The ‘sustainable motivations’ pattern is all about development in the real world and how it can be very challenging as an apprentice to get used to the reality of software development. Development of your own technical skills is very important as you gain more experience working with customers and with a different variety of products. As it is described you may have a different reason which motivates you to continue in your programming job whether it be that you are motivated for the money, motivated to build reputation or motivated by your own enjoyment of programming. THis pattern is a part of the “long road” chapter which is characterized as being a part of the “long road” from apprentice to journeyman to master within the software development field.
The solution to this proposed problem is to not get “trapped by your motivations” and a way to do that is to write down things you are motivated by and be able to separate the things that motivate you from the things that are what others see or think. Motivation is something that is important in any career but software development requires a lot of motivation as times when developing is strenuous or when you have a long project ahead of you.
I find this pattern to be important as I feel that a lot of people struggle to maintain motivation in all careers worldwide, not just software development. So having a strategy to combat low levels of motivation and also try not to burn yourself out by being too motivated is very important. Many situations will present you with long projects where you need to be able to ‘sustain motivation’ this is especially important to software development as many times you will be faced with longer projects which will need your full attention throughout. Reading about this pattern makes me realize that it is ok to not always be fully motivated whether that is because of the length of a project or if it is due to your working environment, you shouldn’t expect to always be fully motivated but you need to be willing to persevere even when a project takes a lot out of you as it will further you within your craft.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Dylan Brown Computer Science by dylanbrowncs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.