Category Archives: CS-448

Apprenticeship Patterns

After reading Chapter 1 and the introductions for Chapters 2 through 6 of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, I have a much better understanding of the “stages” of a software developer’s career. I found it interesting how the career was divided into being an apprentice, journeyman, and master and how it doesn’t necessarily relate to a job. These stages are more like checkpoints for the software developer’s career as a whole, not for the phases that may come with starting and working a job. 

I like how the stages aren’t locked by experience or time but rather mindset. The apprentice is described as someone who knows there are better ways to do things and are willing to learn, the journeyman moves around working on various projects with various people readying themselves to become a master, and the master furthers the field through teaching and creating. I feel that the stages could be summarized as learning, exploring, and improving. I also like how the stages involve the roles of the previous stages; as such, a master is not exempt from learning and improving. In a field that is constantly evolving, even those with the highest expertise can learn a thing or two. 

I think Chapter 4’s introduction was most relevant to me because I think it has advice that can apply to everyone in any facet of life. “Be aware of the bigger fish, the bigger ponds, the many other ponds, don’t settle for being better than the mediocre, let go of perceived competence, be better than you were yesterday.” Finding these faults, acknowledging them, and moving forward with them in mind seems to be key, not only in a software development career, but in any facet of life. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kyler's Blog by kylerlai and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

After reading the first chapter and the introductions of chapters 2-6 of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, I really enjoyed the message it had to offer. I often find myself stuck in a rut almost, feeling like I’m so far behind yet feeling like I can’t move forward. This is mainly in reference to my software skills and capabilities, but reading how one utilizes an apprentice-esque role and transitions into a journeyman and then a master was quite helpful.

I found Dave’s story to be quite interesting. It details him attempting to learn a programming language on his own early on, and then growing frustrated and quitting. It wasn’t until he gained mentors who recommended him specific books on programming that kick-started his brain into gear, and working with these new languages really stuck. Another large piece of his journey was creating and working with a breakable toy in the new language, so being able to play with and experiment on a project using a new language is very important to the learning process.

The reading has definitely made me change the way I approach the learning process and becoming a better programmer. It can be tough to stay focused, as the goalposts seem to always be moving. But knowing that you’re making progress and continuing to advance your learning is what can help keep you going. A lot of the chapters introductions provided great insight on how to improve oneself. Being willing to “empty your cup” a little by getting rid of bad habits in order to learn something new, understanding that the mountain you’re climbing keeps getting higher and higher as learning never stops, and more. 

I don’t disagree with much in the reading. It did emphasize the importance that books have to learning despite the vastness of information on the internet, and while I agree, I find that good, physical books can be difficult to find in some ways. Either it is too expensive, or it is not at your local library, etc. Sometimes these books that you do find can be very outdated as well (which tend to be most books I find at the library), however that is not to say there isn’t outdated or misguided information on the internet today. Although I haven’t had much luck or experience with software development related books, this reading has inspired me to continue to search for the one that fits my need.

The chapters most relevant to me are chapters 3 and 5, “Walking the Long Road” and “Perpetual Learning”, respectively. With chapter 3, I often find myself stagnant in my learning, but when I see the rate at which others are learning and growing, it inspires me to take charge again. As for chapter 5, it’s all about me finding the learning method best suited for me, and finding and experimenting with my strengths and weaknesses.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

“Apprenticeship Patterns Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman” by Dave Hooper and Adewale Oshineye was interesting. This reading allowed me to reconnect my work to the text. The simple route would be to create a technical guideline but instead, this book goes into greater depth that mentality is the key. The mental fortitude to be humble and to always be open to learning new things from anyone to master your craft.

All the chapters hold great importance to me, I found chapters 3 and 5 to be the standouts. Two key things that stood out to me mainly were developing a long-lasting career and being adaptable in any situation. I am just beginning my career and one goal that I have to achieve before the rest is starting to create a long path to success. Not everything is going to happen in a day but taking it one day at a time and not focusing on the short term can come a long way. Slowly progressing and making small strides is the way to go. Adaptability is self-explanatory but with technology always changing and advancing, you must always be ready for the change. If you don’t adapt to it, technology will leave you behind. Some people may not like change but it’s great to always learn new things and change the way you used to do something for something better. An open mind is better than a closed one.

After reading this I have come to a new understanding of my career. It has taught me to have more purpose when I learn even the smallest things because to fully master something you must understand the big concepts and the small ones. When Learning you should focus on being competent on something instead of just acquiring it and moving on. Also, this is a long-term goal so don’t focus on the short term but look at it from a broader point of view where small increments can lead to bigger strides in the end. The main key to becoming a software craftsman is mentality because technical skills can only get you so far when you always must be moving forward and being able to adapt on short notice.

From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Reflection

I actually found the apprenticeship reading really interesting. The first thing that really caught my attention and still sticks with me even after reading is the story of Dave and his journey through apprenticeship. I related to it because in the story his age is stated throughout the years, but it starts when he’s 25. It seems young, but I struggle with the fear that I am behind in life and I am only 20. Dave being five years older than I am now at the beginning of his journey shows that it’s never too late, especially for me. I think this fear comes from an increasingly competitive world where everyone seems like they already know what they want to do, and if you aren’t already successful by the time you leave university, you’re behind the curve. I don’t think it is actually true, but it can be easy to compare to others, often the successful ones which fuels the paranoia. Either way, hearing about Dave’s story helped me put into perspective how each person’s life is different and there is no golden path to follow for success. This story was a good introduction to the rest of the reading. 

Overall, the first chapter really changed the way I see software development as a practice. The quote “We can take the time needed to nurture apprentice developers because we are faced with the problem of abundance, rather than scarcity….Today we have more developers than needed, but we have a shortage of good developers.” makes a lot of sense to me and also illustrates the way that this discipline has devolved into an easy way to live a comfortable life with good pay. I don’t blame anyone for deciding to work in tech for these reasons, but I think it does dilute the way that software development is viewed. Even reading this chapter has changed the way I think about software development. The way that they laid this out as being something that one dedicates their life to, how there really isn’t an end, only progressive growth, made me think of it less of a job, and more of a person’s purpose. This is something akin to medicine, where the knowledge we have today is not all the knowledge there is to have, and there won’t be an end even in our lifetimes. For some of us, technology like computers has been around our whole lives, but relatively speaking all of this is new in history. People devote their lives to this and it will continue to evolve and change, and all we can do is become competent enough to help it evolve. I understand it now. My journey is long and arguably hasn’t even really started but I do want to become a master in my lifetime.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Science of Computation by Adam Jacher and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns

The first chapter of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye made me think differently about what it means to be a software developer. Instead of just being a job, the authors describe it as a craft that requires continuous learning and improvement. I liked how they compared software development to traditional craftsmanship, where a person gets better over time through practice and experience. This made me realize that becoming a great developer isn’t just about getting a job, it’s about always growing and learning.

One of the ideas that stood out to me was the importance of having a growth mindset. The authors encourage developers to recognize their weaknesses and work on them instead of ignoring or hiding them. This made me think about times times when I felt uncomfortable admitting that I didn’t know something. I sometimes hesitate to ask for help because I don’t want to seem inexperienced, but this chapter made me realize that learning from mistakes and seeking knowledge is the only way to improve.

I also liked the idea of patterns, useful strategies that help developers overcome challenges in their careers. While the chapter doesn’t go into details about specific patterns yet, I think this concept is helpful. Instead of struggling alone, developers can follow advice from others who have already faced similar challenges. I usually try to solve problems on my own, but this reading made me realize that asking for guidance from more experienced developers could help me grow faster.

However, one thing I questioned was the idea that every developer should think of their work as a craft. While I agree that learning and improving are important, not everyone may want to dedicate their career to mastery. Some people may prefer to focus on specific tasks without aiming to be the best in their field. The book assumes that all developers should take the path of craftsmanship, but I think it depends on personal goals.

Overall, this chapter made me reflect on my learning process and how I approach my career. It reminded me to stay curious, be open to feedback, and actively work on my skills. It also encouraged me to look for mentors and learn from others instead of always figuring things out on my own. Moving forward, I want to take a more active approach to improving my skills rather than just learning through experience.


From the blog CS@Worcester – One pixel at a time by gizmo10203 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 – Intro

I just finished reading the first chapter of Apprenticeship Patterns, and I’ve got to say it’s a refreshing take on how we should think about our careers in software development. As a CS student who’s been mostly caught up in the whirlwind of lectures, coding assignments, and the occasional leet code exercise, reading this really made me think “Why did no one show me this when I first started?”.It made me rethink what it means to truly “learn” and grow in this field.

One of the coolest ideas I encountered was the emphasis on the apprenticeship mindset. Up until now, I always imagined career growth as a ladder where each step was a new certification or a harder project. But Hoover and Oshineye argue that learning isn’t about reaching a final destination; it’s more like being in a constant state of evolution, much like a traditional apprenticeship. This concept hit hard for me because it suggests that every coding bug, every failed project, and every line of messy code is just another step in the journey. It’s about continuous improvement rather than a rush to perfection.

What I found particularly intriguing was how the authors challenge the “lone genius” narrative. I used to believe that if I just buckled down and put in my ten thousand hours, I’d eventually figure it all out on my own. Now, I see the value in mentorship and community even though I’m pretty sure I’ll continue to be a bit shy about reaching out for help. It made me realize that collaboration and learning from experienced developers can be just as crucial as independent study. This chapter nudged me to consider joining more coding communities where I can both learn and share knowledge. Having the commit numbers on my GitHub page go up is starting to look like a good idea.

There were a few points I didn’t fully agree with, though. The idea that traditional schooling is almost insufficient for real growth struck me as a bit harsh. While I do see the limitations of classroom learning, I believe formal education lays an essential foundation that apprenticeships and self-directed learning can build upon. They both deserve merit and finding the right balance between both worlds can be very beneficial.

Looking ahead, I’m most excited about the chapters that dive into practical patterns for tackling everyday challenges in software development. I think those will be directly relevant as I navigate internships and open-source projects. Overall, this first chapter wasn’t just a reading assignment for me. It was a call to embrace a more holistic, reflective approach to learning. This is a mindset that I’m eager to adopt as I continue my journey in computer science.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Anairdo's WSU Computer Science Blog by anairdoduri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns

Reading Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye provided valuable insights into the mindset and journey of Software Craftsmanship. One of the most interesting aspects was the emphasis on continuous learning and humility. The book positions software development as an evolving craft rather than a static profession. The idea that mastery is never fully achieved but is instead an ongoing process aligns well with my experiences in learning new technologies and improving my coding skills.

The idea of the three stages Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master was particularly intriguing. The apprentice stage, which emphasizes building foundational skills, mirrors my own experience as I strive to expand my knowledge base. The emphasis on deliberate practice and seeking mentorship reinforced the importance of community and learning from experienced developers. The Journeyman stage’s focus on exploration and developing autonomy is something I aspire to as I work toward becoming a more independent developer.

Reading the introductions to Chapters 2-6 also offered valuable perspectives. Chapter 2’s focus on reinforcing the necessity of approaching learning with an open mind, a lesson I have found crucial when tackling unfamiliar programming problems. Chapter 3’s discussion stood out because maintaining long-term engagement in software development can be challenging. The patterns in this chapter seem particularly relevant in helping navigate burnout and staying passionate about coding.

Chapter 4, which discusses accurate self-assessment, was interesting because it highlights the importance of recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses. Chapter 5’s introduction resonates strongly with me, as it aligns with my personal commitment to continuous improvement. The idea that learning never stops and that we must actively seek out new knowledge is a mindset I try to hold.  Finally, Chapter 6’s introduction reinforced how vital pursuing the right knowledge is important and making sure that one stays motivated to continue.

One key takeaway from these readings is that being a software craftsman is not just about technical skills but also about cultivating the right mindset and habits. Overall, this reading has inspired me to approach software development as an evolving craft, focusing on deliberate practice, feedback, and continued learning. I feel like this would be a interesting book to further reading to continue building my mental skill sets for the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Giovanni Casiano – Software Development by Giovanni Casiano and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My Thoughts After Reading The First Few Chapters of Apprentice Patterns

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Hello, Deubg Ducker here, and I recently read the first few chapters of Apprenticeship Patterns by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye. Let me say that I found it a very interesting read.

The basic gist of the book is that it takes the idea of being an apprentice as a Software developer and you being the software craftsman that will build their skills over years, and the books helps you understand how this process would go. its a guide for someones software development journey and introduces several good ideas for a developer like me.

An example of one of theses ideas is to focus on a The Second chapter’s “First Language”, which basically means hones your skill for one languages. Its more of a guide for those starting off but I feel in a way I follow this advice a lot. I tend to solve problems in languages that I am currently developing for, as of now Java, whether it be school or personal projects which help with honing my own skills for it. Also as I code more in the language I can see my skills improving which is what the book suggest. This part of the book speaks a lot to me as a developer and I think it will help many newcomers.

I say that is one of the most important chapters in the books but Chapter 4 feel is important for others on their journey. “Accurate Self-Assessment”, I think is a self-humbling exercise. It basically puts you the developer in a position of recognizing that you only know so much and can still build your skills. You can be competent in something but it may take a while for you to be an expert on it, saying that you are still on a long road. It reminds you that the journey doesn’t end when you fine the “I made it” phase, as you still have a lot to learn and I feel that this chapter reflects that.

This books is great and I wish I had this when I first started out, it would of probably helped me a lot on my journey. Thank you all for your time, and have a nice day.

From the blog Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Introduction

One aspect of the Apprenticeship Patterns reading that stuck with me was the requirements a person needs in order to be a successful software developer. A “growth mindset” as its referred to in the text is the idea that no one is born with inherent talent in a skill, its through dedication and failure that one reaches success. The growth mindset is a mindset that welcomes failure, because it teaches you to tackle the problem from a different angle. It’s the belief that something can be improved if you’re willing to put in the work despite failing. From failing, there is a lesson to be learned, from success you don’t learn anything. In a field that is constantly changing and improving, it’s crucial for a developer to have the ability to adapt to new features and languages. As a developer, you’re continuously learning how to do things more effectively than the last time, whether it be utilizing data structures or pushing out a feature. This aspect goes hand-in-hand with encouraging experimenting. Through experimenting for better solutions and failing, you get to learn why something doesn’t work or why a solution is preferable over others. On the other hand, though experimenting you might find solutions that actually improve efficiency, resulting in solutions that you can reference when solving similar problems.

Another essential aspect is pragmatic over dogmatic. It’s easier to first make a practical solution and polishing it later than trying to create a perfect solution the first time. It trains developers to think adapt when faced with changing conditions and favors optimizing for efficiency. Additionally, I think this tackles the common problem of procrastination because it allows developers to initially focus on solving the problem and disregarding how your code looks. It doesn’t matter how efficient your solution is if it doesn’t solve the initial problem in the first place.

Both of these aspects improve a developers efficiency and promotes a continuous learning routine. It allows us as developers to improve our skills and better prepares us the problems we face in the future. The rapid invention of technology today doesn’t guarantee a developers future in software, which is why we as developers must keep up with the pace and polish our skills.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Through a Senior by Winston Luu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns

Reading Apprenticeship Patterns made me take a step back and think about what it really means to grow as a software developer. It’s easy to get caught up in learning new technologies, chasing certifications, and trying to keep up with the latest trends, but this book focuses on something deeper, the mindset and habits that shape a longterm career in software. One of the biggest takeaways for me was the idea that becoming a great developer isn’t about how much you already know, but about how you approach learning. The whole concept of being an apprentice, journeyman, and eventually a master makes sense, but what stood out to me the most is that there’s never really a finish line. No matter how much experience someone has, there’s always more to learn. That’s both motivating and humbling. The book also talks a lot about mentorship, self-awareness, and staying open to new ideas. It made me realize that improving as a developer isn’t just about writing more code, it’s about actively seeking feedback, being willing to unlearn bad habits, and knowing when to ask for help. I’ve always leaned towards figuring things out on my own, but after reading this, I see how valuable it is to learn from others who have been through the process. Another thing that stood out is how easy it is to fall into the trap of either imposter syndrome or overconfidence. The book emphasizes the importance of being honest with yourself, knowing what you’re good at and where you need to improve. It’s easy to feel like you’re behind when you see others moving faster, but at the same time, it’s important to not get too comfortable and stop pushing yourself. Finding that balance is key. Overall, this book challenges the way you think about growth and career development. It emphasizes the idea that learning should be intentional, that mentorship and community matter, and that real progress comes from consistent effort over time. It’s made me reflect on how I approach my own learning journey, and I’m looking forward to applying some of these ideas as I move forward in not only my career, but in life as well.

From the blog The Bits & Bytes Universe by skarkonan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.