believe that this blog gave the best explanation and information about it.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.