While reading parts of the book “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman” by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, there were a couple points that stood out to me when reading and comparing to my own experiences and knowledge.
An important point brought up by the book in the first chapter is how understanding the logic behind why things are done allows people to adapt to unfamiliar problems. Knowing the “spirit of the rule” allows for people to create new rules as needed. This is a point I personally feel strongly about. Knowing what to do is, really, only an issue of understanding instructions. Having a knowledge of the reasoning behind different practices allows you to apply that understanding to other problems.
Programming is a great example of this. It’s easy enough to follow a guide on writing code to follow some specific function, however, good developers will put effort into understanding how the code works, and will be able to replicate what they know later, or apply it to different situations. Someone who only knows the specific steps to writing the code doesn’t understand how it works, and most likely won’t be able to apply their experience outside of that specific use-case.
Another interesting point that I personally hadn’t considered was that apprenticeship in software development is much better approached as a mindset, rather than a formal form of schooling. The book describes that newcomers will have to “create their own opportunities for learning” in the working environments they find themselves in. I’ve understood that it’s important to have a desire to learn more than what may be expected, but the perspective of creating your own learning experiences, outside of more standardized curriculums but within the same environment was interesting.
This point also carries over into the beginning of chapter 3, where one of the authors describes how after connecting with other Perl developers, he was impressed not just by their knowledge, but by the speed at which they were still learning. Symbolically, the stacks of certificates and qualifications would become buried under book printouts and notes; the desire to learn more taking precedence over hard skills and qualifications that one can accumulate.
Both points culminate in the idea that being a great developer doesn’t mean having countless certifications or even being able to write code well. This is a good foundation, and great software developers usually fall into this category, but what makes them great is the understanding that there is more to learn and the desire to expand their knowledge and experience that sets them apart from the pack.
Hoover, Dave H., and Adewale Oshineye. Apprenticeship Patterns Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman Dave H. Hoover Aut; Adewale Oshineye Aut. O’Reilly, 2014.
From the blog Griffin Butler Computer Science Blog by Griffin Butler and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.