Category Archives: cs-wsu

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Capital Letters in Pound Signs

Based on the material I have learned today in CS-383, I have created an Excel Spreadsheet containing each of the 26 English letters of the alphabet in an ASCII form of pound symbols and periods. I still do not remember what it’s called, and I have no idea if these are the correct forms of each letter.

Feel free to look at the file and improve if necessary: Letters in Pounds

From the blog jdongamer » cs-wsu by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Capital Letters in Pound Signs

Based on the material I have learned today in CS-383, I have created an Excel Spreadsheet containing each of the 26 English letters of the alphabet in an ASCII form of pound symbols and periods. I still do not remember what it’s called, and I have no idea if these are the correct forms of each letter.

Feel free to look at the file and improve if necessary: Letters in Pounds

From the blog jdongamer » cs-wsu by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Simple MapReduce Example

MapReduce can be very complicated to understand at first.  I found this simple example that takes you through the steps so that you can see how it is reduced.  You can find it at this site:

From the blog ddgoddard » cs-wsu by ddgoddard and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hadoop MapReduce

The Article on YDN on Hadoop was a great read but I found it very loaded for someone who first heard of Hadoop a couple of weeks ago. I did go hunting for a better, but simpler explanation of what MapReduce is, and how to apply it. I found this article on IBM. It uses a simple data set of cities and their temperatures to explain MapReduce. It also provides an interesting analogy into how the Early Romans may have ‘used’ MapReduce to conduct censuses.

I also found a set of HTML Slides on a Google Research Publication that goes that goes deeper into the inner workings of MapReduce, with an example of how they used it at Google in 2004. It also provides full C code for a word count example in the PDF version of the publication.

From the blog mrnganga » cs-wsu by mrnganga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hadoop MapReduce

The Article on YDN on Hadoop was a great read but I found it very loaded for someone who first heard of Hadoop a couple of weeks ago. I did go hunting for a better, but simpler explanation of what MapReduce is, and how to apply it. I found this article on IBM. It uses a simple data set of cities and their temperatures to explain MapReduce. It also provides an interesting analogy into how the Early Romans may have ‘used’ MapReduce to conduct censuses.

I also found a set of HTML Slides on a Google Research Publication that goes that goes deeper into the inner workings of MapReduce, with an example of how they used it at Google in 2004. It also provides full C code for a word count example in the PDF version of the publication.

From the blog mrnganga » cs-wsu by mrnganga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hadoop MapReduce

Here are some videos I found that would explain MapReduce in detail – Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5

From the blog ani2017 » cs-wsu by anirudhu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My Introduction

My name is Hebron Lorenzo and I am majoring in Computer Science at Worcester State University. This is my second year at WSU for my Bachelors degree.  My first degree is in Computer Information Systems from QCC.

From the blog mrchief2015 » cs-wsu by hslorenzo and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Cloud computing blog

Hi there! This blog is for the cloud, parallel and distributed computing class. Michael

From the blog cloudcomputing383 » cs-wsu by mkhmelnitskiy and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my first blog

From the blog My Blog » cs-wsu by mstemm and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.