Category Archives: cs-wsu

I’m still here with the slideshow.

Last Wednesday Tim decided that instead of the pinch to zoom feature, it might be easier to change it so that if the image is clicked on, it goes full resolution size and the image can just be dragged around.

This is now working fine in a web browser, but like every issue I’ve had so far…. It does NOT work on the iPad. The drag feature is being called upon in the MooTools- more JavaScript file. I believe Touchstart and touchMove events need to be added and somehow get cords from them to enable drag. The drag function can be easily read if anyone wants to take a gander. I can always end up giving them the old version that worked fine, but it will be missing the “better” zoom (hard to call it better when it doesn’t work).

If it was just being run in a web browser it would be done at this point.

I pushed a version to git finally the other day. I don’t think that one was fully working either. This one is better though. I’m worried I’m going to end up overwriting everyone’s work, so I’m trying to stay away from it as much as possible.

Lastly it is on the test server. If you are using filezilla you should be able to get into my directory and download it (I’ve downloaded other peoples work from there). That should be the most updated version unless I’m working/testing things on it if/when you download it.


From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Brief Word on Directory Structure

I quickly wanted to show the directory structure that we used for this course, and the git branches associated with them. We are using a CentOS 6 machine with apache as the web server. We also installed php for the git scripts which lie in the web root.

> /var/www/html/ – Web Root, No Git Association

> index.html – Show a list for Master / Development / or Users, No Git Association

>> master – The final project ready for deployment, Git Master Branch

>> test – The most complete branch for testing, Git Development Branch

>> development – Used for user directories, No Git Association

As I played a major role naming the directories, I take the full blame for the blunder of naming a directory test and linking it to a development branch, and then proceeding to name a directory development and using it for something else. Sorry about that guys.


From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Success!… Maybe some Minor Missed Opportunities?

CS401, the capstone for WSU Computer Science, is a very useful class as it shows some real world applications. As a member of the server group, I was able to help set up the back-end of the project and integrate the code with a working web page. In order to accomplish this, I was able to practice my scripting, working with apache, improving git abilities, and again, finding the headaches associated with permissions. Some of the most satisfying results of the class were working with others on a large project, trouble shooting with peers, and seeing a full scale development task move from infancy to completion throughout a single course. It was a great semester and very valuable to future success.

Although the overall class was a success, there’s always some things that could have been done better. I wish I would have gone back to fix the git script, it was done so it worked and then it was forgotten about. I wish I went back and maximized the efficiency of this script. The other opportunity I wish I grasped a hold of was working with some of the html, css, and javascript of the other groups, possibly helping to debug or lend a hand when needed because I would have liked to learn a bit more of those languages.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Updating the Web Directories on the Server

All our code throughout the semester was placed on git and then brought to the server for testing/deployment. Instead of having to log on to the server and pull code every time a change was made, we wanted to update the server every time a change was made.

In order to accomplish this, we looked into GitHub’s web hooks, which work by calling a script every time a pull request goes through. The idea of this seemed simple, but we ran into some problems with permissions. In order to accommodate this, we decided to delete the whole directory and re-clone it into the same place by the following php script:

    $gitRoot = “/var/www/html/master”;

    // Use in the “Post-Receive URLs” section of your GitHub repo.
    if ($file = fopen(“log.txt”, “a”)){
        fwrite($file, “Update ” . date(“F j, Y, g:i a”));

    if ( $_POST[‘payload’] ) {
        $delete = shell_exec(“rm -rf $gitRoot”);
        $clone = shell_exec(“git clone -b master $gitRoot”);

        fwrite($file, “\n\tPayload Received\n\tClone: $clone\n\n”);
    } else{
        fwrite($file, “\n\tNo Payload Received\n\n”);

The better way to do this would be to pull changes into the directory, which is much quicker because it updates only the changed files. This wasn’t followed up on after the quick fix because the quick fix was needed early in the semester, and other things arose before re-addressing the issue.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

FileZilla or SSH

After creating the user directories, we had to allow the user a way to put their code in the web directory. There were two main ways to accomplish this that was explained on an as-need basis in class. The two (perhaps three) methods are to modify code locally and use FileZilla to transfer files to the directory, modify code locally and use scp to place the code on the server, or ssh into the server and modify code directly in the test directory.

From working with individuals throughout the course, the majority seems to be using FileZilla, but it’s nice to have the option to work directly in the folder’s code.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

User Directories to Test on a Web Server

When we started working on a web project, we were using git for individual parts of the project but we wanted to see the projects as a web page and updating git to wait for results was a bit more difficult than expected. Because of this, we decided to create user directories on the server hosting the project which would render everything through the web server. This made testing much easier, as any scripts could be tested locally.

The user directories were creating using the following script:


while [ 1 ]
    # Prompt and get the username
    echo -n “Enter username [Blank to Exit]: “
    read user
    if [ -z $user ]; then

    # Check for errand username formats
    if [[ ! $user =~ ^[a-z] ]]; then
        echo “Invalid username”

    # Set up the user and directories
    useradd $user -d $BASE_DIR/$user

    mkdir $WEB_DIR/$user
    chown $user:developer $WEB_DIR/$user
    ln -s $WEB_DIR/$user $BASE_DIR/$user/html
    chown $user:developer $BASE_DIR/$user/html

    count=$(($count + 1))

    # Check for more users
    echo -n “Another User? (y/N): “
    read another
    if [ -z $another ]; then

    if [ $another != ‘y’ ] && [ $another != ‘Y’ ] && [ $another != ‘yes’ ] && [ $another != ‘Yes’ ]

for (( i = 0; i < $count; i++ ))
    echo “Username:    ${users[$i]}”
    echo “${users[$i]}” >> users.csv

The script creates a new user given a user name and creates a home folder for that user. Then a directory is created in the development folder of the web directory with the same name as the user name. The permissions is then corrected so the correct user can edit their code. Once this is done a symlink is placed in the user’s home folder to make it a little easier. To place your code in the web directory you just needed to place your code in your own html folder.

To access an individual’s web work, you could go to and get a list of the user directories. You could then view the work by clicking on the correct user.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Working with a Client

Working with the Worcester Art Museum has been a good experience for working with a client and making sure a project will be complete and thorough. Throughout the course there were both some challenges faced and milestone achievements.

Most of the work I did during the semester was done in the server group so there was not as much direct interaction with Tim and WAM as most of the other groups, although there was some. The server group started by ensuring that the final project would be able to be deployed on the Worcester Art Museum’s iPads and that the project was easy to maintain. After deciding to move to a web page as the main project deployment wasn’t an issue. As it turns out, the museum has a web server where we can deploy the finished product and they can maintain it locally. With all these things established, the server group looked for ways to potentially expand, and that’s where working with a climate can be challenging.

Part of the initiative for the server group was to look into a way we could use a database to improve the features of the project. The major ideas that surfaced were to email coloured images to a provided email, save images for other patrons to view, save high scores for the puzzle, and leave comments about the exhibit. When talking to WAM about these features it was determined that databases weren’t going to be used because it added to the complexity of maintenance. This was a bit of a bummer because as a group we were really looking to contribute a front end feature instead of all back end.

In the end, it all worked out, and every thing went well. At this point we are just finishing up some final polishing and getting ready to deploy the finished project. 


From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

College Class vs. Real World

All computer science courses up to this point have dealt with individual or small group assignments. In these assignments we began with either a complete instruction set or a template, a starting position, and an end goal. Using these assignments we have been able to learn concepts and basics which can be placed together to form larger projects.

During this capstone course we have moved away from this fairly standard model, going over a semester long project, breaking into groups, and determining different paths to take to get from point A to point B. Unlike most classes where deadlines were weekly, and assignments complete, this course featured a more abstract plan. Although updates on progress were given, the deadlines were defined by the groups and almost anything was acceptable providing the project would be completed on time.

This model is close what I’m expecting in the real world. Tasks, mostly small parts of larger projects will be assigned, and a deadline given. Based on this deadline, we will have to develop a plan, determine what course of action needs to be taken, and meet the deadline. I enjoyed that this class was like that and it has really prepared me for my future career opportunities.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Establishing Git throughout a Computer Science Degree Program

Throughout this capstone course, small groups worked together to create an overall project. Because of the format of the class, a method of collaboration was needed and the one that made the most since was git through github. Git allowed the teams to work individually on their parts and then merge changes to the larger effort. This way of collaboration and version control worked well to assure the fluidity of the project. The only setback associated with using git was the fact that it was a new concept to many in the class and the features were being learned throughout the course.

There is currently the initiative to introduce git in the first programming course offered as a way of working with lab partners and submitting assignments. After students learn to use git in one of the introductory courses the idea can be used throughout the college career as a means of collaboration, version control, and centralized organization. Dr. Wurst is in the process of drafting a lab to introduce git and will use it as the way submit assignments.

Version control such as git is valuable for individual development as well as large group projects and learning it early on will be very valuable throughout college and career. Personally, I’m very excited to see how the idea of introducing git early on will change the dynamic of the Computer Science major at Worcester State.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Solution for the zoom in lightbox

According to the existing defect in the light box zoom feature that the article page will remain on the same zoom size when user exit from the light box. My original plan is let user to click on the picture and return to the article page with the full size. However, it does not work that way. So I came up with another solution, which unblock the zoom function on the article page. The advantage of doing this is user will being able to zoon back and normally read the article. The disadvantage will be when the user did not close the light box with size, the page will look disorganized until they zoom back in. I have gave a couple people test on the user experience, they feel nature’s zoom in for the picture, and when they close the light box, they will realized the page need to be zoom out, also. I mean, this the not the solution that my original plan was. But this is at least a solution for the problem. 

From the blog zli1 » cs-wsu by zhengjunli and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.