Chapter 7 focused on how to make sure use technical practices at your place of work. For example, integrating techniques from TDD and using paired programming to help your team focus on what they are trying to do, while also making sure that less mistakes are made. This chapter also helped with ways to suggest to your team that using these practices will be helpful in the long run, if they are having issues adapting to them now.
Chapter 8 focuses on how to focus on career goals and how to create new opportunities to pursue in the field of computer programming. Mancuso stresses the point that new opportunities won’t just show up when you need them. Instead he says to create them yourself by learning new languages, expanding your network of people, blogging about interesting articles or projects you’re working on, and going to conferences. These are all wonderful suggestions that college graduates should definitely follow while in school and after they leave. Also look at jobs as an investment into what you want to learn because this will help in the long run of finding a job that is stable and secure in a field you want to be in; I found this kind of as an obvious statement since you want to make sure you don’t end up doing something you later dislike. I also agree with Mancuso’s observations of what a job should hold for a person (autonomy, mastery, and purpose) because with out these things than you would fall into the trap of having a boring job which might later lead into you not being able to care about the field your in anymore. This would obviously lead into the possibility of being fired from that job and not being able to find a new one. I think this whole chapter was a pretty useful one since it focused mostly on what a college graduate should know about applying for jobs after classes.
From the blog CS WSU – Techni-Cat by clamberthutchinson and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.