This week’s blog is going to be about “The challenges and benefits of model-based testing” by Greg Sypolt. In this blog, Greg talked about what model-based testing(MBT) is, how it works, how model-based testing differ from other kinds of testing, the challenges that are faced when using model-based testing, and the benefits of using it. Model-based testing is a kind of test where test cases are automatically generated from models. It focuses on the models based on the system requirements or specifications. The model-based testing works by generating tests automatically from models created by the software developers and testers, then it runs assertions for both generation of tests and execution, and reports the testing results. Model-based testing is different because it is more in the software development process than a scripting task. It focuses more on building a testable application and creating models based on user’s perspectives. There are many challenges to address before you can use model-based testing to its full benefits. Software developers and testers have to be trained on model-based testing. The tool has to be scalable and be able to handle complex models and provide a reliable test coverage. Fine-tuning the MBT tool could also be challenging. However, it will offset the long-term goal of reduction of test maintenance. Test coverage is guaranteed and there is zero test suite maintenance.
I think this blog post is very helpful in introducing model-based testing. It is fairly brief but still shows you the idea behind model-based testing. This blog post is really interesting since model-based testing is a move away from the traditional testing. Instead of having a set of particular tests with defined test objectives and deliverables that should be achieved, model-based testing is done from models and not from the source code. A thought-provoking section of the blog for me is where he talked about the challenges of model-based testing. Greg said that model-based testing requires a shift in mindset and culture in how to develop and test applications. It made me think of how different it really is from the traditional way of testing. Learning about model-based testing changed the way I think about software testing since it is an approach that I haven’t really seen before. Now, I wonder in the future, what else kind of testing we are going to come up with.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science by csrenz and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.