Initially getting OpenMRS running was not that difficult, but connecting it to MySQL and installing the Legacy UI was a little more challenging. To Install OpenMRS, I simply cloned the repository to my machine. Initially I had tried importing the project into IntelliJ, but was having difficulty properly configuring JUnit to work with IntelliJ, so I switched to Eclipse. After importing the project, I used the command line to navigate to the directory the repository was in and ran mvn clean install. I then navigated to the webapp subdirectory and ran mvn clean install and then mvn jetty:run to get OpenMRS running whereupon I tried connecting it to my MySQL instance.
I had initially thought that I already had MySQL installed correctly, but I had to re-download an older version and the correct command line utilities to get it to run. I started MySQL from the command line using sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
After starting MySQL the Database correctly connected to OpenMRS, but I still needed to get the Legacy UI. I cloned the Legacy UI repository, navigated to that directory, and ran mvn clean install. I then copied the legacy-ui-snapshot-1.0.omod to my ~/.OpenMRS/modules directory and everything was working!
From the blog cs-wsu – Spencer Leal by spencerleal and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.