My first sprint was a trial of figuring things out. Had to get accustomed to my team members and the program that was already created before. I was assigned to the reporting system and going in with my teammates and I didn’t know how far along the project had been. We had to first get settled and understand what updates needed to be done to complete our first sprint. Our sprint planning went well we understood the issues left before from a different class could be used for our sprint in this class. We all selected an issue that each one of us would resolve including some minor ones that came later on. I was chosen to Determine the startup procedure for MongoDB and RabbitMQ in the development environment.
At first, I was confused with understanding what I had to do but after reading the comments made I began to understand what needed to be done. It was more of a test by creating another docker-compose file to run the Rabbimq without the backend. I created a devDocker-compose to achieve my goal. I then created another index.js file. I did this to run the developer versions or production of the up scripts. I did minor updates during the sprint including updating devcontainer so it would work better on Macs. There were several things we had to update so we split up the work and committed the corresponding ones to the main. I helped my teammates in their projects as well by working in their branches and accepting their merges when needed. As a team, we worked united and we always made sure we were all on the same page. During this sprint, we learned new things that we could incorporate into our team including updating each other on what we are working on today to be on the same page. We never let any team get lost and we were always there to pick each other up. One moment I could recall is that one of our member’s computers was having issues and we all as a unit came to find the issue which we did. Even for minor mistakes like commit messages, we made sure to edit and fix them to pass the pipeline.
The pattern I would choose from the Apprenticeship Patterns book would be to expose your ignorance. It’s great to work alone and do your own thing but if you get stuck don’t be scared to get help from teammates instead of figuring it out alone. It’s great to get feedback and ask questions to everyone. This pattern is key for the growth of a developer and being able to be humble when addressing gaps of knowledge. You don’t have to act like you know everything because of pride or embarrassment but be willing to learn and be curious without fear. During this sprint, if I didn’t ask for help in certain scenarios I wouldn’t have known how to continue my project but being able to discuss boosted my work progress. When you are first joining a team you want to be reliable instead of a burden but asking questions as a whole will strengthen your team. During this spring I wouldn’t have hesitated to ask more questions that I had figured out on my own.
From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.