Category Archives: cs-wsu

Sprint 1 Retrospective

My first sprint was a trial of figuring things out. Had to get accustomed to my team members and the program that was already created before. I was assigned to the reporting system and going in with my teammates and I didn’t know how far along the project had been. We had to first get settled and understand what updates needed to be done to complete our first sprint. Our sprint planning went well we understood the issues left before from a different class could be used for our sprint in this class. We all selected an issue that each one of us would resolve including some minor ones that came later on. I was chosen to Determine the startup procedure for MongoDB and RabbitMQ in the development environment

At first, I was confused with understanding what I had to do but after reading the comments made I began to understand what needed to be done. It was more of a test by creating another docker-compose file to run the Rabbimq without the backend. I created a devDocker-compose to achieve my goal. I then created another index.js file. I did this to run the developer versions or production of the up scripts. I did minor updates during the sprint including updating devcontainer so it would work better on Macs. There were several things we had to update so we split up the work and committed the corresponding ones to the main. I helped my teammates in their projects as well by working in their branches and accepting their merges when needed. As a team, we worked united and we always made sure we were all on the same page. During this sprint, we learned new things that we could incorporate into our team including updating each other on what we are working on today to be on the same page. We never let any team get lost and we were always there to pick each other up. One moment I could recall is that one of our member’s computers was having issues and we all as a unit came to find the issue which we did. Even for minor mistakes like commit messages, we made sure to edit and fix them to pass the pipeline. 

The pattern I would choose from the Apprenticeship Patterns book would be to expose your ignorance. It’s great to work alone and do your own thing but if you get stuck don’t be scared to get help from teammates instead of figuring it out alone. It’s great to get feedback and ask questions to everyone. This pattern is key for the growth of a developer and being able to be humble when addressing gaps of knowledge. You don’t have to act like you know everything because of pride or embarrassment but be willing to learn and be curious without fear. During this sprint, if I didn’t ask for help in certain scenarios I wouldn’t have known how to continue my project but being able to discuss boosted my work progress. When you are first joining a team you want to be reliable instead of a burden but asking questions as a whole will strengthen your team. During this spring I wouldn’t have hesitated to ask more questions that I had figured out on my own.     

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

“Apprenticeship Patterns Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman” by Dave Hooper and Adewale Oshineye was interesting. This reading allowed me to reconnect my work to the text. The simple route would be to create a technical guideline but instead, this book goes into greater depth that mentality is the key. The mental fortitude to be humble and to always be open to learning new things from anyone to master your craft.

All the chapters hold great importance to me, I found chapters 3 and 5 to be the standouts. Two key things that stood out to me mainly were developing a long-lasting career and being adaptable in any situation. I am just beginning my career and one goal that I have to achieve before the rest is starting to create a long path to success. Not everything is going to happen in a day but taking it one day at a time and not focusing on the short term can come a long way. Slowly progressing and making small strides is the way to go. Adaptability is self-explanatory but with technology always changing and advancing, you must always be ready for the change. If you don’t adapt to it, technology will leave you behind. Some people may not like change but it’s great to always learn new things and change the way you used to do something for something better. An open mind is better than a closed one.

After reading this I have come to a new understanding of my career. It has taught me to have more purpose when I learn even the smallest things because to fully master something you must understand the big concepts and the small ones. When Learning you should focus on being competent on something instead of just acquiring it and moving on. Also, this is a long-term goal so don’t focus on the short term but look at it from a broader point of view where small increments can lead to bigger strides in the end. The main key to becoming a software craftsman is mentality because technical skills can only get you so far when you always must be moving forward and being able to adapt on short notice.

From the blog cs-wsu – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Task 5

I found the website of Libre Food Pantry to be interesting I like the setup of the site and like the aesthetic. It looks very professional and the colors coordinate with the webpage. The section about GitLab stood out to me. It is great to be open to the public where we work on our project. It gives anyone easy access to our work without being able to edit it but look at it and give us feedback. I chose to write about this because sometimes it is hard to find the source of people’s projects but it being easy to see is very useful. In Thea’s food pantry, I found the community section the most important. This should be the first thing that should be clear to anyone working on this project. It tackles a lot of problems that may be up to interpretation but gives clear answers so nobody is confused. For me, the one that stood out the most was the definition of done. To certain people, this may be simple but in reality, it is much more complicated than it is. To be done with code can be a multi-step process. This gives importance to the expectation that everyone must reach when working on this project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Working as a Front end developer

Now that I have heard about people’s experiences working on the back end, I was curious about people’s experiences working on the front end. Reading personal experiences taught me a lot about working on the back end. You can learn a lot and avoid mistakes by seeing others take similar paths. Also, it can prepare you for problems that you may face in the future. Mistakes are inevitable but being able to adapt or being able to recognize it and fix it goes a long way. Working on projects especially those that have to do with coding errors is always a step away. You can try to get a step ahead on these problems by seeing other people work and implementing it on your stuff. That is why I found an article about working as a front-end developer. These articles are very engaging and always give me a new perspective.

This article is written by Selim Enes who has done freelance work in the past but is currently working as a developer. When he first started he was working on small things like CSS edits until he proved himself. One of his major projects was a blog project where he had to create the display of the UI. He was involved in all operations after 2 months. When he proved to the team that his code wouldn’t crash the project he gained access to the company’s main project. The company’s main project entailed a webinar application that used technologies like WebSocket. One thing that made him know he was going in the right direction was being able to develop features like push-to-talk by himself. There are some negatives to his work with his boss being very hasty on projects. He believes all tasks are urgent and make some work very stressful. Plus with the recent economic regression, he doesn’t believe he will be able to get a raise anytime soon. He has learned to have a full-stack blog project for himself and has an e-commerce project his about to start working on. He is working while also building his portfolio outside of work.

Reading this article was very insightful. It made sense that when you first start working for a company they won’t give you the keys to everything just yet. They ease you up into it until you have gained their trust. Working on his portfolio outside of work motivated me to do the same too. You can sometimes become complacent at your job because you have a living but you shouldn’t. You should always try to improve and hope to find better opportunities elsewhere

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 15

Working inside the backend made me curious about people’s real-life experiences working in their company’s backend. I found articles about the backend but have yet to gain experience working inside it. It would be helpful to get insight into someone’s real-life experiences. By seeing others’ experiences you can learn from them and avoid any mistakes they made starting. Many beginner mistakes are big headaches when they happen, but if someone else can stop you from making them, it will be a huge lifesaver. We learn sometimes the hard way but the biggest help to prevent this is to learn from other paths. Some may think it better to go in blind I think differently. Being prepared for me is always the better option

Blessings James starts the article by advising readers that starting it may be difficult but to trust the process because the feeling after you accomplish your task is another feeling entirely. Her favorite project was working on a to-do list application with a backend using Python. It was difficult for her to work while also being data efficient. By doing research she was able to find a scalable model that worked. She also discovered some libraries including Flask-login that would do a lot of the heavy lifting. This was key for security which is often overlooked. Debugging is always a problem that comes up but she was able to gracefully fix them. API design was also a key feature wired on but swagger made it a lot easier. 

Reading this article gave me a lot of insight into someone working in the backend for a real company. There were some similarities to what were doing now including swagger. Swagger seems like the for the API design. We haven’t used all the features of Swagger but using Swagger Preview did help when doing assignments and homework. Our code was automatically able to be seen updated. One thing that interested me was Flask-login. I didn’t know you could use outside libraries but it makes sense if it is open to the public anyone can use it. It can save time by being able to use different libraries and cut your workload by half. Reading that article there was a big emphasis on security and I feel at times is overlooked. You have seen with a lot of companies when it is overlooked the outcomes are drastic. It becoming a bigger issue every day and security should be the first task on everyone’s list.


From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

AI Revolutions in Large-Scale Application Development

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the software development landscape, making the creation of big project and their related application code faster, smarter, and more efficient. From automating repetitive tasks to optimizing code and enabling predictive analysis, AI empowers developers to achieve more with less effort. This blog explores how AI actual facilitated in normal coder and tester related workers and their tangible benefits give more reliable outcomes without any more works.

               AI acts as a force multiplier in software development, streamlining workflows, reducing errors, and enhancing productivity. Before AI the possibilities of traditional works are very lengthy and so much effort of manual strategy, particular for large projects. By using machine learning, natural language processing, and advanced algorithms, AI tools and platforms help developers at every stage of the application lifecycle, thus easing those challenges.

Key Areas where AI Growing:

Code Generation: In GitHub Copilot AI tools helps developers by generating raw codes, suggesting snippets, and writing full code according to their descriptions.

Bug Detection and Fixing: AI tools like Deep Code analyses coders code and give accurate and deeper result so it gives actionable recommendations in real bugs and fixes their uses in just one click.

Automated Testing: Machine learning algorithms can generate large scale test on minimum time so it actual carry the whole process testing in their application so workers can get time and effortless comprehensive testing.

Real-World Examples of AI in Action

  1. GitHub Copilot: This AI coding assistant generates suggestions in real time, helping developers write efficient and accurate code faster. It makes big projects easier to handle by lowering the amount of manual labor required for repetitive coding chores.
  2. Chatbots for DevOps: AI-powered chatbots doing multiple things automatically like server deployment, monitor application health, and resolve issue in one time so human interventions growth reduced.

Challenges and Limitations is also part of this AI skills. AI-generated code may require careful validation so might be Accuracy Dependence is requirement in project-specific parts. It may be necessary to make an initial training expenditure in order for developers to comprehend how to use AI tools efficiently. Using AI in proprietary projects brings up issues related to biassed algorithms and intellectual property so ethical issue is also fixed it our terms and modifications.

               As AI continues to evolve, its role in software development will expand further. Innovations such as generative AI for full-stack applications, intelligent debugging systems, and adaptive learning platforms will redefine what’s possible in large-scale application development. In conclusion, AI is not just a tool for coders; it is one robot which give accurate result without any further large skills task. Diverse controlling in AI based application is sometime give innovation and creativity and every computer fields.


  1. GitHub Copilot Documentation. (n.d.).
  2. Amodei, D., Olah, C., et al. (2016). Deep Learning in AI Systems. OpenAI Research Papers.
  3. Applitools AI Testing Tools. (n.d.).
  4. How AI is Revolutionizing Software Development [YouTube Video]. (2023). Available at:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Pre-Learner —> A Blog Introduction by Aksh Patel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 14

We have collaborated on the backend for the last few weeks. It is the central workload of our work, so I wanted to find an article about it. It very much intertwined with what were doing in class and outside of class with the homework. It is a great opportunity to see other people’s experiences working in the back end and real-life experiences. You can understand more things that we didn’t dive into the class by doing research and expanding our knowledge. That is why this week I found an article that specifically goes into detail about backend development.

The article starts by mentioning the importance of the backend and how it’s often overlooked because most of the spotlight is on the front end. The back end is like what is under the hood of a car you are happy when it works without having to open the hood. That being said the front end and back end work in tandem it’s not always necessary but for this scenario yes. The front is more the user-facing elements of a website. Like the text that is being displayed, graphics, buttons, and or anything the user interacts with.While the backend focuses on the behind-the-scenes work to make the website function. Outside of a car is the front end and its engine and other components are the back end. The backend is important to complete any user request by being safe and efficient. Security and efficiency are key processes of the backend for the user experience. This is why both backend and frontend developers must work in unison to create successful applications. The main importance backend developers should go for is innovation. Technology is always evolving and people must adapt to it becoming stagnant won’t be successful in this field.

Reading this article made me understand more about backend development. Backend development has so much more to it with data and security. It makes sense because security is often overlooked at times. The more information is stored online the more we have to make the effort to secure people’s data. Nobody will want to use your application if there is a breach of security. My main takeaway was their statement about innovation. Their final message to the reader was a hopeful one stating that a developer must change with the times because they are in the epicenter of it. Technology goes far out including healthcare solutions that might not be important to some but are highly integral to a lot of people.

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

GitHub and Docker: Streamlining Database Management for Modern Development

In AI based fast growing world of software development, very deep knowledge database management plays a pivotal role in ensuring application performance and scalability. GitHub and Docker have become indispensable tools for developers, providing streamlined workflows and efficient environments for database development, testing, and deployment. This blog explores how GitHub and Docker work together to simplify database management in today’s world.

GitHub, a leading platform for version control and collaboration, is key part is managing database code, schemas, and migration. For hosting configuration files, and database-related repositories, GitHub using one source to get maximum database workflows. GitHub also fulfill the software tester and developer related tools to easy to convert code and data process without any lengthy process. Giving branching, pull request, and code reviews facilities actually make GitHub performances very advanced in machine learning world. Version control with actual data track with their schemas, collaboration with multiple contributors and Integration with CI/CD Pipelines provides key benefits of GitHub database. Where Docker, the development and testing of databases is being transformed by a packaging platform. Docker enables developers to reproduce production-like environments on local computers by enclosing databases within containers, guaranteeing stability across the stages of development, testing, and deployment. Environment Consistency, Isolated containers and scalability provide key features of docker which give real support in testing team so we can easily grow with our GitHub system.

When combined, GitHub and Docker provide a robust solution for managing database workflows.

  1. Versioning and Collaboration with Docker Files:

Docker files and Compose files, essentials for databases, are stored in GitHub repositories. Developers can version-control these files, and automate container builds via GitHub Actions.

2. Automated Testing:

Developers can easily supply files with version control and creating pipelines so spin up actual data for their multiple automated testing.

3. Database Migrations as Code:

Teams store migration scripts in GitHub, while Docker containers provide isolated environments to test these scripts. Reliable schema modifications in staging and production settings are guaranteed by this method.

Advantages of Using GitHub and Docker for Databases:

Reduced Onboarding Time: Learners can start working with prebuilt Docker containers without any work delays.

Improved Testing: Automated tests run against containerized databases, ensuring thorough validation of database changes.

Enhanced Collaboration: Efficient team workflow, while Docker guarantees consistency of the surroundings.

In conclusion, GitHub and Docker together form a powerful duo for modern database management, addressing challenges like environment consistency, version control, and collaboration. For small project to build large applications these two combos give detailly work and improving features in all workers. GitHub and Docker will continue to redefine how databases are managed in the software development lifecycle.


  1. GitHub Actions Documentation. (n.d.).

2. Docker Documentation. (n.d.).

From the blog CS@Worcester – Pre-Learner —> A Blog Introduction by Aksh Patel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 13

We started to work in the front end I became more curious about front-end developers. They are often the key if someone will even use a website to begin with. You can have a fully functional site but if it isn’t engaging it can lose people. In the past, this wasn’t something you had to deal with but there are so many things taking people’s attention that just doing the bare minimum isn’t enough. There are things that we don’t even think about that are key to a successful website. A main common feature now is dark mode if a website doesn’t come with this theme it can scare away users. Even simple things like where the search bar is placed are key for the navigation through the site. This week I decided to find information about front-end developers and how they achieve success.

The article starts by explaining what a front-end developer does. They create the graphical layout of a website or application. Front-end workers are usually hired by someone looking to build a website. They can create a site layout to give the buyer an idea of what their website could look like. It can save people a lot of money and hassle if their vision can reasonably be imagined by a front-end developer. A front-end developer’s main focus should be to place everything to benefit the user it should be simple and intuitive for the user. There are several job opportunities in this field from working in industry or having the freedom to be a freelancer. This is a job that offers a lot of challenges but with critical thinking, a solution can always be found. Many big companies hire this position including Microsoft and Meta are always looking for new front-end developers.

Reading this article showed me a new field in this space. There are many fields in Coding there are so many I find a new one every year. This field uses different coding languages including HTML, CSS, and javascript to name a few. I liked how this was a problem-solving job that there has to be actual decision-making need to be successful. This is a job that is engaging while trying to engage others to use your product. The key for a great front-end developer would probably have to be to not forget about the little things. This article reassures that keeping a user-friendly UI is the key to having a successful website.

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Testing Circumstances

Software testing is crucial phase of the software development cycle. After numerous errors and choices have been made, this entire approach functions in a single manner. However, the effectiveness and efficiency of software testing are significantly influenced by the circumstances in which it is conducted. After we finish the software testing phase, there are still issues that arise despite the extensive critical thinking and methodology. The term “software testing circumstances” refers to the conditions and environments in which testing occurs. These conditions include a number of elements, including financial constraints, time limits, team experience, technological infrastructure, and the development technique adopted. Testing is scheduled in accordance with their execution and development procedure based on critical situations.

Key Challenges in Software Testing Circumstances:

  1. Time Constraints

Some tasks are ruined by tight deadlines, but other tools can help your complete tasks more quickly. Ultimately, how you do your work under intense pressure depends on how you handle time limitations.

2. Limited Resources

Insufficient resources, such as skilled personnel, testing environments, or financial backing, can restrict testing scope. Some resources offer extra help with the task at hand, but the testing scenario’s limited resources have impeded your work and stopped you from resolving their problems so you can continue testing.

These Two is key problem we see in every testing problem.

Adapting to Testing Circumstances:

  1. Prioritization with Risk-Based Testing

Teams can allocate resources efficiently by focusing on important capabilities and identifying high-risk areas. This guarantees that, despite limitations, crucial functions are adequately tested.

2. Early Involvement of Testing Teams

Engaging high skills testers from the beginning of the work is give reliable and accurate result and give balancing the whole cycle in testing phase.

3. Cloud-Based Testing Environments

Without requiring a significant upfront infrastructure investment, cloud testing methods provide scalable and wide-ranging testing environments. By simulating actual circumstances, these technologies increase coverage.

These are fundamental abilities we master in our cycle to get deeper and faster results with the time we need for essentials.

Our testing encounters little errors that can be resolved with minor adjustments, so we lower the testing error graph. AI-driven technologies assist us in our performance section, allowing us to draw our testing error cycle without requiring a large expenditure.

               In conclusion, Problems involving software testing can cause difficulties, but these can be successfully avoided with preemptive measures and modern tools. Understanding and adapting to the nuances of each testing scenario is key to maintaining reliability and user satisfaction.


  1.  Myers, G. J., Sandler, C., & Badgett, T. (2011). The Art of Software Testing. Wiley.
  2.  ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus. (n.d.).
  3. Atlassian Continuous Testing Guide. (n.d.).
  4. IEEE Software Testing Standards. (n.d.).

From the blog CS@Worcester – Pre-Learner —> A Blog Introduction by Aksh Patel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.