Category Archives: cs-wsu

What We have Now on ScreenSaver Part

Finally i got the access back to my blog. For some reason i have not been able to receive the password-reset email for my WordPress account.

Now, for the screensaver part, we have the code almost ready. According to the design Tim asked us to make on our app, the screensaver part has 2 parts as i mentioned on my previous post: a screensaver and  a introduction page.

Here is how they look like:

1st: it is a slideshow of the statues and their pieces.


2nd, when any touch is done to the screen, a instruction box will pop up, and after that is the introduction screen.


ImageBy swiping back and forth, we can navigate the slide of the introduction.

3rd, when the “Skip to Home” button is touched, the homepage will pop up.



Previously, there was another introduction page we came up with with the design from the website

But due to the incompatibility of this version on the iPad, the jQuery mobile version above was chosen.

From the blog daunguyen10's Blog » CS-WSU by daunguyen10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week of 5/6/13: Bug fixing

This past week, I just fixed some bugs in my files

1) screensaver links to the wrong document name (easy fix).

2) IntroPage: left & right navigation buttons are (much) slower than swiping fingers, I’ve tried playing with the values in the jquery-mobile.js file to make the transition faster, which it did make it faster, but the transition was still not seamless like when swipe the fingers. So  I just decided to get rid of the navigation buttons, and replace it with “Help” button to give user info on how to navigate the pages. Now it looks like this,



and when you click the Help button, the pop-up dialog looks like this,



Now I will work on writing a How-To document to give Tim information on how to change the content of my pages, for future reusability.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week of 5/6/13: Bug fixing

This past week, I just fixed some bugs in my files

1) screensaver links to the wrong document name (easy fix).

2) IntroPage: left & right navigation buttons are (much) slower than swiping fingers, I’ve tried playing with the values in the jquery-mobile.js file to make the transition faster, which it did make it faster, but the transition was still not seamless like when swipe the fingers. So  I just decided to get rid of the navigation buttons, and replace it with “Help” button to give user info on how to navigate the pages. Now it looks like this,



and when you click the Help button, the pop-up dialog looks like this,



Now I will work on writing a How-To document to give Tim information on how to change the content of my pages, for future reusability.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

End Results

In the final week of class I find myself going over what I’ve accomplished and learned from this class. I’ve learned how to read HTML 5, not necessarily code in it however. I’ve learned Javascript and how to manage a real life software development project as well as how to interact with others in an environment where there are multiple coders. And I’ve also been able to boost my troubleshooting abilities with programming.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This is it…

This semester went by so fast! It is crazy to see how our progress has made over the entire length of the semester from Day 1 to now. I know for my group the puzzle, we have made a lot of progress and learned a lot. Getting a better understanding in HTML5, JavaScript, & CSS has been very helpful. Especially how my job has me doing some work at times with theses languages which make it easier now to understanding the code. The last bit of work left to do is the powerpoint presentation for next’s week final block.

This class has been a fun and a learning experience with new tools that will help us all in our future careers in Computer Science. Working with the Worcester Art Museum was just like working for a company or in my case it felt like I was reporting to my boss. I think the class definitely gave everyone a feel of what the future will be like in our paths and how it will be to meet deadlines for future managers (Tim in our case) to see for approval. Communication is key and this class really got us into that aspect of working as part of a team to complete tasks compared to any other college class.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This is it…

This semester went by so fast! It is crazy to see how our progress has made over the entire length of the semester from Day 1 to now. I know for my group the puzzle, we have made a lot of progress and learned a lot. Getting a better understanding in HTML5, JavaScript, & CSS has been very helpful. Especially how my job has me doing some work at times with theses languages which make it easier now to understanding the code. The last bit of work left to do is the powerpoint presentation for next’s week final block.

This class has been a fun and a learning experience with new tools that will help us all in our future careers in Computer Science. Working with the Worcester Art Museum was just like working for a company or in my case it felt like I was reporting to my boss. I think the class definitely gave everyone a feel of what the future will be like in our paths and how it will be to meet deadlines for future managers (Tim in our case) to see for approval. Communication is key and this class really got us into that aspect of working as part of a team to complete tasks compared to any other college class.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 Blog – Final Stretch

Over the past few weeks, the ideaLab app for the Worcester Art Museum has received the majority of its finishing touches. A lot of the time has been spent communicating with Tim and his colleagues on the visual aspect of the app as a whole; where things are being placed and what colors and images to use. The core functionality of the project is there and ready, it’s just a matter of getting feedback from the higher powers over at WAM and applying the changes that they desire.

On the puzzle’s side of things, it’s much of the same story. We’ve had the finished idea for a few weeks now, but our group has been communicating back and forth with Tim pertaining to a few things. He sent us a layout of a cover page to be the first page one see’s when they visit the puzzle section. This was just a matter of converting these images to the right size and placing them correctly. There was also editing done to the actual page the puzzle is on; images for the buttons have recently been added and other formatting issues have been taken care of.

Overall, this has been an interesting semester. This class provided a fun, and sometimes frustrating challenge. What I really am taking out of it is more than the actual programming and development – I think the class as a whole gained valuable real world knowledge. The process of dealing with a client and working as a group are skills people in the field of computer science must grow accustom to using, and I think this class provided that.

From the blog ksabanty » cs-wsu by ksabanty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This is it

This post is for others as much as it is for me. I’m using it as a point where I left off today and continue over the next few days.

I’ll start off with the success. Pinch to zoom somewhat works BUT it is very buggy to say the least. If the kiosk is used to disable the pinch to zoom, it should completely disable it and be at the point it was (a usable state). The problem with zoom right now is that it is zooming in the entire web page, but it is only being used when the image is clicked. Other functionalities will be disabled in the zoom sequence. What needs to be altered here is making the background static so it does not move and only the image is zoomed in upon.

Onto the other issue. I’m still trying to work on it, but the carousel is still not swiping. I have it all ready for the code to be put in. The swipe setup  is ready and it is acknowledging the swipe at the right time (using alert() I can tell) it’s just implementing it in. It’s tedious to test. Each time I have to upload the changes to the test server and test through my iPad. It’s an issue with variables. It just needs to update what gallery image needs to be centered. Using and array like galleryImage[i + 10] for example is what needs to be done, but a little more involved.

I’m hoping I can get this running up to standard before the semester is over. I would hate to drop it onto someone else.


From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This is it

This post is for others as much as it is for me. I’m using it as a point where I left off today and continue over the next few days.

I’ll start off with the success. Pinch to zoom somewhat works BUT it is very buggy to say the least. If the kiosk is used to disable the pinch to zoom, it should completely disable it and be at the point it was (a usable state). The problem with zoom right now is that it is zooming in the entire web page, but it is only being used when the image is clicked. Other functionalities will be disabled in the zoom sequence. What needs to be altered here is making the background static so it does not move and only the image is zoomed in upon.

Onto the other issue. I’m still trying to work on it, but the carousel is still not swiping. I have it all ready for the code to be put in. The swipe setup  is ready and it is acknowledging the swipe at the right time (using alert() I can tell) it’s just implementing it in. It’s tedious to test. Each time I have to upload the changes to the test server and test through my iPad. It’s an issue with variables. It just needs to update what gallery image needs to be centered. Using and array like galleryImage[i + 10] for example is what needs to be done, but a little more involved.

I’m hoping I can get this running up to standard before the semester is over. I would hate to drop it onto someone else.


From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401 Learning and Progress Home Stretch

Well there is just one more class Session before the semester ends.  Unfortunately we still don’t have a fully working program.  There is a possibility that work will need to continue during the summer.  Some students who will still be around have volunteered to continue working on it.  I as well volunteered for this, although I wouldn’t be much help with the coding side (not having as much experience with it as others) I offered to continue testing and helping with any Kiosk Pro issues that come up.

The good news is that Most of the individual pieces are working well, problems left are minor and mostly just polishing.  Once everything is integrated it will need testing to make sure that process didn’t mess anything up.

On Monday the programmed was reviewed, even if in pieces by WAM, I helped to explain some of the program and each group talked and did a demo of their own part of it.  I took notes on all the changes that they wanted in case anyone needed a reminder later on.  Most of these changes were cosmetic in nature and not to difficult to do according to the teams.

So far as I can tell this week no changes have been made to the code on the server for any section.  So I was unable to do any testing.  I was able to put together a simple word document instructions for setting up the other iPads. This should make things easier for WAM and also help reset things properly if the settings are ever somehow changed or corrupted.

For Next week will do testing on Tuesday (the last day of classes before Final Exam week).  In my blog I will list any remaining problems I have found in my testing as well as any issues from WAM that have not been finished.  I will also send that list out by e-mail to the group so that if for whatever reason I am not assisting in the completion of the program, those that are will have the most up to date list of needed fixes.

From the blog murrayandrewt » cs-wsu by murrayandrewt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.