Hello, My name is Jonathan Mujjumbi. I am a computer science student at Worcester State University. For the spring semester, I am taking Cs-443 with professor Perez. I have never had a course be taught by professor Perez. This is my second software course at Worcester State.
After finishing CS-343 last semester, I have moved on to CS-443 Software Quality Assurance and Testing. So naturally, a new topic of the next few blogs I will be posting will be related to QA and testing in the Computer Science field. I hope that writing this blog will help me in the same ways it did for my previous class, where I can learn more about how the material that we learn is applied in commercial program development.
The early morning view from the beach at Hoi An, Vietnam, from my summer vacation. Still thinking about that sun.
Hi, there!
I’m Kevin N., a CS major and a senior at Worcester State. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Since I’m taking CS 443 with Professor Perez this semester, I’m creating this blog as part of my course obligations.
My name is Simran, welcome to my blog for CS 443! I’m a business major with a computer science minor. I’m excited to share mine as well as learn new info and ideas from everyone else’s as well!
Hello, I’m Antonio and this will be the blog that I’ll be using for Quality Assurance Testing where all my blogs will be posted and hopefully read by someone. Thank you for reading.